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Ref ID: 18944
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Jinsong, Shi
Title: The cultural landscape of the Chinese bronze age
Date: 2019
Source: Acta Archaeologica
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0390.2019.12202.x
Abstract: The Chinese Bronze Age culture from the 19th to the 1st century BC can be divided into four zones: the Central Plain in the middle and the lower Yellow River region; the Northern zone along the Great Wall; the Southern zone, south to the middle and the lower Yangzi River; the Southwestern zone covering the upper Yangzi River. In each zone, bronzes are not only different in types and styles but also function differently responding to the processes of the early state formation and social development. More precisely, in the first zone, there are mainly ritual bronzes, serving as symbols of the social and political hierarchy. In the second zone, there are mainly utilitarian items such as weapons, tools, bronzes of everyday use, ornaments, as well as horseā€chariot fittings. Bronze musical instruments characterise the third zone. And bronzes of the fourth zone are realistic or symbolic in style, depicting scenes of social life. Though having different cultural origins and characteristics, the four zones communicate with and influence each other continuously, creating a dynamic cultural landscape of the Chinese Bronze Age.
Volume: 90
Number: 1
Page Start: 81
Page End: 109