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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1925 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Contribution à l'étude de la préhistoire de l'Indochine V: nouvelles découvertes dans les cavernes du massif calcaire de Bac-Son (Tonkin) [Mansuy, 1925 #21820]
Book in a Series 1925 Andersson, J. G. Preliminary report on archaeological research in Kansu [Andersson, 1925 #21873]
Book in a Series 1926 Finot, Louis Temple d'Içvarapura (Bantāy Srěi, Cambodge) [Finot, 1926 #21652]
Book in a Series 1928 Epigraphia Birmanica, being lithic and other inscriptions of Burma [ 1928 #21648]
Book in a Series 1928 Cœdès, George Collections archéologiques du Musée national de Bangkok [Cœdès, 1928 #21651]
Book in a Series 1930 Aitken, Robert T. Ethnology of Tubuai Bayard Dominick Expedition (1920-1921) [Aitken, 1930 #21916]
Book in a Series 1931 Petit, Robert La monarchie annamite [Petit, 1931 #21805]
Book in a Series 1935 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van On the origin of the Malaysian mountain flora [Steenis, 1935 #21779]
Book in a Series 1935 Colani, Madeleine Les mégalithes du Haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran Ninh) [Colani, 1935 #21903]
Book in a Series 1936 Epigraphia Birmanica, being lithic and other inscriptions of Burma [ 1936 #21646]
Book in a Series 1936 Epigraphia Birmanica, being lithic and other inscriptions of Burma [ 1936 #21647]
Book in a Series 1936 Schaeffner, André Origine des instruments de musique: introduction ethnologique à l'histoire de la musique instrumentale [Schaeffner, 1936 #21850]
Book in a Series 1936 Gourou, Pierre Les paysans du Delta tonkinois [Gourou, 1936 #21902]
Book in a Series 1938 Porée, Guy Mœurs et coutumes des Khmèrs : origines, histoire, religions, croyances, rites et évolution [Porée, 1938 #21806]
Book in a Series 1938 Huard, Pierre. Etat actuel de la craniologie Indochinoise (craniométrie préhistorique et actuelle [Huard, 1938 #21886]
Book in a Series 1938 Brion, Marcel La résurrection des villes mortes [Brion, 1938 #21906]
Book in a Series 1939 Parmentier, Henri L'art khmèr classique. Moniments du quadrant nord-est. [Parmentier, 1939 #21665]
Book in a Series 1939 de Terra, Helmut Studies on the Ice Age in India and associated human cultures [de 1939 #22006]
Book in a Series 1941 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Early man in China [Teilhard 1941 #21839]
Book in a Series 1941 de Terra, Helmut Pleistocene formations and Stone Age man in China [de 1941 #21869]
Book in a Series 1941 Bishop, Carl Whiting Origin of the Far Eastern civilizations: a brief handbook [Bishop, 1941 #21909]
Book in a Series 1942 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Chinese fossil mammals [Teilhard 1942 #21808]
Book in a Series 1942 Auboyer, Jeannine Les arts de l'extrême-orient [Auboyer, 1942 #21915]
Book in a Series 1943 Lévy, Paul Recherches préhistoriques dans la région de Mlu Prei: accompagnées de comparaisons archéologiques et suivies d'un vocabulaire français-kuy [Lévy, 1943 #21724]
Book in a Series 1943 de Terra, Helmut Research on early man in Burma [de 1943 #21807]
Book in a Series 1943 Lévy, Paul Recherches préhistoriques dans la région de Mlu Prey [Lévy, 1943 #21988]
Book in a Series 1944 Pires, Tomé The Suma oriental of Tomé Pires [Pires, 1944 #21695]
Book in a Series 1945 Pelzer, Karl J. Pioneer settlement in the Asiatic tropics [Pelzer, 1945 #21984]
Book in a Series 1946 Speiser, Felix Versuch einer Siedlungsgeschichte der Südsee [Speiser, 1946 #21829]
Book in a Series 1947 Tate, George H. H. Mammals of eastern Asia [Tate, 1947 #21840]