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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1982 Huss-Ashmore, R. Nutritional inference from paleopathology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Huss-Ashmore, 1982 #26086]
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Dental enamel hypoplasias as indicators of nutritional status Advances in dental anthropology [Goodman, 1991 #24647]
Journal Article 1999 Wright, Lori E. Porotic hyperostosis and paleoepidemiology: a forensic perspective on anemia among the ancient Maya American Anthropologist [Wright, 1999 #34427]
Journal Article 1988 Goodman, Alan H. Childhood stress, cultural buffering, and decreased longevity in a prehistoric population American Anthropologist [Goodman, 1988 #34700]
Journal Article 1998 Hutchinson, Dale L. Regional variation in the pattern of maize adoption and use in Florida and Georgia American Antiquity [Hutchinson, 1998 #33734]
Journal Article 1993 Lambert, Joseph B. Health in prehistoric populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands American Antiquity [Lambert, 1993 #34620]
Journal Article 2007 Oxenham, M. F. Oral and physiological palaeohealth in cold adapted peoples: northeast Asia, Hokkaido American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Oxenham, 2007 #29592]
Journal Article 1993 Knüsel, Christopher J. On the biomechanical and osteoarthritic differences between hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Knüsel, 1993 #30114]
Journal Article 1976 McHenry, Henry M. The association between Harris lines and enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric California Indians American Journal of Physical Anthropology [McHenry, 1976 #30582]
Journal Article 1968 McHenry, Henry M. Transverse lines in long bones of prehistoric California Indians American Journal of Physical Anthropology [McHenry, 1968 #30590]
Journal Article 2004 Tayles, N. Leprosy and tuberculosis in Iron Age Southeast Asia? American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Tayles, 2004 #30597]
Journal Article 2003 Buckley, H. R. Skeletal pathology in a prehistoric Pacific island sample: issues in lesion recording, quantification, and interpretation American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Buckley, 2003 #31251]
Journal Article 1997 Pietrusewsky, Michael An assessment of health and disease in the prehistoric inhabitants of the Mariana Islands American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Pietrusewsky, 1997 #31700]
Journal Article 2001 Schultz, Michael Paleohistopathology of bone: a new approach to the study of ancient diseases American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schultz, 2001 #31916]
Journal Article 2000 Buckley, Hallie R. Subadult health and disease in prehistoric Tonga, Polynesia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Buckley, 2000 #32538]
Journal Article 1975 Zaino, Diane E. Cribra Orbitalia in the aborigines of Hawaii and Australia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Zaino, 1975 #33896]
Journal Article 1997 White, Christine D. Osteopenia and stable isotope ratios in bone collagen of Nubian female mummies American Journal of Physical Anthropology [White, 1997 #34440]
Journal Article 1996 Tayles, Nancy G. Anemia, genetic diseases, and malaria in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Tayles, 1996 #34477]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Journal Article 1997 Glen-Haduch, Elzbieta Cribra orbitalia and trace element content in human teeth from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age graves in southern Poland American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Glen-Haduch, 1997 #34703]
Journal Article 1994 Lovell, N. C. Spinal arthritis and physical stress at bronze age Harrapa American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lovell, 1994 #35397]
Journal Article 2002 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Diet and health changes at the end of the Chinese neolithic: The Yangshao/Longshan transition in Shaanxi province American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Pechenkina, 2002 #36026]
Journal Article 2001 Dixon, Ronald A. Modern and ancient scourges: the application of ancient DNA to the analysis of tuberculosis and leprosy from archaeologically derived human remains Ancient Biomolecules [Dixon, 2001 #32449]
Journal Article 2001 Taylor, G. M. Genetic analysis of tuberculosis in human remains Ancient Biomolecules [Taylor, 2001 #32452]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Douglas, Michele Toomay Biological consequences of sedentism: agricultural intensification in northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Douglas, 2007 #25685]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Domett, Kate Population health from the Bronze to the Iron Age in the Mun River Valley, northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Domett, 2007 #25686]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Diet and health in the Neolithic of the Wei and middle Yellow River basins, northern China Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Pechenkina, 2007 #25688]
Journal Article 1999 Danforth, Marie Elaine Nutrition and politics in prehistory Annual Review of Anthropology [Danforth, 1999 #32535]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael A preliminary assessment of health and disease in human skeletal remains from Shi San Hang: a prehistoric aboriginal site on Taiwan Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31257]
Journal Article 1994 Ishida, Hajime A human skeleton of the early phase of the Okhotsk culture unearthed at the Hamanaka-2 site, Rebun Island, Hokkaido Anthropological Science [Ishida, 1994 #31990]