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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Guedes, Jade d'Alpoim Lost foraging opportunities for East Asian hunter-gatherers due to rising sea level since the Last Glacial Maximum Geoarchaeology [Guedes, 2016 #27811]
Book Section 2014 Stargardt, Janice Irrigation in south Thailand as a coping strategy against climate change: past and present Environmental and climate change in South and Southeast Asia: how are local cultures coping? [Stargardt, 2014 #22608]
Journal Article 2013 Robbins Schug, G. Infection, disease, and biosocial process at the end of the Indus Civilization Public Library of Science One [Robbins 2013 #28147]
Journal Article 2008 Lape, Peter V. Fortification as a human response to late Holocene climate change in East Timor Archaeology in Oceania [Lape, 2008 #28183]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Xin Li, Reconstruction of an 8,000-year environmental history on pollen records from Lake Buyan, central Bali Water civilization: from Yangtze to Khmer civilizations [Xin 2013 #25466]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Yasuda, Yoshinori Climate deterioration and Angkor's demise Water civilization: from Yangtze to Khmer civilizations [Yasuda, 2013 #25469]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Yasuda, Yoshinori Decline of the Yangtze River Civilization Water civilization: from Yangtze to Khmer civilizations [Yasuda, 2013 #25476]
Journal Article 2013 Nunn, Patrick D. Na Koronivalu ni Bā: upland settlement during the last millennium in the Bā River Valley and Vatia Peninsula, northern Viti Levu Island, Fiji Asian Perspectives (2012) [Nunn, 2013 #28247]
Journal Article 2012 Cook, Charlotte G. Palaeoclimate dynamics in continental Southeast Asia over the last ~ 30,000 Cal yrs BP Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Cook, 2012 #28352]
Journal Article 2012 Wohlfarth, Barbara Holocene environmental changes in northeast Thailand as reconstructed from a tropical wetland Global and Planetary Change [Wohlfarth, 2012 #28351]
Journal Article 2010 Allen, Melinda S. Morphological variability and temporal patterning in Marquesan domestic architecture: Anaho Valley in regional context Asian Perspectives (2009) [Allen, 2010 #28457]
Journal Article 2012 Wang, Shuyun Palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in low-latitude southern China during the Last Glacial Maximum Quaternary International [Wang, 2012 #28456]
Journal Article 2003 Beaufort, L. Biomass burning and oceanic primary production estimates in the Sulu Sea area over the last 380 kyr and the East Asian monsoon dynamics Marine Geology [Beaufort, 2003 #28535]
Book Section 1983 Hastings, P. Chronology of the late quaternary climatic changes in Thailand Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Hastings, 1983 #23184]
Journal Article 2003 Zhao, Jian-xin Speleothem U-series dating of semi-synchronous climate oscillations during the last deglaciation Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Zhao, 2003 #28575]
Journal Article 2008 Zhou, Houyun Distinct climate change synchronous with Heinrich event one, recorded by stable oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions in stalagmites from China Quaternary Research [Zhou, 2008 #28574]
Journal Article 2001 Zhou, Weijian Climate changes in northern China since the late Pleistocene and its response to global change Quaternary International [Zhou, 2001 #28573]
Journal Article 2006 Liew, P. M. Holocene thermal optimal and climate variability of East Asian monsoon inferred from forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence, Taiwan Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Liew, 2006 #28588]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, Bernard Kevin Evidence for the Younger Dryas climatic event in Southeast Asia Quaternary Science Reviews [Maloney, 1995 #28587]
Journal Article 1992 Moore, A. M. T. The Pleistocene to Holocene transition and human economy in Southwest Asia: the impact of the Younger Dryas American Antiquity [Moore, 1992 #28585]
Journal Article 2005 Dykoski, Carolyn A. A high-resolution, absolute-dated Holocene and deglacial Asian monsoon record from Dongge Cave, China Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Dykoski, 2005 #28595]
Journal Article 2010 Chen, Fa-Hu Moisture changes over the last millennium in arid central Asia: a review, synthesis and comparison with monsoon region Quaternary Science Reviews [Chen, 2010 #28597]
Book Section 2002 Bar-Yosef, Ofer The role of the younger Dryas in the origin of agriculture in West Asia The origins of pottery and agriculture [Bar-Yosef, 2002 #23188]
Book Section 2002 Hassan, Fekri A. Holocene environmental change and the transition to agriculture in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa The origins of pottery and agriculture [Hassan, 2002 #23187]
Book Section 2002 Zolitschka, Bernd Late glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes and the origin of agriculture in central Europe The origins of pottery and agriculture [Zolitschka, 2002 #23186]
Journal Article 2008 Soares, Pedro Climate change and postglacial human dispersals in Southeast Asia Molecular Biology and Evolution [Soares, 2008 #28613]
Journal Article 2010 Buckley, Brendan M. Climate as a contributing factor in the demise of Angkor, Cambodia PNAS [Buckley, 2010 #28646]
Journal Article 2011 Cook, Charlotte G. New insights on Late Quaternary Asian palaeomonsoon variability and the timing of the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern China Quaternary Science Reviews [Cook, 2011 #28699]
Journal Article 2009 XiaoMei Wang Vegetation on the Sunda Shelf, South China Sea, during the Last Glacial Maximum Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [XiaoMei 2009 #28816]
Journal Article 2003 Maslin, Mark A. Balancing the deglacial global carbon budget: the hydrate factor Quaternary Science Reviews [Maslin, 2003 #28843]