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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1989 Cohen, Erik International politics and the transformation of folk crafts— the Hmong (Meo) of Thailand and Laos Journal of the Siam Society [Cohen, 1989 #27913]
Book 1989 Boyes, Jon A life apart: viewed from the hills [Boyes, 1989 #19901]
Book 1990 Chan, Anthony Hmong textile designs International Design Library [Chan, 1990 #19900]
Book 1990 Condominas, Georges From Lawa to Mon, from Saa' to Thai: historical and anthropological aspects of Southeast Asian social spaces Occasional Paper of the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University [Condominas, 1990 #19898]
Journal Article 2014 Whitney, Cory William Conservation and ethnobotanical knowledge of a Hmong community in Long Lan, Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic Ethnobotany Research and Applications [Whitney, 2014 #27921]
Book (Edited) 1992 Lewis, Judy Minority cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua', Lahu, Hmong, and Mien [Lewis, 1992 #21379]
Book (Edited) 1985 Johnson, Charles Dab Neeg Hmoob (Myths, legends and folk tales from the Hmong of Laos) [Johnson, 1985 #21378]
Journal Article 2010 Baird, Ian G. The Hmong come to Southern Laos: local responses and the creation of racialized boundaries Hmong Studies Journal [Baird, 2010 #28651]
Book (Edited) 2004 Tapp, Nicholas Hmong/Miao in Asia [Tapp, 2004 #21428]
Book 2001 Tapp, Nicholas The Hmong of China: context, agency and the imaginary [Tapp, 2001 #20090]
Book 2010 Lee, G. Y. Culture and customs of the Hmong [Lee, 2010 #20089]
Book 2004 Tapp, Nicholas The Hmong of Australia: culture and diaspora [Tapp, 2004 #20088]
Book Section 2000 Tapp, Nicholas Ritual relations and identity: Hmong and others Civility and Savagery [Tapp, 2000 #23258]
Book 1986 Tapp, Nicholas The Hmong of Thailand: opium people of the Golden Triangle [Tapp, 1986 #20100]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Culas, Christian Le nouveau marché hmong de Luang Prabang: étude de l'initiative économique locale et des réseaux des montagnards au Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Culas, 2008 #25650]
Manuscript 1952 Smalley, W. A. Report of the Second Conference on Problems in Meo Phonemic Structure [Smalley, 1952 #36080]
Manuscript 1953 Smalley, W. A. Third report on Meo: orthography and grammar [Smalley, 1953 #36079]
Book in a Series 1988 Smith, J. Christina The Hmong : an annotated bibliography, 1983-1987 [Smith, 1988 #21786]
Book 1968 Binney, George A. The social and economic organization of two White Meo communities in northern Thailand [Binney, 1968 #21089]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1961 Barney, George Linwood The Meo of Xieng Khouang Province [Barney, 1961 #22101]
Journal Article 1979 Grandstaff, Terry B. The Hmong, opium and the Haw: speculations on the origin of their association Journal of the Siam Society [Grandstaff, 1979 #34275]
Book Section 1978 Keen, F. G. B. Ecological relationships in a Hmong (Meo) economy Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Keen, 1978 #24955]
Book Section 1990 Tapp, Nicholas Squatters or refugees: development and the Hmong Ethnic groups across national boundaries in mainland Southeast Asia [Tapp, 1990 #25034]