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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Chevance, Jean-Baptiste Mahendraparvata: an early Angkor-period capital defined through airborne laser scanning at Phnom Kulen Antiquity [Chevance, 2019 #18897]
Journal Article 2019 Walker Vadillo, Veronica A historiography of Angkor's river network: shifting the research paradigm to Westerdahl's maritime cultural landscape SPAFA Journal [Walker 2019 #18901]
Journal Article 2019 Moffat, Ian Using ground penetrating radar to understand the failure of the Koh Ker Reservoir, Northern Cambodia Geoarchaeology [Moffat, 2019 #18910]
Journal Article 2019 Stark, Miriam Earthenware ceramic technologies of Angkor Borei, Cambodia Udaya: Journal of Khmer Studies [Stark, 2019 #18950]
Journal Article 2019 Zakharov, Anton O. State formation in the first millennium Southeast Asia: a reappraisal Social Evolution & History [Zakharov, 2019 #18954]
Journal Article 2019 Carter, Alison K. Temple occupation and the tempo of collapse at Angkor Wat, Cambodia PNAS [Carter, 2019 #18956]
Journal Article 2019 Fuller, Dorian Q. Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp. origins and domestication: the South and Southeast Asian archaeobotanical evidence Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution [Fuller, 2019 #18957]
Journal Article 2019 Polkinghorne, Martin Consumption and exchange in Early Modern Cambodia: NAA of brown-glaze stoneware from Longvek, 15th–17th centuries PLoS One [Polkinghorne, 2019 #18958]
Journal Article 2019 Grave, Peter The Southeast Asian water frontier: coastal trade and mid-fifteenth c. CE "hill tribe" burials, southeastern Cambodia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Grave, 2019 #18960]
Book Section 2019 Stark, Miriam T. Universal rule and precarious empire: power and fragility in the Angkorian state The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms [Stark, 2019 #18965]
Journal Article 2019 Hendrickson, Mitch Forging empire: Angkorian iron smelting, community and ritual practice at Tonle Bak Antiquity [Hendrickson, 2019 #19010]
Journal Article 2020 Hendrickson, Mitch Sparks and needles: Seeking catalysts of state expansions, a case study of technological interaction at Angkor, Cambodia (9th to 13th centuries CE) Journal of Anthropological Anthropology [Hendrickson, 2020 #19019]
Journal Article 2020 Hall, Tegan Tracing the networks of past societies in palaeoenvironmental research Journal of Economic and Social Geography [Hall, 2020 #19054]
Journal Article 2020 Shewan, L. G. Baseline bioavailable strontium isotope values for the investigation of residential mobility and resource-acquisitions strategies in prehistoric Cambodia Archaeometry [Shewan, 2020 #19609]
Journal Article 2020 Shewan, Louise Resource utilisation and regional interaction in protohistoric Cambodia - the evidence from Angkor Borei Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Shewan, 2020 #19616]
Journal Article 2020 Klassen, Sarah Top-down and bottom-up water management: a diachronic model of changing water management strategies at Angkor, Cambodia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Klassen, 2020 #19619]
Journal Article 2020 O'Reilly, Dougald Revisiting Prei Khmeng: the excavation of an Iron Age settlement and cemetery in Cambodia Asian Perspectives [O'Reilly, 2020 #19621]
BAR Book 2002 Dega, Michael F. Prehistoric circular earthworks of Cambodia [Dega, 2002 #19640]
BAR Section 1990 Jacques, Claude New data on the VII-VIIIth centuries in the Khmer land Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Jacques, 1990 #19701]
Book 2018 Bruguier, Bruno De Thala Borivat à Srei Santhor: le bassin du Mékong Guide archéologique du Cambodge [Bruguier, 2018 #19735]
Book 1927 Marchal, Sappho Costumes et parures Khmèrs d'après les devatâ d'Angkor-Vat [Marchal, 1927 #19750]
Book 1908 Carpeaux, Charles Ruines d'Angkor, de Duong-Duong et de My-Son, Cambodge et Annam [Carpeaux, 1908 #19763]
Book 1932 Marchal, Henri Archeological guide to Angkor, Angkor-Vat, Angkor-Thom and the monuments along the small and big circuits [Marchal, 1932 #19766]
Book 1896 Tissandier, Albert Cambodge et Java: ruines khmères et javanaises, 1893-1894 [Tissandier, 1896 #19768]
Book 1864 Mouhot, Henri Travels in the central parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos : during the years 1858, 1859, and 1860 [Mouhot, 1864 #19769]
Book 1907 Marchal, Henri Sculptures Khmères [Marchal, 1907 #19770]
Book 1902 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Stations préhistoriques de Somron-Seng et de Longprai (Cambodge) [Mansuy, 1902 #19771]
Book 1916 Grosslier, George A l'ombre d'Angkor: notes et impressions sur les temples inconnus de l'ancien Cambodge [Grosslier, 1916 #19772]
Book 1885 Barthe, M. A. Inscriptions sanscrites du Cambodge [Barthe, 1885 #19775]
Book 1882 Bergaigne, Abel Les inscriptions sanscrites du Cambodge: examen sommaire d'un envoi de M. Aymonier [Bergaigne, 1882 #19776]