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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis-PhD 1989 Leth, Anna Lindebo En analyse af Ban Kao kulturens bopladskeramik på basis af materiale fra Bang og Lüe pladserne med en vurdering af keramikkens relationer til samtidige kulturer i Sydøstasien i almindelighed og Thailand i særdeleshed [Leth, 1989 #36490]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Kotani, Yoshinobu Economic bases during the later Jomon periods in Kyushu, Japan: a reconsideration. [Kotani, 1972 #36491]
Thesis-PhD 2008 Chang, Kuang-Jen Social use and value of trade ceramics: an analysis of mortuary practices in Calatagan, southwest Luzon, the Philippines [Chang, 2008 #36492]
Thesis-PhD 1977 Kennedy, Jean Isabel A course toward diversity: economic interaction and cultural differentiation in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia [Kennedy, 1977 #36493]
Thesis-PhD 1980 Holmgren, J. Chinese colonisation of Northern Vietnam: administrative geography and political development in the Tongking Delta, first to sixth centuries A.D. [Holmgren, 1980 #36494]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Glover, I. Excavations in Timor: a study of economic change and cultural continuity in prehistory [Glover, 1972 #36495]
Thesis-PhD 2007 Rizvi, Uzma Z. Configuring the space in between: redefining the Ganeshwar Jodhpura cultural complex in northeastern Rajasthan, India [Rizvi, 2007 #36496]
Thesis-PhD 1977 Feldman, J. A. The architecture of Nias, Indonesia with special reference to Bawomataluo village [Feldman, 1977 #36497]
Thesis-PhD 1987 Errington, E. The Western discovery of the art of Gandhara and finds of Jamalgastu [Errington, 1987 #36498]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Glumac, Petar D. The advent of metallurgy in prehistoric southeast Europe [Glumac, 1991 #36499]
Thesis-PhD 1993 Epstein, Stephen M. Cultural choice and technological consequences: constraint of innovation in the late prehistoric copper smelting industry of Cerro Huaringa, Peru [Epstein, 1993 #36500]
Thesis-PhD 1977 Dewar, R. E. Archaeology as ecological anthropology in central Taiwan [Dewar, 1977 #36501]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Davison, C. C. Glass beads in African archaeology: results of neutron activation analysis, supplemented by results of X-ray fluorescence analysis [Davison, 1972 #36502]
Thesis-PhD D'Andrea, Catherine A. Palaeoethnobotany of Later Jomon and Early Yayoi cultures in northeastern Japan: northeastern Aomori and southwestern Hokkaido [D'Andrea, #36503]
Thesis-PhD 1994 Coningham, R. A. E. Urban texts: an interpretation of the architectural, textual and artefactual records of an early historic city [Coningham, 1994 #36504]
Thesis-PhD 1934 Cockrell, R. A. An anatomical structure of eighty Sumatran woods [Cockrell, 1934 #36505]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Bellina, Bérénice Témoignages archéologiques d'échanges entre l'Inde et l'Asie du Sud-Est: morphologie, morphométrie et techniques de fabrication des perles en agate et en cornaline (VIe siècle avant notre ère-VIe siècle de notre ère) [Bellina, 2002 #36506]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Basa, K. K. The westerly trade of Southeast Asia from c. 400 BC to c. AD 500 with special reference to glass beads [Basa, 1991 #36507]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Ardika, I. W. Archaeological research in northeastern Bali, Indonesia [Ardika, 1991 #36508]
Thesis-PhD 1991 White, Christine Diana Isotopic analysis of multiple human tissues from three ancient Nubian populations [White, 1991 #36509]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Wescott, Daniel Jay Structural variation in the humerus and femur in the American Great Plains and adjacent regions: differences in subsistence strategy and physical terrain [Wescott, 2001 #36510]
Thesis-PhD 2005 Weinand, Daniel Charles A reevaluation of the paleoenvironmental reconstructions associated with Homo erectus from Java, Indonesia [Weinand, 2005 #36511]
Thesis-PhD 1990 Underhill, Anne Penfield Changing patterns of pottery production during the Longshan Period of northern China, ca 2500-2000 B.C [Underhill, 1990 #36512]
Thesis-PhD 2003 Thianthai, Chulanee Cosmopolitan food beliefs and changing eating habits in Bangkok (Thailand) [Thianthai, 2003 #36513]
Thesis-PhD 1983 Suchitta, Pornchai The history and development of iron smelting technology in Thailand [Suchitta, 1983 #36514]
Thesis-PhD 2005 Smith, Barbara Li Diet, health, and lifestyle in Neolithic North China [Smith, 2005 #36515]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Silvestre, Ramon Eriberto Jader The ethnoarchaeology of Kalinga basketry: When men weave baskets and women make pots [Silvestre, 2000 #36516]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Rogers, Nikki L. The affinity of South Carolina's 'Gullah' African Americans: Biological tests of cultural and historical hypotheses [Rogers, 2000 #36517]
Thesis-PhD 1982 Pope, Geoffrey Grant Hominid evolution in East and Southeast Asia [Pope, 1982 #36518]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Norr, Lynette Caryl Nutritional consequences of prehistoric subsistence strategies in lower Central America [Norr, 1991 #36519]