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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2013 Urban, Patricia Monumentality, Territoriality, and Networks during the Middle Preclassic in Northwest Honduras Territoriality in Archaeology [Urban, 2013 #18933]
Journal Article 2019 Jinsong, Shi The cultural landscape of the Chinese bronze age Acta Archaeologica [Jinsong, 2019 #18944]
Book 1994 Wason, Paul K. The Archaeology of Rank [Wason, 1994 #18973]
Journal Article 2004 Stanish, Charles Power, Fairness, and Architecture: Modeling early Chiefdom Development in the Central Andes Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Stanish, 2004 #19041]
Journal Article 2020 Hall, Tegan Tracing the networks of past societies in palaeoenvironmental research Journal of Economic and Social Geography [Hall, 2020 #19054]
BAR Section 1989 Richards, J. D. Computers and burial archaeology Burial Archaeology [Richards, 1989 #19689]
Book 1931 Wales, Quaritch H. G. Siamese state ceremonies: their history and function [Wales, 1931 #19767]
Book 1935 Dumarest, André La formation de classes sociales en pays annamite [Dumarest, 1935 #19820]
Book 1962 Dewey, Alice G. Peasant marketing in Java Series on Contemporary Javanese Life [Dewey, 1962 #19824]
Book 1964 Vergouwen, J. C. The social organisation and customary law of the Toba-Batak of Northern Sumatra Translation series / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Vergouwen, 1964 #19853]
Book 1959 Djamour, Judith Malay kinship and marriage in Singapore Monographs on Social Anthropology [Djamour, 1959 #19864]
Book 1986 Nordholt, Henk Schulte Bali: colonial conceptions and political change, 1700-1940: from shifting hierarchies to "fixed order" CASP [Nordholt, 1986 #19883]
Book 1991 Forth, Gregory L. Space and place in Eastern Indonesia Occasional Paper (University of Kent at Canterbury. Centre of South-East Asian Studies) [Forth, 1991 #19889]
Book 1990 Condominas, Georges From Lawa to Mon, from Saa' to Thai: historical and anthropological aspects of Southeast Asian social spaces Occasional Paper of the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University [Condominas, 1990 #19898]
Book 2001 Just, Peter Dou Donggo justice: conflict and morality in an Indonesia society [Just, 2001 #19905]
Book 1997 Harmand, François-Jules Laos and the hilltribes of Indochina: journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hué through Laos, and to the origins of the Thai [Harmand, 1997 #19906]
Book 1997 Heitzman, James Gifts of power: lordship in an early Indian state [Heitzman, 1997 #19919]
Book 1990 Koenig, William J. The Burmese polity, 1752-1819: politics, administration, and social organization in the early Kon-baung period Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia [Koenig, 1990 #19956]
Book 1992 Kemp, Jeremy Hua Kok: social organization in north-central Thailand CSAC Monographs [Kemp, 1992 #19968]
Book 1994 Gunasekera, Tamara Hierarchy and egalitarianism: caste, class, and power in Sinhalese peasant society Monographs on Social Anthropology [Gunasekera, 1994 #19969]
Book 2009 Scott, James C. The art of not being governed: an anarchist history of Upland Southeast Asia Yale Agrarian Studies [Scott, 2009 #20000]
Book 2009 Werner, Jayne Susan Gender, household and state in post-revolutionary Vietnam ASAA women in Asia [Werner, 2009 #20052]
Book 1969 La Loubère, Simon de The Kingdom of Siam Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints [La 1969 #20072]
Book 1998 Vickery, Michael Society, economics, and politics in pre-Angkor Cambodia: the 7th and 8th centuries [Vickery, 1998 #20127]
Book 1974 Trautmann, Thomas R. Kinship and history in South Asia [Trautmann, 1974 #20138]
Book 1958 Sharma, Ram Sharan Sudras in ancient India: a survey of the position of the lower orders down to circa A.D. 500 [Sharma, 1958 #20181]
Book 1982 Morris, Brian Forest traders : a socio-economic study of the Hill Pandaram [Morris, 1982 #20362]
Book 1988 Tainter, Joseph A. The collapse of complex societies [Tainter, 1988 #20434]
Book 1979 Lee, Richard B. The !Kung San: men, women, and work in a foraging society [Lee, 1979 #20445]
Book 1999 Stein, Gil J. Rethinking world-systems: diasporas, colonies, and interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia [Stein, 1999 #20490]