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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1992 Cremaschi, Mauro Paleoenvironment and late prehistoric sites in the Lopburi region of central Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Cremaschi, 1992 #24942]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Ciarla, Roberto Verso una definizione dei processi di formazione di depositi archeologici in ambiente monsonico: alcune osservazione preliminari Processi formativi della stratificazione archeologica (Formation processes and excavation methods in Archaeology: perspectives) [Ciarla, 1992 #26003]
Journal Article 2017 Shahack-Gross, Ruth Arhcaeological formation theory and geoarchaeology: state-of-the-art in 2016 Journal of Archaeological Science [Shahack-Gross, 2017 #26835]
Journal Article 2017 Morley, Mike W. Initial micromorphological results from Liang Bua, Flores (Indonesia): site formation processes and hominin activities at the type locality of <i> Homo floresiensis </i> Journal of Archaeological Science [Morley, 2017 #26907]
Journal Article 2006 Beck, Margaret E. Midden ceramic assemblage formation: a case study from Kalinga, Philippines American Antiquity [Beck, 2006 #30340]
Journal Article 2005 Gilbertson, David Past human activity and geomorphological change in a guano-rich tropical cave mouth: intial interpretations of the late Quaternary succession in the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak Asian Perspectives (2005) [Gilbertson, 2005 #30567]
Journal Article 1998 Leavesly, Matthew Dates, disturbance and artefact distributions: another analysis of Buang Merabak, a Pleistocene site on New Ireland, Papua New Guinea Archaeology in Oceania [Leavesly, 1998 #32356]
Journal Article 1994 Gosden, Chris Lolmo Cave: a mid- to late Holocene site, the Arawe Islands, west New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1994) [Gosden, 1994 #32890]
Journal Article 1991 Somers, Gary F. The effects of rapid geological change on archaeology in Hawai'i Asian Perspectives (1991) [Somers, 1991 #32952]
Journal Article 1989 Koike, Hiroko Measurement of soil hardness of floor surface for a reconstruction of activity patterns in a prehistoric dwelling Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Koike, 1989 #33012]
Journal Article 1999 Grave, Peter Assessing bioturbation in archaeological sediments using soil morphology and phytolith analysis Journal of Archaeological Science [Grave, 1999 #35373]
Journal Article 1999 Engelhardt, Richard A. The ethnoarchaeology of Southeast Asian coastal sites: a model for the deposition and recovery of archaeological material Journal of the Siam Society [Engelhardt, 1999 #35475]
Journal Article September 2022 Grono, Elle The identification of dwellings and site formation processes at archaeological settlements in the tropics: A micro-geoarchaeological case study from neolithic Loc Giang, southern Vietnam Quaternary Science Reviews [Grono, September 2022 #37062]
Journal Article January 2022 Leadbetter, Michael Paul The fluid city, urbanism as process World Archaeology [Leadbetter, January 2022 #37076]
Journal Article 2022 McAdams, Conor Late Pleistocene shell midden microstratigraphy indicates a complex history of human–environment interactions in the uplands of northern Vietnam Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [McAdams, 2022 #37081]
Journal Article 2022 Grono, Elle Site formation processes of outdoor spaces in tropical environments: A micro-geoarchaeological case study from backyard Lo Gach, southern Vietnam Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Grono, 2022 #37282]