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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2013 Sugandhi, Namita Conquests of Dharma: Network Models and the Study of Ancient Polities Territoriality in Archaeology [Sugandhi, 2013 #18938]
Journal Article 2004 Rick, John W. The Evolution of Authority and Power at Chavín de Huántar, Peru Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Rick, 2004 #19042]
Book (Edited) 2018 Perret, Daniel Writing for Eternity: A survey of epigraphy in Southeast Asia [Perret, 2018 #19049]
Journal Article 2020 Zhang, Xiaoming A matrilineal genetic perspective of Hanging Coffin custom in southern China and northern Thailand iScience [Zhang, 2020 #19614]
Book 2006 Heywood, Denise Ancient Luang Prabang [Heywood, 2006 #19723]
Book 2018 Ray, Himanshu Prabha Archaeology and Buddhism in South Asia [Ray, 2018 #19741]
Book 1895 Leclère, Adhémard Cambodge: contes et lègendes [Leclère, 1895 #19778]
Book 1989 Durrenberger, E. Paul Lisu religion Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Occasional Papers [Durrenberger, 1989 #19819]
Book 1991 Corfield, Justin J. Religion in West Malaysia and Singapore: a bibliography Bibliography and Literature Series [Corfield, 1991 #19890]
Book 1985 Hefner, Robert W. Hindu Javanese: Tengger tradition and Islam [Hefner, 1985 #19893]
Book 1990 Eiseman, Fred B. Bali, sekala and niskala [Eiseman, 1990 #19895]
Book 2010 Swearer, Donald K. The Buddhist world of Southeast Asia SUNY Series in Religious Studies [Swearer, 2010 #19916]
Book 1996 Holt, John Clifford The religious world of Kirti Sri: Buddhism, art, and politics in late medieval Sri Lanka [Holt, 1996 #19918]
Book 2002 de Silva, Rajendra Henapala Sigiriya and its significance: a Mahayana-Theravada Buddhist monastery [de 2002 #19930]
Book 1983 Wales, H. G. Quaritch Divination in Thailand: the hopes and fears of a Southeast Asian people [Wales, 1983 #19935]
Book 1991 Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta Textiles in Bali [Hauser-Schäublin, 1991 #19941]
Book 1992 Forest, Alain Le culte des génies protecteurs au Cambodge: analyse et traduction d'un corpus de textes sur les neak ta Recherches asiatiques [Forest, 1992 #19959]
Book 1993 Taylor, Jim L. Forest monks and the nation-state: an anthropological and historical study in northeastern Thailand [Taylor, 1993 #19966]
Book 1898 Pavie, Auguste Recherches sur l'histoire du Cambodge, du Laos et du Siam Mission Pavie Indo-Chine 1879-1895: études diverses [Pavie, 1898 #20017]
Book 1898 Pavie, Auguste Recherches sur la littérature du Cambodge, du Laos et du Siam Mission Pavie Indo-Chine 1879-1895: études diverses [Pavie, 1898 #20018]
Book 2010 Atsawawirunhakan, Praphot The ascendancy of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia [Atsawawirunhakan, 2010 #20051]
Book 2011 Fjelstad, Karen Spirits without borders: Vietnamese spirit mediums in a transnational age [Fjelstad, 2011 #20061]
Book 2005 Bouté, Vanina En miroir du pouvoir. Les Phounoy du nord Laos: ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Bouté, 2005 #20085]
Book 2004 Tapp, Nicholas The Hmong of Australia: culture and diaspora [Tapp, 2004 #20088]
Book 2010 Lee, G. Y. Culture and customs of the Hmong [Lee, 2010 #20089]
Book 1986 Tapp, Nicholas The Hmong of Thailand: opium people of the Golden Triangle [Tapp, 1986 #20100]
Book 2000 Morris, Rosalind C. In the place of origins: modernity and its mediums in northern Thailand [Morris, 2000 #20104]
Book 2011 McDaniel, Justin Thomas The lovelorn ghost and the magical monk: practicing Buddhism in modern Thailand [McDaniel, 2011 #20107]
Book 1987 Zhou, Daguan The customs of Cambodia [Zhou, 1987 #20113]
Book 1986 Terrell, John Prehistory in the Pacific Islands: a study of variation in language, customs, and human biology [Terrell, 1986 #20149]