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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1967 Jacob, Teuku Some problems pertaining to the racial history of the Indonesian region [Jacob, 1967 #21055]
Book 1948 Brodrick, Alan Houghton Early man: a survey of human origins [Brodrick, 1948 #21078]
Book 1978 Bellwood, Peter S. Man's conquest of the Pacific: the prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania [Bellwood, 1978 #21100]
Book 1919 Baudesson, Henry Indo-China and its primitive people [Baudesson, 1919 #21102]
Book 1980 Houghton, Philip The first New Zealanders [Houghton, 1980 #21209]
Book (Edited) 1980 Fox, James J. Indonesia: the making of a culture [Fox, 1980 #21535]
Book (Edited) 1992 Galipaud, Jean-Christophe Poterie lapita et peuplement [Galipaud, 1992 #21540]
Book Section 2017 Matsumura, Hirofumi Mid-holocene hunter-gatherers 'Gaomiao' in Hunan, China: the first of the two-layer model in the population history of East/Southeast Asia New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory [Matsumura, 2017 #22329]
Book Section 2015 Hirofumi Matsumura, Hoabinhians Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Hirofumi 2015 #22616]
Book Section 2015 Ryosuke Kimura Human migrations and adaptations in Asia inferred from genome diversity Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Ryosuke 2015 #22617]
Book Section 2013 Pietrusewsky, M. Biological connections across the Sea of Japan: a multivariate comparison of ancient and more modern crania from Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asia Bioarchaeology of East Asia: movement, contact, health [Pietrusewsky, 2013 #22701]
Book Section 2012 Kennerknecht, Ingo The peopling of Nias, from the perspective of oral literature and molecular genetic data Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kennerknecht, 2012 #22837]
Book Section 1999 Valentin, Frédérique Sur le peuplement mélanésien de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: quelques aspects anthropologiques Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Valentin, 1999 #23997]
Book Section 1999 Dijk, Nicola van Who are these people? Human skeletal remains from the Pacific region Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Dijk, 1999 #24003]
Book Section 1998 Wu, X. Continuity or replacement: Viewed from the source of certain features of modern humans in China The origins and past of modern humans: towards reconciliation [Wu, 1998 #24091]
Book Section 2000 Bellwood, Peter Footsteps from Asia: The peopling of the Pacific The Pacific Islands: an encyclopedia [Bellwood, 2000 #24119]
Book Section 2003 Spriggs, Matthew Vestiges of early pre-agricultural economy in the landscape of East Timor: recent research Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Spriggs, 2003 #24348]
Book Section 2001 Morwood, M. J. Early hominid occupation of Flores, east Indonesia, and its wider significance Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Morwood, 2001 #24357]
Book Section 2001 Davidson, Iain The requirements for human colonisation of Australia Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Davidson, 2001 #24358]
Book Section 2001 Smith, J. M. B. Did early hominids cross sea gaps on natural rafts? Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Smith, 2001 #24359]
Book Section 1992 Bird, J. Roger Obsidian characteristics and the peopling of the Pacific La pierre préhistorique: actes du séminaire du Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France, 13 et 14 décembre 1990 [Bird, 1992 #24515]
Book Section 2000 Matsumura, Hirofumi Reconstructing human population history of Southeast Asia from cranial and dental characteristics perspective Proceedings of the First and Second Symposia on Collection Building and Natural History Studies in Asia [Matsumura, 2000 #24549]
Book Section 1983 Howells, W. W. Origins of the Chinese people: interpretations of the recent evidence The origins of Chinese civilization [Howells, 1983 #24836]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Bellwood, Peter The Austronesian dispersal and the origin of language families People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [Bellwood, 1993 #25890]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Demeter, Fabrice New perspectives on the peopling of Southeast and East Asia during the late upper Pleistocene Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Demeter, 2006 #25930]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bing Su, Origins and prehistoric migrations of modern humans in east Asia Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Bing 2001 #25996]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Jiayou Chu, Chinese human genome diversity project: a synopsis Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Jiayou 2001 #25997]
Book Section in a Series 2002 van Dijk, Nicola Asia and the peopling of Polynesia: understanding sequential migration Bridging Wallace's Line: the environmental and cultural history and dynamics of the SE-Asian-Australian region [van 2002 #26015]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Turner, Christy G., II Sundadonty and Sinodonty in Japan: the dental basis for a dual origin hypothesis for the peopling of the Japanese islands International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Turner, 1992 #26185]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Sinoto, Yosihiko H. A brief overview of current knowledge on the eastward expansion of early populations in Oceania as it pertains to problems of East Polynesian settlement (with notes on the possible influence of Jomon culture in Oceania) International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Sinoto, 1992 #26188]