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Ref ID: 26185
Ref Type: Book Section in a Series
Authors: Turner, Christy G., II
Title: Sundadonty and Sinodonty in Japan: the dental basis for a dual origin hypothesis for the peopling of the Japanese islands
Date: 1992
Source: International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan
Place of Publication: Kyoto
Publisher: International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Abstract: works with 29 crown and root traits. p.98 "the eight most distinctive trait frequency differences between Sundadonty and Sinodonty involve incisor shoveling, double-shoveling, molar enamel externsions, upper third molar reduction deflecting wrinkles, and 3-rooted lower first molars, each of which is less common in Southeast Asia, while four-cusped lower second molars and two rooted upper first premolars are more common in Southeast Asians... there is no prehistoric clinal variation across Eurasia, the specialized Sinodont pattern had to have evolved out of the more generalized Sundadont pattern"
Date Created: 4/6/2001
Editors: Hanihara, Kazuro
Number: 4
Page Start: 97
Page End: 112
Series Title: International Research Symposium