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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2002 Kuhn, Steven L. Introduction: Thinking Small Globally Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Kuhn, 2002 #19024]
Journal Article 2002 Ambrose, Stanley H. Small Things Remembered: Origins of Early Microlithic Industries in Sub-Saharan Africa Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Ambrose, 2002 #19025]
Journal Article 2002 Close, Angela E. Backed Bladelets Are a Foreign Country Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Close, 2002 #19026]
Journal Article 2002 Belfer-Cohen, Anna Why Microliths? Microlithization in the Levant Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Belfer-Cohen, 2002 #19028]
Journal Article 2002 Straus, Lawrence Guy Selecting Small: Microlithic Musings for the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Western Europe Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Straus, 2002 #19029]
Journal Article 2002 Bleed, Peter Cheap, Regular, and Reliable: Implications of Design Variation in Late Pleistocene Japanese Microblade Technology Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Bleed, 2002 #19031]
Journal Article 2002 Elston, Robert G. Microlithic Technology in Northern Asia: A Risk-Minimizing Strategy of the Late Paleolithic and Early Holocene Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Elston, 2002 #19032]
Journal Article 2002 Goebel, Ted The "Microblade Adaptation"and Recolonization of Siberia during the Late Upper Pleistocene Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Goebel, 2002 #19033]
Journal Article Yesner, David R. Microblades and Migrations: Ethnic and Economic Models in the Peopling of the Americas Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Yesner, #19034]
Journal Article 2002 Hiscock, Peter Pattern and Context in the Holocene Proliferation of Backed Artifacts in Australia Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Hiscock, 2002 #19035]
Journal Article 2020 Xie, Guangmao The Late Paleolithic industries of southern China (Lingnan region) Quaternary International [Xie, 2020 #19051]
Book 2000 Frape, Christopher J. Burnished beauty: the art of stone in early Southeast Asia [Frape, 2000 #20012]
Book 1964 Semenov, S. A. Prehistoric technology : an experimental study of the oldest tools and artefacts from traces of manufacture and wear [Semenov, 1964 #20194]
Book 2007 Forrestier, Hubert Ribuan Gunung, Ribuan Alat Batu: Prasejarah Song Keplek, Gunung Sew, Jawa Timur [Forrestier, 2007 #20528]
Book in a Series 1989 Henry, Donald O. Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Henry, 1989 #21637]
Book in a Series 1920 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Contributions à l'étude de la préhistoire de l'Indochine I: l'industrie de la pièrre et du bronze dans la region de Luang Prabang, Haut-Laos [Mansuy, 1920 #21821]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Peterkin, Gail Larsen Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Peterkin, 1993 #22021]
Book Section 2005 Andrewfsky, William, Jr. Lithic Studies Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Andrewfsky, 2005 #22185]
Book Section 2015 Parth R. Chauhan, Genes, stone tools, and modern human dispersals in the center of the Old World Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Parth 2015 #22546]
Book Section 1990 Ciarla, R. Fragments of stone vessels as a base material. Two case studies: Failaka and Shahr-i Sokhta South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Ciarla, 1990 #23272]
Book Section 1990 Inizan, M.-L. A techno-economic approach to lithics: some examples of blade pressure debitage in the Indo-Pakistani Subcontinent South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Inizan, 1990 #23293]
Book Section 2008 Forestier, Hubert The Hoabinhian site of Huai Hin (northern Thailand) From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Forestier, 2008 #23693]
Book Section 1985 Hallam, S. Microlithic industries in Western Australia: some aspects Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978 [Hallam, 1985 #23781]
Book Section 1999 Forestier, Hubert Concept and method in lithic production during Lapita period in New Caledonia: a technological analysis Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Forestier, 1999 #23991]
Book Section 1999 Sémah, Anne-Marie La vallée de la Koumac (Nouvelle-Calédonie): fouille du site NKM004 Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Sémah, 1999 #23996]
Book Section 1992 Bartstra, G. J. Pacitan and Sangiran, and Java Man's tools Man and his culture: a resurgence [Bartstra, 1992 #24028]
Book Section 2006 Saidin, Mokhtar Bukit Bunuh, Lenggong, Malaysia: new evidence of late Pleistocene culture in Malaysia and Southeast Asia Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Saidin, 2006 #24066]
Book Section 1904 Massie, M. Catalogue des objets des âges de la pierre et du bronze recueillis dans la région de Luang-Prabang Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale [Massie, 1904 #24313]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Sackett, James R. Statistics, Attributes, and the Dynamics of Burin Typology Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Sackett, 1989 #25214]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Close, Angela E. Identifying Style in Stone Artefacts: a Case Study from the Nile Valley Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Close, 1989 #25216]