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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2022 Pryce, T.O. A late 2nd/early 1st millennium BC interaction arc between Mainland Southeast Asia and Southwest China: Archaeometallurgical data from Hebosuo and Shangxihe, Yunnan Journal of Archaeological Science [Pryce, 2022 #37007]
Book Section 2003 Lefferts, Leedom A preliminary cultural geography of contemporary village-based earthenware production in mainland Southeast Asia Earthenware in Southeast Asia: proceedings of the Singapore Symposium on Premodern Southeast Asian Earthenwares [Lefferts, 2003 #22782]
Report 1999 Narasaki Shoichi, A regional survey of present-day earthenware and stoneware production in mainland Southeast Asia Research Report No. 8 [Narasaki 1999 #36175]
Journal Article 1969 Matthews, John M. A review of the 'Hoabinhian' in Indo-China Asian Perspectives (1966) [Matthews, 1969 #29288]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Allison, Jane P. A tale of two Khmer bronzecasting families, the Chhem and the Khat: how traditional bronzemaking revived in the area around Phnom Penh after the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979), and the expansion and modernization of that tradition in the 1990s: a preliminary report EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Allison, 2020 #36734]
Journal Article 2010 Jonsson, Hjorleifur Above and beyond: Zomia and the ethnographic challenge of/for regional history History and Anthropology [Jonsson, 2010 #28663]
Book Section 1990 Lilley, Rozanna Afterword: "ethnicity" and anthropology Ethnic groups across national boundaries in mainland Southeast Asia [Lilley, 1990 #25033]
Thesis 2003 Theunissen, Robert George Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia Archaeology and Paleoanthropology [Theunissen, 2003 #36390]
Journal Article 1984 Bayard, Donn T. Agriculture, metallurgy, and state formation in mainland Southeast Asia Current Anthropology [Bayard, 1984 #35800]
Journal Article 2000 Lefferts, Leedom An approach to the study of contemporary earthenware technology in mainland Southeast Asia Journal of the Siam Society [Lefferts, 2000 #28315]
Book Section 2015 Reinecke, Andreas Ancient gold and silver jewlry and the beginnings of gold working in mainland Southeast Asia Gold in Southeast Asia [Reinecke, 2015 #22420]
Book 1951 Janse, Olov Robert Thure Archaeological research in Indo-China [Janse, 1951 #20486]
Book 1947 Janse, Olov Robert Thure Archaeological research in Indo-China [Janse, 1947 #20487]
Journal Article 1951 Seidenfaden, Erik Archaeological research in Indo-China: a review Antiquity [Seidenfaden, 1951 #35161]
Journal Article 2005 Enfield, N. J. Areal linguistics and mainland Southeast Asia Annual Review of Anthropology [Enfield, 2005 #28628]
Journal Article 2008 Marwick, Ben Beyond typologies: the reduction thesis and its implications for lithic assemblages in Southeast Asia Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin [Marwick, 2008 #27948]
Book 1965 Auvade, Robert Bibliographie critique des oeuvres parues sur l'Indochine française, un siècle d'histoire et d'enseignement [Auvade, 1965 #21106]
Journal Article 2009 Marwick, Ben Biogeography of Middle Pleistocene hominins in mainland Southeast Asia: a review of current evidence Quaternary International [Marwick, 2009 #28199]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Alice Bridging the time gap in the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia and Southwest China Archaeological Research in Asia [Yao, 2020 #19612]
Journal Article 2021 Carter, Alison Kyra Building from the Ground Up: The Archaeology of Residential Spaces and Communities in Southeast Asia Journal of Archaeological Research [Carter, 2021 #37092]
Book in a Series 1989 Hagesteijn, Renée R. Circles of kings: political dynamics in early continental Southeast Asia [Hagesteijn, 1989 #21965]
Journal Article 2020 Stark, Miriam T. Collaboration, engagement, and Cambodia: archaeological perspectives on cultural heritage Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage [Stark, 2020 #36656]
Book Section 2014 Borell, Brigitte Contacts between the upper Thai-Malay peninsula and the Mediterranean World Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Borell, 2014 #22739]
Journal Article 2020 Heng, Piphal De-exoticizing Cambodia's archaeology through community engagement Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage [Heng, 2020 #36662]
Journal Article 2022 Wu, Yun Dedan Cave: Extending the evidence of the Hoabinhian technocomplex in southwest China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wu, 2022 #37001]
Book (Edited) 2009 Bourdier, Frédéric Development and dominion: indigenous peoples of Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos [Bourdier, 2009 #21427]
Book Section 2018 Frère, Stephane Doi Pha Kan (Thailand), Ban Tha Si (Thailand) and Laang Spean (Cambodia) animal bone assemblages: a new perception of meat supply strategies for early Holocene mainland Southeast Asia Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Frère, 2018 #22253]
Book Section 1988 White, Joyce C. Early East Asian metallurgy: the southern tradition The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys. Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986 [White, 1988 #25048]
Journal Article 2006 Stark, Miriam T. Early mainland Southeast Asian landscapes in the first millennium A. D. Annual Review of Anthropology [Stark, 2006 #30179]
Journal Article 1975 McClure, H. Elliott Effect of cool weather upon a rain forest and its inhabitants Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society [McClure, 1975 #36012]