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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2021 Yinghua, Li A new technological analysis of Hoabinhian stone artifacts from Vietnam and its implications for cultural homogeneity and variability between Mainland Southeast Asia and South China Asian Perspectives [Yinghua, 2021 #37123]
Journal Article 1982 Rambo, A. Terry A note on stone tool use by the Orang Asli (Aborigines) of Peninsular Malaysia Asian Perspectives (1979) [Rambo, 1982 #33099]
Journal Article 1960 Heider, Karl G. A pebble-tool complex in Thailand Asian Perspectives (1958) [Heider, 1960 #31645]
Journal Article 1966 Harrisson, Tom A stone and bronze tool cave in Sabah Asian Perspectives (1964) [Harrisson, 1966 #33465]
Book Section 1990 Inizan, M.-L. A techno-economic approach to lithics: some examples of blade pressure debitage in the Indo-Pakistani Subcontinent South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Inizan, 1990 #23293]
Journal Article 1966 Joshi, R. V. Acheulian succession in central India Asian Perspectives (1964) [Joshi, 1966 #33460]
Book in a Series 1989 Henry, Donald O. Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Henry, 1989 #21637]
Journal Article 2016 Singthong, Sommay An outlook on prehistoric research in Laos: an inventory and some perspectives Quaternary International [Singthong, 2016 #27720]
Journal Article 1959 Esaka, Teruya Ancient sites and some artifacts found during a survey trip along the Mekong River Japanese Journal of Ethnology (民族學 硏究) [Esaka, 1959 #31660]
Journal Article 2007 Marwick, Ben Approaches to flaked stone artefact archaeology in Thailand: a historical review Silpakorn University International Journal [Marwick, 2007 #28925]
Thesis-PhD 1999 Brantingham, Paul Jeffrey Astride the Movius Line: Late Pleistocene lithic technological variability in Northeast Asia [Brantingham, 1999 #36607]
Journal Article 2002 Close, Angela E. Backed Bladelets Are a Foreign Country Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Close, 2002 #19026]
Journal Article 2023 Fuentes, Riczar Barely scratched the surface: Development and future directions of lithic use-wear analysis in Island Southeast Asia Archaeological Research in Asia [Fuentes, 2023 #37186]
Journal Article 2013 Pawlik, Alfred F. Behavioral complexity and modern traits in the Philippine Upper Palaeolithic Asian Perspectives (2012) [Pawlik, 2013 #28246]
Book Section 2006 Saidin, Mokhtar Bukit Bunuh, Lenggong, Malaysia: new evidence of late Pleistocene culture in Malaysia and Southeast Asia Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Saidin, 2006 #24066]
Journal Article 1980 Trinh Nang Chung, Buoc dau nghien cuu thuc nghiem ky thuat che tac cong cu da (da cuoi va da goc) [ Preliminary tests on the fashion-technique for lithic implements (from pebble and core as well] Khao Co Hoc [Trinh 1980 #31320]
Book 2000 Frape, Christopher J. Burnished beauty: the art of stone in early Southeast Asia [Frape, 2000 #20012]
Book Section 1904 Massie, M. Catalogue des objets des âges de la pierre et du bronze recueillis dans la région de Luang-Prabang Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale [Massie, 1904 #24313]
Journal Article 2002 Bleed, Peter Cheap, Regular, and Reliable: Implications of Design Variation in Late Pleistocene Japanese Microblade Technology Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Bleed, 2002 #19031]
Journal Article 1907 Hildburgh, W. L. Chinese methods of cutting hard stones Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Hildburgh, 1907 #29547]
Book Section 1999 Forestier, Hubert Concept and method in lithic production during Lapita period in New Caledonia: a technological analysis Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Forestier, 1999 #23991]
Book in a Series 1920 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Contributions à l'étude de la préhistoire de l'Indochine I: l'industrie de la pièrre et du bronze dans la region de Luang Prabang, Haut-Laos [Mansuy, 1920 #21821]
Journal Article 2022 Wu, Yun Dedan Cave: Extending the evidence of the Hoabinhian technocomplex in southwest China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wu, 2022 #37001]
Journal Article 2021 Ono, Rintaro Development of bone and lithic technologies by anatomically modern humans during the late Pleistocene to Holocene in Sulawesi and Wallacea Quaternary International [Ono, 2021 #37121]
Journal Article 1848 Noggerath, Herrn Die kunst, onyx, carneole, chalcedone, und andere verwandte steinarten zu farben, zur erlauterung einer stelle des Plinius Secundus Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde [Noggerath, 1848 #29060]
Journal Article 2007 West, Jolee A. Differentiating bamboo from stone tool cut marks in the zooarchaeological record, with a discussion on the use of bamboo knives Journal of Archaeological Science [West, 2007 #28849]
Journal Article 1973 Kellum-Ottino, Marimari Discovery of a Neolithic adze in Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1972) [Kellum-Ottino, 1973 #33270]
Journal Article 2012 Zeitoun, Valery Discovery of a prehistoric site at Sao Din (Nanoi, Nan province, Northern Thailand): Stone tools and new geological insights Comptes Rendus Palevol [Zeitoun, 2012 #37347]
Journal Article 2018 Doyon, Luc Discovery of circa 115,000-year-old bone retouchers at Lingjing, Henan, China PLOS One [Doyon, 2018 #26840]
Journal Article 2017 Basak, Bishnupriya Earliest dates of microlithic industries (42-25 ka) from West Bengal, Eastern India: new light on modern human occupation in the Indian subcontinent Asian Perspectives [Basak, 2017 #26926]