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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1981 Feron, Edwin N., Jr. A possible source of origin of the Easter Island boat-shaped house Asian Perspectives (1979) [Feron, 1981 #33106]
Book Section 2007 Widiastuti, Indah A study of living culture: type-morphology of vernacular and traditional houses in Kerala Sacred landscapes in Asia: shared traditions, multiple histories [Widiastuti, 2007 #23916]
Journal Article 1999 le Roux, Pierre Coudée magique, eau lustrale et bâton enchanté: rites et croyances dans la construction de l'habitat traditionnel des Jawi (Patani, Thailand du Sud) Journal of the Siam Society [le 1999 #34295]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Anh Tuan, Dinh lang - tinh hai mat va qua trinh bien doi [ Commune House: duality and process of changes] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30868]
Newspaper Article 2016 Carter, Alison Kyra Household archaeology at Angkor Wat Khmer Times, July 7 [Carter, 2016 #36118]
Journal Article 2010 Allen, Melinda S. Morphological variability and temporal patterning in Marquesan domestic architecture: Anaho Valley in regional context Asian Perspectives (2009) [Allen, 2010 #28457]
Journal Article 1998 Pham Huu Cong, Ngoi nha tram cot o huyen Can Duoc, tinh Long An [ 100-pillar-house in Can Duoc district in Long An province] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1998 #30779]
Journal Article 1982 Nguyen Khac Tung, Nha Dong Son [ Dong Son house] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1982 #31294]
Journal Article 1940 Marchal, Henri Notes d'architecture birmane Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Marchal, 1940 #26916]
Journal Article 1970 McKay, D. A. Nutrition, environment and health in the Iban longhouse Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health [McKay, 1970 #30383]
Journal Article 2002 Olsudong, Rita Oral traditions and archaeology in Micronesia: an attempt to study past ideology in a built environment Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Olsudong, 2002 #31760]
Journal Article 1995 Rensel, Jan Review of "Inside Austronesian houses: perspectives on domestic designs for living" by James J. Fox Asian Perspectives (1995) [Rensel, 1995 #32846]
Journal Article 1978 Devakul, M. L. Tridhosyuth Review of "Traditional Thai houses" by Ruethai Jaijongrak and Anuwit Jaroensuphakul Journal of the Siam Society [Devakul, 1978 #34257]
Book Section 1978 Temiyabandha, Vivat Rituals in house building Northern domestic architecture and rituals in house-building [Temiyabandha, 1978 #25110]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Mithen, Steven Simulating Mammoth Hunting and Extinction: Implications for the Late Pleistocene of the Central Russian Plain Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Mithen, 1993 #25235]
Journal Article 1972 Kauffmann, H. E. Some social and religious institutions of the Lawa (N.W.-Thailand) Part I Journal of the Siam Society [Kauffmann, 1972 #34223]
Journal Article 1998 Ladefoged, Thegn N. Spatial similarities and change in Hawaiian architecture: the expression of ritual offering and <i>Kapu</i> in <i>Luakini Heiau</i>, residential complexes, and houses Asian Perspectives (1998) [Ladefoged, 1998 #32784]
Book Section 1984 Bisht, R. S. Structural remains and town planning in Banawali Frontiers of the Indus civilization: Sir Mortimer Wheeler commemoration volume [Bisht, 1984 #23929]
Journal Article 1971 Chotisukharat, Sanguan Supernatural beliefs and practices in Chiengmai Journal of the Siam Society [Chotisukharat, 1971 #34229]
Journal Article 1991 Bruguier, Bruno Sur quelques procédés de liaison utilisés dans l'architecture de l'ancien Cambodge Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bruguier, 1991 #32035]
Thesis-PhD 1977 Feldman, J. A. The architecture of Nias, Indonesia with special reference to Bawomataluo village [Feldman, 1977 #36497]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Torre, Amalia dela The Becino site: an exercise in ethnoarchaeology Houses built on scattered poles: prehistory and ecology in Negros Oriental, Philippines [Torre, 1982 #26215]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Henriksen, Merete Aagaard The first excavated prehistoric house site in Southeast Asia The house in East and Southeast Asia [Henriksen, 1982 #26392]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2003 Sparkes, Stephen The house in Southeast Asia: a changing social, economic and political domain [Sparkes, 2003 #22095]
Book Section 1982 Dove, Michael R. The myth of the "communal" longhouse in rural development: the Kantu' of Kalimantan Too rapid rural development: perceptions and perspectives from Southeast Asia [Dove, 1982 #24971]
Book 1971 Wheatley, Paul The pivot of the four quarters: a preliminary enquiry into the origins and character of the ancient Chinese city [Wheatley, 1971 #20117]
Book 2002 Chaichongrak, Ruethai The Thai house: history and evolution [Chaichongrak, 2002 #20922]
Journal Article 1987 Ta Duc, Tim hieu nha Dong Son qua ngoi nha co truyen cua nguoi Toradja ( Indonesia) [ For understanding the Dong Son house through the house of Toradja people ( Indonesia)] Khao Co Hoc [Ta 1987 #31112]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Ciarla, Roberto Verso una definizione dei processi di formazione di depositi archeologici in ambiente monsonico: alcune osservazione preliminari Processi formativi della stratificazione archeologica (Formation processes and excavation methods in Archaeology: perspectives) [Ciarla, 1992 #26003]
Journal Article 1972 Smithies, Michael Village Mons of Bangkok Journal of the Siam Society [Smithies, 1972 #34222]