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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1961 Matthews, John M. A check-list of "Hoabinhian" sites excavated in Malaya 1860-1939 [Matthews, 1961 #21296]
Book Section 2003 Bowdler, Sandra A comparison of stone industries from Southeast Asia and Australia: some preliminary results Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Bowdler, 2003 #24349]
Book Section 1987 Anderson, Douglas D. A late Pleistocene-early Holocene archaeological site in southwestern Thailand and its implications for climatic change Proceedings of the Workshop on Economic Geology, Tectonics, Sedimentary Processes and Environment of the Quaternary in Southeast Asia, 3-7 February 1986 [Anderson, 1987 #24838]
Journal Article 2021 Yinghua, Li A new technological analysis of Hoabinhian stone artifacts from Vietnam and its implications for cultural homogeneity and variability between Mainland Southeast Asia and South China Asian Perspectives [Yinghua, 2021 #37123]
Journal Article 1960 Heider, Karl G. A pebble-tool complex in Thailand Asian Perspectives (1958) [Heider, 1960 #31645]
Journal Article 1987 Anderson, Douglas D. A Pleistocene-early Holocene rock shelter in peninsular Thailand National Geographic Research [Anderson, 1987 #35835]
Journal Article 1969 Matthews, John M. A review of the 'Hoabinhian' in Indo-China Asian Perspectives (1966) [Matthews, 1969 #29288]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Lang Cuong, An early Hoabinhian skull from Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen 1987 #35945]
Journal Article 2016 Singthong, Sommay An outlook on prehistoric research in Laos: an inventory and some perspectives Quaternary International [Singthong, 2016 #27720]
Conference Paper 1994 Nishimura, Masanari Analysis of the Hoabinhian industry and its explanation: comparative study of the lithic assemblages of Banyan Valley Cave and Pa Chan Cave in northern Thailand The Lyuchu International Symposium [Nishimura, 1994 #26459]
Journal Article 2018 McColl, Hugh Ancient genomics reveals four prehistoric migration waves into Southeast Asia [McColl, 2018 #26814]
Journal Article 2007 Marwick, Ben Approaches to flaked stone artefact archaeology in Thailand: a historical review Silpakorn University International Journal [Marwick, 2007 #28925]
Manuscript 1978 Peterson, Warren E. Archaeological research in the Novaliches watershed, Philippines [Peterson, 1978 #36090]
Book 1988 Pookajorn, Surin Archaeological Research of the Hoabinhian Culture or Technocomplex and its Comparison with Ethnoarchaeology of the Phi Tong Luang, a Hunter-Gatherer Group of Thailand Archaeologica Venatoria [Pookajorn, 1988 #20047]
Journal Article 2009 Trinh Nang Chung, Archaeological sites in Ba Be National Park Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Trinh 2009 #29085]
Journal Article 2005 Nishimura, Masanari Attribute analysis of the Hoabinhian industry: implications from a comparative study of Bung Cave and Xom Trai Cave, northern Vietnam Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology [Nishimura, 2005 #30210]
Conference Paper 1993 Nishimura, Masanari Attribute analysis of the Hoabinhian industry: implications from a comparative study of Bung Cave and Xom Trai Cavem northern Vietnam The Hoabinhian 60 years after Madeleine Colani: Anniversary Conference 28 December 1993 - 3 January 1994 [Nishimura, 1993 #26460]
Journal Article 1994 Nguyen Van Binh, Bao cao so bo ket qua khai quat lan thu hai di chi Mai Da Dieu [ Preliminary report of the second excavation of Dieu sheltered cave-site] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1994 #30896]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Khac Su, Bien voi cu dan van hoa tien su vung Dong Bac [ Sea and prehistoric inhabitants in Northeast area of Vietnam ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30864]
Journal Article 1992 Hoang Xuân Chinh, Buoc chuyen bien to Pleistocene den Holocene o Viêt Nam - Van de trien vong [ The Change from Pleistocene to holocene in Viêt Nam problems and prospects] Khao Co Hoc [Hoang 1992 #30999]
Journal Article 1992 Tran Quoc Tri, Buocdau tim hieu moi truong va khong gian phan bo cua van hoa Hoa Binh o dong bac Dong Duong [ The preliminary research on the environment and space of distribution of the Hoa Binh culture in northern Indochina ] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1992 #30979]
Journal Article 1982 Ha Van Tan, Cac he sinh thai nhiet doi voi tieu su Viêt Nam va Dong Nam A [ Tropical ecosystems and prehistory of Viêt nam and Southeast Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Ha 1982 #31285]
Journal Article 1938 Bian, M. N. Cave and rock-shelter deposits in Yunnan Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Bian, 1938 #34070]
Journal Article 1997 Anderson, Douglas D. Cave archaeology in Southeast Asia Geoarchaeology [Anderson, 1997 #35485]
Journal Article 1974 Nguyen Duc Tung, Co the phat hien van hoa Son Vi va van hoa Hoa Binh o dong bang Bac Bo [ The Sonvian and Hoabinhian cultures would be found in the Hong River delta] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1974 #31124]
Journal Article 1992 Trinh Nang Chung, Dac Trung van hoa Hoa Binh trong so ky da moi nam Trung Quoc [ The Hoa Binhian features in early neolithic of South China ] Khao Co Hoc [Trinh 1992 #30978]
Journal Article 1926 Colani, Madeleine Découverte d'industries paléolithiques dans la province de Hoa-Binh, Tonkin L'Anthropologie [Colani, 1926 #35916]
Journal Article 2005 Zeitoun, Valéry Découverte d’un assemblage faunique à <i>Stegodon–Ailuropoda</i> dans une grotte du Nord de la Thaïlande (Ban Fa Suai, Chiang Dao) Comptes Rendus Palevol [Zeitoun, 2005 #28256]
Journal Article 2022 Wu, Yun Dedan Cave: Extending the evidence of the Hoabinhian technocomplex in southwest China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wu, 2022 #37001]
Journal Article 2001 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental morphology of the early Hoabinhian, the Neolithic Da But and the Metal Age Dong Son civilized peoples in Vietnam Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie [Matsumura, 2001 #34048]