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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1940 Colbert, Edwin H. Pleistocene mammals from the Ma Kai Valley of northern Yunnan, China American Museum Novitates [Colbert, 1940 #35190]
Journal Article 1996 Chang, Kwang-chih Archaeology in southeastern coastal China and the origin of Austronesians American Philosophical Society [Chang, 1996 #31937]
Journal Article 2012 Hanihara, T. Population history of the northern Vietnamese inferred from nonmetric cranial trait variation Anthropological Science [Hanihara, 2012 #27818]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #18971]
Journal Article 2019 Deng, Zhenhua Food and ritual resources in hunter-gatherer societies: canarium nuts in southern China and beyond Antiquity [Deng, 2019 #19012]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #26663]
Journal Article 2012 Chi, Zhang Late hunter-gatherers in southern China, 18,000-3,000 BC Antiquity [Chi, 2012 #27829]
Journal Article 2012 Yao, Alice Rediscovering the settlement system of the 'Dian' kingdom, in bronze age southern China Antiquity [Yao, 2012 #28301]
Journal Article 1998 Higham, Charles F. W. The origins and dispersal of rice cultivation Antiquity [Higham, 1998 #35491]
Journal Article 2021 Zhu, Simei Subsistence and health in Middle Neolithic (9000-7000 BP) southern China: new evidence from the Dingsishan site Antiquity [Zhu, 2021 #36907]
Journal Article 2022 Zou, Guisen From bowl furnaces to small shaft furnaces: new evidence from ancient bloomery iron smelting site at Liuzhuoling in Guangxi, Southern China, ca. 400 to 700 AD Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Zou, 2022 #37067]
Journal Article 2021 Xie, Guangmao Stratigraphy and chronology of the palaeolithic industry in Bose Basin, South China: Excavation of Gaolingpo Archaeological Research in Asia [Xie, 2021 #37132]
Journal Article 2023 Buckley, Christopher D. The origins of southeast Asian weaving traditions: the perspective from archaeology Asian Archaeology [Buckley, 2023 #37234]
Journal Article 1970 Chiu, T. N. Late Neoloithic site in the extreme Northwest of the New Territories, Hong Kong Asian Perspectives (1968) [Chiu, 1970 #33407]
Journal Article 1973 Bard, S. M. Preliminary report on a site at Sham Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong Asian Perspectives (1972) [Bard, 1973 #33278]
Journal Article 1974 Aigner, Jean S. Pleistocene archaeological remains from South China Asian Perspectives (1973) [Aigner, 1974 #33229]
Journal Article 1975 Kelly, W. Archaeological investigation of Coloane, Macau Asian Perspectives (1974) [Kelly, 1975 #33184]
Journal Article 1974 Davis, S. G. Rock carvings in Hong Kong and new territories Asian Perspectives (1974) [Davis, 1974 #33214]
Journal Article 1985 Ballard, W. L. Aspects of the linguistic history of South China Asian Perspectives (1981) [Ballard, 1985 #33062]
Journal Article 1988 Meacham, William On the improbability of Austronesian origins in south China Asian Perspectives (1984-1985) [Meacham, 1988 #33039]
Journal Article 1992 Olsen, John W. The Palaeolithic in southern China Asian Perspectives (1992) [Olsen, 1992 #32927]
Journal Article 2004 Bekken, Deborah Taxonomic abundance at Panxian Dadong, a Middle Pleistocene cave in south China Asian Perspectives (2004) [Bekken, 2004 #30594]
Journal Article 2004 Miller-Antonio, Sari Lithic raw material use at the Late Middle Pleistocene site of Panxian Dadong Asian Perspectives (2004) [Miller-Antonio, 2004 #30595]
Journal Article 2004 Wang Wei, Panxian Dadong, south China: establishing a record of Middle Pleistocene climatic changes Asian Perspectives (2004) [Wang 2004 #30600]
Journal Article 2011 Lu, Tracey L-D Early pottery in south China Asian Perspectives (2010) [Lu, 2011 #28608]
Book Section 2017 Hung, Hsiao-chun Neolithic Transition in Guangxi: a long development of hunting-gathering society in southern China Bio-anthropological studies of early Holocene hunter-gatherer sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China [Hung, 2017 #37144]
Journal Article 1915 Bonifacy, Auguste L. M La fête tây du Hô-bô Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1915 #27255]
Journal Article 1950 Young, C. C. On the mammalian fauna at Koloshan near Chungking, Szechuan Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Young, 1950 #35145]
Journal Article 1935 Pei, Wen-chung On a Mesolithic (?) industry in the caves of Kwangsi Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Pei, 1935 #35956]
Journal Article 2003 Lie-dan Lu, Tracey New archaeological discoveries in south China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lie-dan 2003 #31203]