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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Paper 1994 Higham, Charles F. W. Chronometric hygiene and the bronze age of Southeast Asia 15th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Higham, 1994 #26514]
Book Section 2015 Higham, C. F. W. Social change during the bronze and iron ages of Northeast Thailand Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Higham, 2015 #22501]
Journal Article 1970 Tamers, M. A. Validity of radiocarbon dates on terrestrial snail shells American Antiquity [Tamers, 1970 #29358]
Journal Article 2002 Kuzmin, Yaroslave Palaeodietary patterning and radiocarbon dating of Neolithic populations in the Primorye Province, Russian Far East Ancient Biomolecules [Kuzmin, 2002 #32464]
Book Section Spriggs, Matthew J. T. The dating of Non Nok Tha and the "Gakushin factor" Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Spriggs, #24846]
Book Section Bayard, Donn T. Bones of contention: the Non Nok Tha burials and the chronology and context of early Southeast Asian bronze Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Bayard, #24873]
Book Section Higham, Charles F. W. The social and chronological contexts of early bronze working in Southeast Asia Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Higham, #24880]
Journal Article 2016 Chaput, Michelle A. Radiocarbon dates as estimates of ancient human population size Anthropocene [Chaput, 2016 #26613]
Journal Article June 2022 Hung, Hsiao-chun Preceramic riverside hunter-gatherers and the arrival of Neolithic farmers in northern Luzon Antiquity
[Hung, June 2022 #37066]
Journal Article 2006 Sand, Christophe Oceanic rock art: first direct dating of prehistoric stencils and paintings from New Caledonia (southern Melanesia) Antiquity [Sand, 2006 #26774]
Journal Article 1967 Lampert, R. J. Horticulture in the New Guinea highlands- C<sub> 14 </sub> dating Antiquity [Lampert, 1967 #26778]
Journal Article 2009 Acabado, Stephen A Bayesian approach to dating agricultural terraces: a case from the Philippines Antiquity [Acabado, 2009 #26796]
Journal Article 2018 Fitzpatrick, Scott M. Radiocarbon dating and Bayesian modelling of one of Remote Oceania's oldest cemeteries at Chelecol ra Orrak, Palau Antiquity [Fitzpatrick, 2018 #26811]
Journal Article 2015 Higham, C. F. W. Debating a great site: Ban Non Wat and the wider prehistory of Southeast Asia Antiquity [Higham, 2015 #27854]
Journal Article 2006 Kuzmin, Yaroslav V. Chronology of the earliest pottery in East Asia: progress and pitfalls Antiquity [Kuzmin, 2006 #28339]
Journal Article 2011 Higham, Charles Cutting a Gordian Knot: the bronze age of Southeast Asia: origins, timing and impact Antiquity [Higham, 2011 #28468]
Journal Article 2009 Higham, Charles A new chronological framework for prehistoric Southeast Asia, based on a Bayesian model from Ban Non Wat Antiquity [Higham, 2009 #29042]
Journal Article 2008 Lewis, Helen Terminal Pleistocene to mid-Holocene occupation and an early cremation burial at Ille Cave, Palawan, Philippines Antiquity [Lewis, 2008 #29426]
Journal Article 1990 Glover, E. First-order <sup>14</sup>C dating of marine molluscs in archaeology Antiquity [Glover, 1990 #29667]
Journal Article 2003 Lampert, Cynthia. D. Dating resin coating on pottery: the Spirit Cave early ceramic dates revised Antiquity [Lampert, 2003 #31056]
Journal Article 2004 White, Joyce C. Comment on dates from a resin-coated sherd from Spirit Cave, Thailand Antiquity [White, 2004 #31173]
Journal Article 1989 Spriggs, Matthew The dating of the island Southeast Asian Neolithic: an attempt at chronometric hygiene and linguistic correlation Antiquity [Spriggs, 1989 #35554]
Journal Article 1990 Glover, Emily First-order C14 dating of marine molluscs in archaeology Antiquity [Glover, 1990 #35623]
Journal Article 2020 Higham, Thomas F. G. A prehistoric copper-production centre in central Thailand: its dating and wider implications Antiquity [Higham, 2020 #36772]
Journal Article 2022 Hung, Hsiao-chun Preceramic riverside hunter-gatherers and the arrival of Neolithic farmers in northern Luzon Antiquity [Hung, 2022 #36999]
Journal Article 2020 Higham, Thomas F. G. A new chronology for a prehistoric copper production centre in Central Thailand using kernel density estimates Antiquity [Higham, 2020 #37262]
Journal Article 2024 Pryce, T. O. Late prehistoric and early historic chronology
of Myanmar: a four-millennia sequence from Halin
Antiquity [Pryce, 2024 #37302]
Journal Article 2009 Dobberstein, R. Archaeological collagen: why worry about collagen diagenesis Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Dobberstein, 2009 #27669]
Journal Article 2022 Zou, Guisen From bowl furnaces to small shaft furnaces: new evidence from ancient bloomery iron smelting site at Liuzhuoling in Guangxi, Southern China, ca. 400 to 700 AD Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Zou, 2022 #37067]
Journal Article 2021 Ilmi, Moh Mualliful A review of radiometric dating and pigment characterizations of rock art in Indonesia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Ilmi, 2021 #37115]