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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2013 Piper, Philip J. The terrestrial vertebrate remains 4000 years of migration and cultural exchange: the archaeology of the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines [Piper, 2013 #25432]
Book Section 2018 Frère, Stephane Doi Pha Kan (Thailand), Ban Tha Si (Thailand) and Laang Spean (Cambodia) animal bone assemblages: a new perception of meat supply strategies for early Holocene mainland Southeast Asia Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Frère, 2018 #22253]
Journal Article 1995 Flannery, T. Fossil marsupials (Macropodidae, Peroryctidae) and other mammals of Holocene age from Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia Alcheringa [Flannery, 1995 #30196]
Journal Article 1979 Higham, Charles F. W. The economic basis of prehistoric Thailand American Scientist [Higham, 1979 #35948]
Journal Article 1997 Derenko, M. Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence from a 33,000 year-old woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Ancient Biomolecules [Derenko, 1997 #32400]
Journal Article 1998 Butler, V. L. Ancient DNA from salmon bone: a preliminary study Ancient Biomolecules [Butler, 1998 #32417]
Journal Article 2002 Burger, J. Species determination using species-discriminating PCR-RFLP of ancient DNA from prehistoric skeletal remains Ancient Biomolecules [Burger, 2002 #32458]
Journal Article 2017 Samper Carro, Sofía C. Methodological considerations for icthyoarchaeology from the Tron Bon Lei sequence, Alor, Indonesia Archaeological Research in Asia [Samper 2017 #26933]
Thesis 2011 Amano, Noel The faunal remains of Nagsabaran in Cagayan, northern Philippines: subsistence stratagies in the late Holocene Archaeological Studies [Amano, 2011 #36317]
Journal Article 1988 Flannery, T. F. Holocene mammal faunas from archaeological sites in island Melanesia Archaeology in Oceania [Flannery, 1988 #32371]
Journal Article 1984 Allen, Jim Optimal estimations of individuals in archaeological faunal assemblages: how minimal is the MNI? Archaeology in Oceania [Allen, 1984 #32377]
Journal Article 1972 Beden, M. La faune du Phnom Loang (Cambodge): comparison avec les faunes pleistocenes du Nord de l'Indochine Archives géologique du Vietnam [Beden, 1972 #34088]
Journal Article 2017 Lu, Peng Zooarchaeological and genetic evidence for the origins of domestic cattle in ancient China Asian Perspectives [Lu, 2017 #26975]
Journal Article 1981 Joshi, R. V. Fresh data on the quaternary animal fossils and Stone Age cultures from the Central narmada Valley, India Asian Perspectives (1978) [Joshi, 1981 #33116]
Journal Article 1993 Sweeney, Maria A reappraisal of evidence for subsistence change at the Hane Dune site, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia Asian Perspectives (1993) [Sweeney, 1993 #32900]
Journal Article 1994 Nagaoka, Lisa Differential recovery of Pacific Island fish remains: evidence from the Moturakau rockshelter, Aitutaki, Cook Islands Asian Perspectives (1994) [Nagaoka, 1994 #32874]
Journal Article 1994 Steadman, David W. Stratigraphy, chronology, and cultural context of an early faunal assemblage from Easter Island Asian Perspectives (1994) [Steadman, 1994 #32876]
Journal Article 1996 Dye, Tom Assembling definition, analytic methods, and sources of variability in the interpretation of Marquesan subsistence change Asian Perspectives (1996) [Dye, 1996 #32825]
Journal Article 1997 Mudar, Karen M. Patterns of animal utilization in the Holocene of the Philippines: a comparison of faunal samples from four archaeological sites Asian Perspectives (1997) [Mudar, 1997 #32795]
Journal Article 1997 Moniz, Jadelyn J. The role of seabirds in Hawaiian subsistence: implications for interpreting Avian extinction and extirpation in Polynesia Asian Perspectives (1997) [Moniz, 1997 #32804]
Journal Article 1997 Leach, Foss The fishermen of Anapua Rock Shelter, Ua Pou, Marquesas Islands Asian Perspectives (1997) [Leach, 1997 #32813]
Journal Article 2002 Martinsson-Wallin, Helène Early settlement of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Asian Perspectives (2001) [Martinsson-Wallin, 2002 #32735]
Journal Article 2002 O'Day, Sharyn Jones Excavations at the Kipapa Rockshelter, Kahikinui, Maui, Hawai'i Asian Perspectives (2001) [O'Day, 2002 #32740]
Journal Article 2006 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. Archaeology and archaeozoology of Phum Snay: a late prehistoric cemetery in northwestern Cambodia Asian Perspectives (2006) [O'Reilly, 2006 #30206]
Journal Article 2008 Dobney, Keith The pigs of island Southeast Asia and the Pacific: new evidence for taxonomic status and human-mediated dispersal Asian Perspectives (2008) [Dobney, 2008 #29411]
Book Section in a Series 2000 van der Merwe, Nikolaas, J. Diet and animal husbandry of the preclassic Maya at Cuello, Belize: isotopic and zooarchaeological evidence Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [van 2000 #26093]
Journal Article 1927 Pételot, L. Complément au chapitre de la<i> Bibliotheca indosinica</i> relatif à la zoologie de l'Indochine française Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pételot, 1927 #27152]
Journal Article 1925 Patte, Etienne Note additionnelle sur le kjökkenmödding néolithique du Bau tro à Tam toa près de Đóng-hời Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Patte, 1925 #27162]
Journal Article 1938 Colbert, Edwin H. Fossil mammals from Burma in the American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History [Colbert, 1938 #27889]
Journal Article 1935 Pei, Wenzhong Fossil mammals from the Kwangsi caves Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Pei, 1935 #30494]