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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Paper 2012 Baty, P. Homes, fields and temples: excavations at the airport in Siem Reap 14th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeology, Dublin [Baty, 2012 #26415]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological investigations at Savidug, Sabtang Island 4000 years of migration and cultural exchange: the archaeology of the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines [Bellwood, 2013 #25438]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological excavations on Batan Island 4000 years of migration and cultural exchange: the archaeology of the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines [Bellwood, 2013 #25439]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological excavations on Itbayat and Siayan Islands 4000 years of migration and cultural exchange: the archaeology of the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines [Bellwood, 2013 #25440]
Conference Paper 2011 Bellina, Bérénice Échanges préhistoriques et métissages culturels entre l'Est de l'océan Indien et la mer de Chine (Prehistoric and protohistorical exchange and cultural hybridisation in the Eastern Indian Ocean 4ème Congrès du Réseau Asie & Pacifique (4th Congress of the Asia & Pacific Network) [Bellina, 2011 #26418]
Book Section 2015 Neri, Leee Anthony M. The archaeology of Karaang Lungsod Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Neri, 2015 #22502]
Book Section 2015 Lara, Myra Culturally modified teeth in Philippine archaeological sites Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Lara, 2015 #22504]
Book Section 2015 Nyunt Han, Archaeological findings and researches at early Rakhine: ancient cities in Myanmar Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Nyunt 2015 #22509]
Book Section 2015 Eka Asih Putrina Taim Ancient settlement of Muaro Jambi and its related sites Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Eka 2015 #22518]
Thesis 2004 Källén, Anna And through flows the river: archaeology and the pasts of Lao Pako African and Comparative Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History [Källén, 2004 #36400]
Journal Article 1986 Deraniyagala, S. Excavations in the citadel of Anuradhapura: Gedige 1984: a preliminary report. Ancient Ceylon [Deraniyagala, 1986 #29797]
Journal Article 1990 Coningham, R. A. E. Anuradhapura Citadel Archaeological Project, British sub-project, Anuradha Salgaha Watta Preliminary Project 1989-1990 Ancient Ceylon [Coningham, 1990 #29846]
Journal Article 1947 Wheeler, Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Harappa 1946: the defences and cemetery R-37 Ancient India [Wheeler, 1947 #29272]
Journal Article 1955 Lal, B. B. Excavation at Hastinapur and other explorations in the upper Ganga and Sutlej basins 1950-1952 Ancient India [Lal, 1955 #29417]
Journal Article 1964 Dani, A. H. The Sanghao cave excavation Ancient Pakistan [Dani, 1964 #29806]
Journal Article 1971 Dani, A. H. Excavations in the Gomal Valley Ancient Pakistan [Dani, 1971 #29807]
Journal Article 2012 Hanihara, T. Population history of the northern Vietnamese inferred from nonmetric cranial trait variation Anthropological Science [Hanihara, 2012 #27818]
Thesis 2013 Gallon, Matt Ideology, identity and the construction of urban communities:the archaeology of Kamphaeng Saen, central Thailand (c. fifth to ninth century CE) Anthropology [Gallon, 2013 #36332]
Journal Article 2016 Shewan, Louise Recent excavations at a megalithic jar site in Laos: site I revisited Antiquity [Shewan, 2016 #27636]
Journal Article 2009 White, Joyce C. Archaeological investigations in northern Laos: new contributions to Southeast Asian prehistory Antiquity [White, 2009 #28198]
Journal Article 2011 Higham, Charles The prehistory of Southeast Asia: a retrospective view of 40 years of research Antiquity [Higham, 2011 #28467]
Journal Article 2011 Morgan, Christopher Glacial cycles and palaeolithic adaptive variability on China's western Loess Plateau Antiquity [Morgan, 2011 #28477]
Journal Article 1988 Hanson, W. S. Video recording on excavations Antiquity [Hanson, 1988 #29606]
Journal Article 2018 Bellina, Bérénice Development of maritime trade polities and diffusion of the “South China Sea sphere of interaction pan-regional culture”: the Khao Sek excavations and industries' studies contribution Archaeological Research in Asia [Bellina, 2018 #26999]
Journal Article 2018 Pryce, Thomas Oliver High-tin bronze bowls and copper drums: non-ferrous archaeometallurgical evidence for Khao Sek's involvement and role in regional exchange systems Archaeological Research in Asia [Pryce, 2018 #27019]
Journal Article December 2022 Carter, Alison Kyra Prasat and Pteah: Habitation within Angkor Wat's temple enclosure Archaeological Research in Asia [Carter, December 2022 #37055]
Journal Article 1965 Dales, G. F. New investigations at Mohenjodaro Archaeology [Dales, 1965 #29812]
Thesis 2004 Arifin, K. Early human occupation of the East Kalimantan Rainforest Archaeology [Arifin, 2004 #36296]
Journal Article 1969 Glover, I. C. Puntutjarpa rockshelter excavations, by R. A. Gould: a critical review Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Glover, 1969 #29648]
Journal Article 1970 Loofs, H. H. E. A brief account of the Thai-British archaeological expedition, 1965-1970 Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Loofs, 1970 #30417]