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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2002 Yao, Yong-Gang Genetic relationship of Chinese ethnic populations revealed by mtDNA sequence diversity American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Yao, 2002 #31914]
Journal Article 2002 Meskell, Lynn The intersections of identity and politics in archaeology Annual Review of Anthropology [Meskell, 2002 #28634]
Journal Article 2017 Jonsson, Hjorleifur Stexit? South East Asian pluralism, statelessness and exclusive identities Anthropology Today [Jonsson, 2017 #26724]
Journal Article 1996 Griffin, P. Bion The cultural Identity of foragers and the Agta of Palanan, Isabela, the Philippines Anthropos [Griffin, 1996 #34813]
Journal Article 1985 Jettmar, Karl Cultures and ethnic groups west of China in the second and first millennia B.C Asian Perspectives (1981) [Jettmar, 1985 #33066]
Journal Article 1990 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Rassengeschichte der menschheit 10. lieferung. Asien III: Ostasien (China, Mongolei, Korea, Taiwan, Nepal)," Ilse Schwidetzky, editor Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Pietrusewsky, 1990 #33011]
Journal Article 1993 Bellwood, Peter S. Cultural and biological differentiation in peninsular Malaysia: the last 10,000 years Asian Perspectives (1993) [Bellwood, 1993 #32914]
Journal Article 1995 Rambo, A. Terry Review of "Asia's cultural mosaic: an anthropological introduction" by Grant Evans Asian Perspectives (1995) [Rambo, 1995 #32851]
Journal Article 1998 Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Liao archaeology: tombs and ideology along the northern frontier of China Asian Perspectives (1998) [Steinhardt, 1998 #32788]
Journal Article 2001 Aikens, C. Melvin Review of "Ruins of Identity: ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands" by Mark Hudson Asian Perspectives (2000) [Aikens, 2001 #32745]
Journal Article 2003 Abraham, Shinu Anna Chera, chola, pandya: using archaeological evidence to identify the Tamil Kingdoms of early historic South India Asian Perspectives (2003) [Abraham, 2003 #31636]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 2011 Kang, Bong Won An examination of chronology, ethnic group, and social ranking based on mortuary data from central Korea Asian Perspectives (2010) [Kang, 2011 #28603]
Journal Article 2013 Jaffe, Yitzchak Materializing identity—a statistical analysis of the Western Zhou Liulihe cemetery Asian Perspectives (2012) [Jaffe, 2013 #28245]
Journal Article 2019 Blackmore, Hari A Critical Examination of Models Regarding a Han 韓 – Ye 濊 Ethnic Division in Proto-Historic Central Korea, and Further Implications Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Blackmore, 2019 #18982]
Book Section 2002 Stuart-Fox, Martin On the writing of Lao history: continuities and discontinuities Breaking new ground in Lao history: essays on the seventh to twentieth centuries [Stuart-Fox, 2002 #24326]
Journal Article 1924 Cœdès, George Documents sur l'histoire politique et religieuse du Laos occidental Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1924 #27170]
Journal Article 1924 Roux, Henri Deux tribus de la région de Phongsaly (Laos septentrional) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Roux, 1924 #27174]
Journal Article 1911 Guignard, Th. Note sur une peuplade des montagnes du Quáng-Bīnh: les Tầc-cúi Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Guignard, 1911 #27299]
Journal Article 1908 Bonifacy, A. Étude sur les Lolo et les La-qua du Haut-Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1908 #27393]
Journal Article 1991 Helliwell, Christine Evolution and ethnicity: a note on rice cultivation practices in Borneo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Helliwell, 1991 #35621]
Book Section 1991 Graves, Michael W. Pottery production and distribution among the Kalinga: a study of household and regional organization and differentiation Ceramic ethnoarchaeology [Graves, 1991 #24748]
Journal Article 1987 Bentley, G. Carter Ethnicity and practice Comparative Studies in Society and History [Bentley, 1987 #34079]
Book Section 2012 Krech, Uwe Cultural and ethnic diversity in the Burma area, first millennium CE: a new look at the early urban settlements Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Krech, 2012 #22811]
Journal Article 2006 Hudson, Mark J. Pots and people: ethnicity, culture and identity in postwar Japanese archaeology Critique of Anthropology [Hudson, 2006 #28637]
Journal Article 2006 Cox, Katharine Forensic identification of "race:" the issues in New Zealand Current Anthropology [Cox, 2006 #30150]
Book Section 2011 Jonsson, Hjorleifur Ethnology and the issue of human diversity in mainland Southeast Asia Dynamics of human diversity [Jonsson, 2011 #22995]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Wilson, Constance M. Ethnic participation in the export of Thai rice, 1885-1890 Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Wilson, 1977 #26160]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Kennedy, Jean From stage to development in prehistoric Thailand: an exploration of the origins of growth, exchange, and variability in Southeast Asia Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Kennedy, 1978 #26213]
Book Section in a Series 1981 Bentley, G. Carter Migration, ethnic identity, and state building in the Philippines: the Sulu case Ethnic change [Bentley, 1981 #26082]