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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1933 Beck, H. C. Etched carnelian beads Antiquaries Journal [Beck, 1933 #29945]
Journal Article 2015 Calo, Ambra Sembiran and Pacung on the north coast of Bali: a strategic crossroads for early trans-Asiatic exchange Antiquity [Calo, 2015 #27951]
Thesis 2003 Theunissen, Robert George Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia Archaeology and Paleoanthropology [Theunissen, 2003 #36390]
Journal Article 1848 Noggerath, Herrn Die kunst, onyx, carneole, chalcedone, und andere verwandte steinarten zu farben, zur erlauterung einer stelle des Plinius Secundus Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde [Noggerath, 1848 #29060]
Journal Article 2019 Glover, Lauren Overlooked imports: carnelian beads in the Korean Peninsula Asian Perspectives [Glover, 2019 #26655]
Journal Article 1998 Theunissen, R. Agate and carnelian ornaments from Noen U-Loke, Northeast Thailand: some thoughts on their social function and 'value' Bead Study Trust Newsletter [Theunissen, 1998 #28740]
Journal Article 1997 Theunissen, R. Agate and carnelian ornaments from Noen U-Loke, an iron age settlement in Northeast Thailand Bead Study Trust Newsletter [Theunissen, 1997 #28741]
Journal Article 2009 Lam Thi My Dzung, Sa Huynh regional and inter-regional interactions in the Thu Bon valley, Quang Nam province, central Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lam 2009 #29082]
Journal Article 1971 During-Caspers, E. C. L. Etched carnelian beads Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology [During-Caspers, 1971 #29770]
Thesis 1984 Williams, L. A new approach to the study of bead-making workshop practices with special reference to carnelian and agate beads from Don Ta Phet, Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Williams, 1984 #36375]
Journal Article 2016 Carter, Alison Kyra Geologic provenience analysis of agate and carnelian beads using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a case study from iron age Cambodia and Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Carter, 2016 #27740]
Journal Article 1851 Summers, A. An account of the agate and carnelian trade of Cambay Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Summers, 1851 #29367]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Kim Dung, Do trang su trong cac mo chum o Can Gio ( Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Ornaments from jar burial sites in Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30881]
Journal Article 1933 MacKay, Ernest Decorated carnelian beads Man [MacKay, 1933 #29350]
Journal Article 2015 Moore, Elizabeth Carnelian in Myanmar: prehistoric to early Buddhist beads-an introductory note on archaeological and ethnological observations in Myanmar NURJ [Moore, 2015 #27606]
Book Section 2003 Cole, Barbie Campbell Ancient hard stone beads and seals of Myanmar Ornaments from the past - bead studies after Beck: a book on glass and semiprecious stone beads in history and archaeology for archaeologists, jewellery historians and collectors [Cole, 2003 #24034]
Book Section 2003 Glover, Ian C. Alkaline etched beads in Southeast Asia Ornaments from the past - bead studies after Beck: a book on glass and semiprecious stone beads in history and archaeology for archaeologists, jewellery historians and collectors [Glover, 2003 #24035]
Journal Article 1982 Chevalier, J. Technique de perforation par percussion de perles en cornaline (Larsa, Iraq) Paléorient [Chevalier, 1982 #29886]
Journal Article 1989 Roux, V. Knapping technique and craft specialization: an ethnoarchaeological investigation in Gujarat Puratattva [Roux, 1989 #28885]
Book Section 1975 Allchin, Bridget The agate and carnelian industry of western India and Pakistan South Asian Archaeology 1975. Papers from the Third International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Paris [Allchin, 1975 #23956]
BAR Section 2012 Law, Randall INAA of agate sources and artifacts from the Indus, Helmand, and Thailand regions South Asian Archaeology 2007: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology Ravenna, Italy, 2-6 July 2007 [Law, 2012 #19659]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Theunissen, R. The agate and carnelian ornaments The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 2: the excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao [Theunissen, 2007 #25843]
Journal Article 1819 Copland, John Accounts of the carnelian mines in the neighbourhood of Baroach Transactions of the Bombay Literary Society [Copland, 1819 #29819]
Book (Edited) 2003 Glover, Ian C. Ornaments from the past - bead studies after Beck: a book on glass and semiprecious stone beads in history and archaeology for archaeologists, jewellery historians and collectors [Glover, 2003 #21538]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Bellina, Bérénice Témoignages archéologiques d'échanges entre l'Inde et l'Asie du Sud-Est: morphologie, morphométrie et techniques de fabrication des perles en agate et en cornaline (VIe siècle avant notre ère-VIe siècle de notre ère) [Bellina, 2002 #36506]