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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 1967 Brothwell, Don R. Diseases in antiquity, a survey of the diseases, injuries, and surgery of early populations [Brothwell, 1967 #21588]
Book Section 1967 Angel, J. Lawrence Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations [Angel, 1967 #37139]
Journal Article 1968 McHenry, Henry M. Transverse lines in long bones of prehistoric California Indians American Journal of Physical Anthropology [McHenry, 1968 #30590]
Journal Article 1975 Wells, Calvin Prehistoric and historical changes in nutritional diseases and associated conditions Progress in Food and Nutrition Science [Wells, 1975 #30581]
Journal Article 1975 Bahou, Wadie F. The relationships of particular trace elements to various bone pathologies in the Dickson Mounds skeletal population Paleopathology Newsletter [Bahou, 1975 #30584]
Journal Article 1975 Zaino, Diane E. Cribra Orbitalia in the aborigines of Hawaii and Australia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Zaino, 1975 #33896]
Journal Article 1976 McHenry, Henry M. The association between Harris lines and enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric California Indians American Journal of Physical Anthropology [McHenry, 1976 #30582]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Book 1977 Cohen, Mark Nathan The food crisis in prehistory: overpopulation and the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1977 #21118]
Book Section 1981 Buikstra, Jane E. Mortuary practices, palaeodemography and palaeopathology: a case study from the Koster site (Illinois) The archaeology of death [Buikstra, 1981 #24645]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Huss-Ashmore, R. Nutritional inference from paleopathology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Huss-Ashmore, 1982 #26086]
Journal Article 1982 Kiszely Istvan, Nhan hoc trong khao co hoc [ Anthropology in archaeology ] Khao Co Hoc [Kiszely 1982 #31263]
Journal Article 1983 Owsley, Douglas W. Caries frequency in deciduous dentitions of protohistoric Easter Islanders Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Owsley, 1983 #35752]
Book 1984 Cohen, Mark Nathan Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1984 #21140]
Book Section 1984 Cohen, Mark Nathan Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture: editors' summation Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1984 #24628]
Book Section 1984 Goodman, Alan H. Indications of stress from bone and teeth Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Goodman, 1984 #24648]
Book Section 1984 Goodman, Alan H. Health changes at Dickson Mounds, Illinois (AD 950-1300) Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Goodman, 1984 #24649]
Book Section 1984 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. Growth, nutrition, and pathology in changing paleodemographic settings in South Asia Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Kennedy, 1984 #24833]
Thesis-MA 1984 Crownover, Christopher Scott Rate of Harris Line formation and levels of trace elements in archaeological skeletal series [Crownover, 1984 #36473]
Book Section 1985 Martin, Debra L. Skeletal pathologies as indicators of quality and quantity of diet The analysis of prehistoric diets [Martin, 1985 #24713]
Book 1988 Cohen, Mark Nathan Health and the rise of civilization [Cohen, 1988 #21132]
Journal Article 1988 Goodman, Alan H. Childhood stress, cultural buffering, and decreased longevity in a prehistoric population American Anthropologist [Goodman, 1988 #34700]
Book Section 1989 Lukacs, John R. Dental paleopathology: methods for reconstructing dietary patterns Reconstruction of life from the skeleton [Lukacs, 1989 #24714]
Journal Article 1989 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture," Mark N. Cohen and George J. Armelagos, editors Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Pietrusewsky, 1989 #33024]
Book Section 1990 Kennedy, K. A. R. Reconstruction of trauma, disease and lifeways of prehistoric peoples of South Asia from the skeletal record South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Kennedy, 1990 #23292]
Book Section 1990 Armelagos, George J. Health and disease in prehistoric populations in transition Disease in populations in transition [Armelagos, 1990 #24640]
Journal Article 1990 Goodman, Alan H. Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures Yearbook of Physical Anthropology [Goodman, 1990 #34698]
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Dental enamel hypoplasias as indicators of nutritional status Advances in dental anthropology [Goodman, 1991 #24647]
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Stress, adaptation and enamel delvelopmental defects Human paleopathology: current synthesis and future options [Goodman, 1991 #24650]
Book 1992 Stuart-Macadam, Patricia L. Diet, Demography, and Disease : Changing Perspectives of Anemia (Foundations of Human Behavior) [Stuart-Macadam, 1992 #21117]