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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1923 Finot, Louis Sur un mode de datation employé au Laos Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Finot, 1923 #27180]
Journal Article 1940 de Terra, Hellmut Geologic dating of human evolution in Asia Scientific monthly [de 1940 #30399]
Journal Article 1951 Damais, L. C. Études d'épigraphie indonésienne - I. Méthode de réduction des dates javanaises en dates européennes et II. La date des inscriptions en ère de Sanjaya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1951 #32178]
Journal Article 1952 Damais, Louis-Charles Études d'épigraphie indonésienne - III. Liste des principales inscriptions datées de l'Indonésie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1952 #26885]
Journal Article 1955 Damais, L.-C. Études d'epigraphie indonésienne - IV. Discussion de la date des inscriptions Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1955 #32163]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Journal Article 1962 Smiley, Terah L. General aspects of dating in the field of archaeology Asian Perspectives (1961) [Smiley, 1962 #33527]
Journal Article 1962 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Peopling of the Pacific Islands in the light of radiocarbon dating Asian Perspectives (1961) [Shutler, 1962 #33528]
Journal Article 1962 Kaizuka, Sohei Geochronology based on volcanic ejecta and its contributions to archaeology in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Kaizuka, 1962 #33531]
Journal Article 1962 Watanabe, Naotune A review of dating methods now used in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Watanabe, 1962 #33554]
Journal Article 1962 Watanabe, Naotune Magnetic dating in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Watanabe, 1962 #33561]
Journal Article 1962 Harrisson, Tom Dating methods and related deductions in the Niah Great Caves Asian Perspectives (1961) [Harrisson, 1962 #33571]
Book Section 1963 Schnetzler, C. C. The chemical composition of tektites Tektites [Schnetzler, 1963 #23418]
Journal Article 1963 Damais, Louis-Charles Études balinaises: VII. Quelques nouvelles dates de manuscrits balinais Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1963 #26875]
Journal Article 1963 Vogel, J. C. Groningen radiocarbon dates Radiocarbon [Vogel, 1963 #28482]
Journal Article 1963 Oba, Toshio New dates for early pottery in Japan Asian Perspectives (1962) [Oba, 1963 #33504]
Book 1966 Oakley, Kenneth P. Frameworks for dating fossil man [Oakley, 1966 #21185]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Premières datations absolues de trois gisements néolithiques Cambodgiens Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences: Série D- Sciences naturelles [Carbonnel, 1968 #35891]
Journal Article 1970 Sartono, S. On the stratigraphic position of Pithecanthropus mandible-C Proceedings of the Institut Teknologi Bandung [Sartono, 1970 #30234]
Journal Article 1970 Mourer, Cécile Premières datations absolues de l'habitat préhistorique de la grotte de Laang Spean, province de Battambang (Cambodge) Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences: Série D- Sciences naturelles [Mourer, 1970 #30345]
Journal Article 1972 Bayard, Donn T. Early Thai bronze: analysis and new dates Science [Bayard, 1972 #35889]
Journal Article 1973 Aigner, Jean S. The dating of Lantian Man and his significance for analyzing trends in human evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Aigner, 1973 #30015]
Thesis 1973 Brown, Roxanna M. The dating and identification of Southeast Asian ceramics Arts and Social Sciences [Brown, 1973 #36384]
Journal Article 1974 Morgenstein, Maury Review of "Dating techniques for the archaeologist," Henry N. Michael and Elizabeth K. Ralph, editors Asian Perspectives (1974) [Morgenstein, 1974 #33226]
Journal Article 1974 Bloom, A. L. Quaternary sea level fluctuations on a tectonic coast: New \+30\+TH/\+234\+Udates from the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea Quaternary Research [Bloom, 1974 #35256]
Journal Article 1975 Harrisson, Tom Tektites as "date markers" in Borneo and elsewhere Asian Perspectives (1975) [Harrisson, 1975 #33186]
Journal Article 1975 Morgenstein, Maury Hydration-rind dating for Basaltic glass: a new method for archaeological chronologies Asian Perspectives (1974) [Morgenstein, 1975 #33191]
Journal Article 1975 Johnson, David A. Absolute ages of Quaternary radiolarian datum levels in the equatorial Pacific Quaternary Research [Johnson, 1975 #35236]
Book Section 1976 Sørensen, Per Preliminary note on the relative and absolute chronology of two early Palaeolithic sites from north Thailand Le paléolithic inférieur et moyen en Inde, en Asie centrale, en Chine et dans Le Sud-est asiatique: 9th Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Nice [Sørensen, 1976 #25076]
Journal Article 1976 Barr, S. M. Paleomagnetism and age of the Lampang basalt (northern Thailand) and the age of underlying pebble tools Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand [Barr, 1976 #35484]