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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1948 Calvin, M. The path of carbon in photosynthesis Science [Calvin, 1948 #34764]
Journal Article 1960 Park, R. Carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Park, 1960 #34567]
Journal Article 1966 Hatch, M. D. Photosynthesis by sugarcane leaves. a new carboxylation reaction and the pathway of sugar formation Biochemistry Journal [Hatch, 1966 #34679]
Journal Article 1967 Hatch, M. D. Further studies on a new pathway of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation in sugar-cane and its occurrence in order plant species Biochemistry Journal [Hatch, 1967 #34678]
Journal Article 1967 Hall, R. L. Some late corn dates: isotopic fractionation as a source of error in carbon-14 dates Michigan Archaeologist [Hall, 1967 #34684]
Journal Article 1968 Race, G. J. Ancient Nubian human bone: a chemical and ultrastructural characterization including collagen American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Race, 1968 #34546]
Journal Article 1968 Bender, Margaret M. Mass spectrometric studies of carbon 13 variation in corn and other grasses Radiocarbon [Bender, 1968 #34791]
Journal Article 1971 Smith, Bruce N. Two categories of 13C/12C ratios for higher plants Plant Physiology [Smith, 1971 #34497]
Journal Article 1971 Longin, R. New method of collagen extraction for radiocarbon dating Nature [Longin, 1971 #34602]
Journal Article 1971 Bender, Margaret M. Variation in the <sup>13</sup>C/<sup>12</sup>C ratios of plants in relation to the pathway of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation Phytochemistry [Bender, 1971 #34790]
Journal Article 1973 Bender, M. M. <sup>13</sup>C/<sup>12</sup>C ratio changes in crassulacean acid metabolism Plant Physiology [Bender, 1973 #33742]
Journal Article 1973 Osmond, C. B. Carbon isotope discrimination in photosynthesis of CAM plants Nature [Osmond, 1973 #34570]
Journal Article 1977 Vogel, J. C. Isotopic evidence for early maize cultivation in New York State American Antiquity [Vogel, 1977 #34451]
Journal Article 1977 DeNiro, Michael J. Mechanism of carbon isotope fractionation associated with lipid synthesis Science [DeNiro, 1977 #34740]
Journal Article 1978 van der Merwe, Nikolaas, J. <sup>13</sup>C content of human collagen as a measure of prehistoric diet in woodland North America Nature [van 1978 #34412]
Journal Article 1978 Lyon, T. D. B. Stable carbon isotopes in human tissue Nature [Lyon, 1978 #34596]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [DeNiro, 1978 #34738]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Carbon isotopic evidence for difference feeding patterns in two hyrax species occupying the same habitat Science [DeNiro, 1978 #34739]
Journal Article 1979 Keeling, Charles D. Recent trends in the <sup>13</sup>C/<sup>12</sup>C ratio of atmospheric carbon dioxide Nature [Keeling, 1979 #33739]
Journal Article 1981 Tauber, H. <sup>13</sup>C evidence for dietary habits of prehistoric man in Denmark Nature [Tauber, 1981 #34478]
Journal Article 1981 Sullivan, Charles H. Carbon isotope analysis of separate chemical phases in modern and fossil bone Nature [Sullivan, 1981 #34484]
Journal Article 1981 Bender, Margaret M. Further light on stable carbon isotopes and Hopewell agriculture American Antiquity [Bender, 1981 #34789]
Journal Article 1982 van der Merwe, Nikolaas J. Carbon isotopes, photosynthesis, and archaeology American Scientist [van 1982 #34414]
Journal Article 1982 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Carbon isotope ratios of apatite from fossil bone cannot be used to reconstruct diets of animals Nature [Schoeninger, 1982 #34524]
Journal Article 1982 Nakamura, K. Geographical variations in the carbon isotope composition of the diet and hair in contemporary man Biomedical Mass Spectrometry [Nakamura, 1982 #34582]
Journal Article 1982 Chisholm, Brian S. Stable-carbon isotope ratios as a measure of marine versus terrestrial protein in ancient diet Science [Chisholm, 1982 #34755]
Journal Article 1983 DeNiro, Michael J. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen: variations within individuals, between sexes, and within populations raised on monotonous diets Journal of Archaeological Science [DeNiro, 1983 #34150]
Journal Article 1983 Tieszen, L. L. Fractionation and turnover of stable carbon isotopes in animal tissues: implications for the delta<sup>13</sup>C analysis of diet Oecologia [Tieszen, 1983 #34470]
Journal Article 1983 Sullivan, Charles H. Carbon isotope ratios of bone apatite and animal diet reconstruction [letter] Nature [Sullivan, 1983 #34485]
Journal Article 1983 Chisholm, Brian S. Marine and terrestrial protein in prehistoric diets on the British Columbia Coast Current Anthropology [Chisholm, 1983 #34754]