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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1872 Barron Note on stone implements from the Naga Hills Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Barron 1872 #34076]
Journal Article 1875 Ball, Valentine On some stone implements of the Barmese type, found in Pargana Dalbhum, District of Singbhum, Chota-Nagpur Division Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1875 #34116]
Journal Article 1904 Swan, Robert M. W. Note on stone implements from Pahang Man [Swan, 1904 #31386]
Book 1911 Barthere, F. Noter pour servir à l'étude du préhistorique indo-chinois Société archéologique de Provence [Barthere, 1911 #37142]
Journal Article 1920 Evans, Ivor H. N. Preliminary report on the exploration of a rock-shelter in the Batu Kurau parish, Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1920 #31341]
Journal Article 1926 Colani, Madeleine Découverte d'industries paléolithiques dans la province de Hoa-Binh, Tonkin L'Anthropologie [Colani, 1926 #35916]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Gravures primitives sur pierre et sur os (Stations hoabinhiennes et bacsoniennes) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1929 #32234]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Quelques stations hoabinhiennes (note préliminaire) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1929 #32235]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Quelques Paléolithes Hoabiniens typiques de l'Abri sous roche de Lang-Kay Société préhistorique française [Colani, 1929 #35191]
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. Malayan types of stone implements in India, Burma, and the Andamans Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31363]
Book 1931 Menghin, Oswald Weltgeschichte der Steinzeit [Menghin, 1931 #21018]
Journal Article 1936 Stein Callenfels, P. V. van The Melanesoid civilisations of eastern Asia Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Stein 1936 #31340]
Journal Article 1938 Bian, M. N. Cave and rock-shelter deposits in Yunnan Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Bian, 1938 #34070]
Journal Article 1939 Evans, Ivor H. N. Notes on two types of stone implements from the Malay Peninsula Man [Evans, 1939 #31655]
Journal Article 1939 Colani, Madeleine La civilization Hoabinhienne extrème-orientale Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française [Colani, 1939 #35911]
Journal Article 1954 Sieveking, G. de G. Excavations at Gua Cha, Kelantan. 1954. Part I Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Sieveking, 1954 #35954]
Journal Article 1957 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. Pebble-tool terminology in India and Pakistan Man in India [Movius, 1957 #31601]
Journal Article 1957 Saurin, Edmond Outillage hoabinhien à Giáp Kliâu, Port-Courbet (Nord Việt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Saurin, 1957 #32156]
Journal Article 1958 Chin, You-din The stone age in Thailand Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India [Chin, 1958 #34021]
Journal Article 1960 Chia, Lan-po On the age of the chipped stone artifacts in Kwangsi caves Vertebrata Palasiatica [Chia, 1960 #31336]
Journal Article 1960 Heider, Karl G. A pebble-tool complex in Thailand Asian Perspectives (1958) [Heider, 1960 #31645]
Book 1961 Matthews, John M. A check-list of "Hoabinhian" sites excavated in Malaya 1860-1939 [Matthews, 1961 #21296]
Journal Article 1962 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest from the Hoabinhian of Gua Cha rock shelter, Kelantan Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Hooijer, 1962 #33801]
Journal Article 1962 Boriskovsky, P. I. Exploration of ancient sites of the stone age in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Soviet Archaeology [Boriskovsky, 1962 #34059]
Journal Article 1966 Matthews, John M. The Hoabinhian affinities of some Australian assemblages Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Matthews, 1966 #35235]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Saurin, Edmond Station préhistorique à ciel ouvert dans le massif du Pah Xieng Tong (Laos) Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Saurin, 1968 #26066]
Journal Article 1969 Matthews, John M. A review of the 'Hoabinhian' in Indo-China Asian Perspectives (1966) [Matthews, 1969 #29288]
Journal Article 1969 Gorman, Chester Francis Hoabinhian: a pebble-tool complex with early plant associations in South-East Asia Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (New Series) [Gorman, 1969 #35416]
Journal Article 1969 Aung Thaw, U. The "Neolithic" culture of the Padah-lin Caves Journal of the Burma Research Society [Aung 1969 #35814]
Journal Article 1969 Boriskovskii, P. I. Vietnam in primeval times. Part 4 Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology [Boriskovskii, 1969 #35822]