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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series (Edited) 1942 Bateson, Gregory Balinese character: a photographic analysis [Bateson, 1942 #22100]
Book 1949 Belo, Jane Bali: Rangda and Barong [Belo, 1949 #21099]
Book in a Series 1953 Belo, Jane Bali temple festival [Belo, 1953 #21913]
Journal Article 1958 Damais, Louis-Charles Études d'épigraphie indonésienne: V. Dates de manuscrits et documents divers de Java, Bali, et Lombok Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1958 #26879]
Journal Article 1960 Damais, Louis-Charles Études balinaises: III. La date de la sépulture royale de Gunung Kawi Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1960 #32148]
Journal Article 1963 Damais, Louis-Charles Études balinaises: VII. Quelques nouvelles dates de manuscrits balinais Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1963 #26875]
Journal Article 1965 Cuisinier, Jeanne Le rituel familial à Bali Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cuisinier, 1965 #26754]
Book 1970 Belo, Jane Traditional Balinese Culture: essays selected and edited by Jane Belo [Belo, 1970 #21097]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1975 Reid, Anthony Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Reid, 1975 #22054]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Worsley, P. J. Preliminary remarks on the concept of kingship in the <i> Babad Buleleng </i> Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Worsley, 1975 #25724]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Kraan, Alfons van der The nature of Balinese rule on Lombok Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Kraan, 1975 #25725]
Journal Article 1976 Buchler, Ira R. Social idioms. Review of "Kinship in Bali," by Hildred Geertz and Clifford Geertz Science [Buchler, 1976 #35696]
Book 1977 Soejono, R. P. Sarkofagus Bali dan nekropolis Gilimanuk [Soejono, 1977 #20171]
Book 1977 Boon, James A. The anthropological romance of Bali 1597-1972: dynamic perspectives in marriage and caste, politics, and religion [Boon, 1977 #21086]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Hobart, Mark The path of the soul: the legitimacy of nature in Balinese conceptions of space Natural Symbols in South East Asia [Hobart, 1978 #26317]
Book 1980 Geertz, Clifford Negara: the theatre state in 19th century Bali [Geertz, 1980 #20561]
Journal Article 1981 Widia, I. Wayan Temuan nekara perunggu desa Pacung, Tejakula (On the bronze drum from Pacung village, Tejakula) Saraswati [Widia, 1981 #29266]
Journal Article 1983 Lansing, J. S. The "Indianization" of Bali Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Lansing, 1983 #29394]
Journal Article 1985 Soegondho, Santoso The pottery from Gilimanuk, Bali Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Soegondho, 1985 #35527]
Book 1986 Nordholt, Henk Schulte Bali: colonial conceptions and political change, 1700-1940: from shifting hierarchies to "fixed order" CASP [Nordholt, 1986 #19883]
Journal Article 1986 McElney, B. Preliminary report on a newly found bronze drum from Bali, Indonesia Indonesia Circle [McElney, 1986 #29286]
Journal Article 1988 Marrison, G. E. Balinese manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and other collections in the Netherlands: a review article Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Marrison, 1988 #31493]
Book 1990 Eiseman, Fred B. Bali, sekala and niskala [Eiseman, 1990 #19895]
Conference Paper 1990 Sutaba, I Made Prehistoric stone seats in contemporary life in Bali 14th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sutaba, 1990 #26507]
Journal Article 1990 McConnell, J. A newly found bronze drum from Bali, Indonesia: some technical considerations Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [McConnell, 1990 #35599]
Book 1991 Tenzer, Michael Balinese music [Tenzer, 1991 #19879]
Book 1991 Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta Textiles in Bali [Hauser-Schäublin, 1991 #19941]
Book 1991 Lansing, John Stephen Priests and programmers: technologies of power in the engineered landscape of Bali [Lansing, 1991 #20452]
Book (Edited) 1991 Geertz, Hildred State and society in Bali: historical, textual and anthropological approaches Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Geertz, 1991 #21355]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Hobart, Mark The art of measuring mirages, or is there kinship in Bali? Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia [Hobart, 1991 #26270]