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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series (Edited) 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #22098]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Experimental evidence for the relationship of the carbon isotope ratios of whole diet and dietary protein to those of bone collagen and carbonate Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Ambrose, 1993 #24643]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Isotopic analysis of paleodiets: methodological and interpretive considerations Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Ambrose, 1993 #24644]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Controlled diet and climate experiments on nitrogen isotope ratios of rats Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #26096]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Journal Article 1986 Ambrose, Stanley H. Reconstruction of African human diet using bone collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios Nature [Ambrose, 1986 #34806]
Journal Article 1997 Ambrose, Stanley H. Stable isotopic analysis of human diet in the Marianas Archipelago, western Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ambrose, 1997 #34808]
Journal Article 1991 Ambrose, Stanley H. Effects of diet, climate and physiology on nitrogen isotope abundances in terrestrial foodwebs Journal of Archaeological Science [Ambrose, 1991 #34809]
Journal Article 2001 Balasse, Marie Detection of dietary changes by intra-tooth carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis: an experimental study of dentine collagen of cattle (<i>Bos taurus<i>) Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 2001 #34397]
Journal Article 1999 Balasse, Marie Intra-bone variability of collagen and apatite isotopic composition used as evidence of a change of diet Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 1999 #34398]
Journal Article 2001 Ben-David, M. Mixing models in analyses of diet using multiple stable isotopes: a response Oecologia [Ben-David, 2001 #34304]
Journal Article 1992 Blake, Michael Prehistoric subsistence in the Soconusco region Current Anthropology [Blake, 1992 #34787]
Journal Article 2003 Bocherens, H. Trophic level isotopic enrichment of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen: case studies from recent and ancient terrestrial ecosystems International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Bocherens, 2003 #32518]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Bocherens, Hervé Preservation of isotopic signal (<sup>13</sup>C, <sup>15</sup>N) in pleistocene mammals Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Bocherens, 2000 #26101]
Journal Article 2006 Bocherens, Hervé Stable isotope evidence for palaeodiets in southern Turkmenistan during Historical period and Iron Age Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 2006 #30160]
Journal Article 1999 Bocherens, Hervé Palaeoenvironmental and palaeodietary implications of isotopic biogeochemistry of last interglacial neanderthal and mammal bones in Scladina Cave (Belgium) Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 1999 #34394]
Journal Article 1996 Bocherens, Hervé Stable isotope abundances (<sup>13</sup>C, <sup>15</sup>N) in collagen and soft tissues from Pleistocene mammals from Yakutia: implications for the palaeobiology of the Mammoth Steppe Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1996 #34779]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Molecular preservation and isotopy of Mesolithic human finds from the Ofnet cave (Bavaria, Germany) Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Bocherens, 1997 #34781]
Journal Article 1995 Bocherens, Hervé Trophic structure and climate information from isotopic signatures in Pleistocene cave fauna of southern England Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 1995 #34782]
Journal Article 1994 Bocherens, Hervé Diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bears Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1994 #34783]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Isotopic biogeochemistry as a marker of Neandertal diet Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Bocherens, 1997 #34784]
Journal Article 2006 Bogaard, A. The impact of manuring on nitrogen isotope ratios in cereals: archaeological implications for reconstruction of diet and crop management practices Journal of Archaeological Science [Bogaard, 2006 #30159]
Journal Article 2000 Boontanon, Narin Intramolecular stable isotope ratios of N<sub>2</sub>O in the tropical swamp forest in Thailand Naturwissenschaften [Boontanon, 2000 #34392]
Book Section 1994 Bourque, Bruce J. Dietary reconstruction from human bone for five coastal New England populations Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Bourque, 1994 #24601]
Journal Article 1991 Boutton, T. W. Stable carbon isotopes and the study of prehistoric human diet Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Boutton, 1991 #34777]
Journal Article 1977 Buczko, C. M. Effect of climate on chemical composition of fossil bones Nature [Buczko, 1977 #34774]
Journal Article 1999 Burton, Robert K. Isotopic tracking of foraging and long-distance migration in northeastern Pacific pinnipeds Oecologia [Burton, 1999 #34389]
Journal Article 1996 Cabana, G. Comparison of aquatic food chains using nitrogen isotopes PNAS [Cabana, 1996 #34767]
Thesis 2001 Carter, Melinda Lee Sensitivity of stable isotopes (<sup> 13</sup>C, <sup> 15</sup>N, and <sup> 18</sup>O) in bone to dietary specialization and niche separation among sympatric primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda Department of Anthropology [Carter, 2001 #36405]