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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2011 Adachi, Noboru Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Hokkaido Jomon skeletons: remnants of archaic maternal lineages at the southwestern edge of former Beringia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Adachi, 2011 #27724]
Journal Article 2001 Allen, Melinda S. Pacific 'babes': issues in the origins and dispersal of Pacific pigs and the potential of mitochondrial DNA analysis International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Allen, 2001 #33892]
Journal Article 1992 Ballinger, S. W. Southeast Asian mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals genetic continuity of ancient Monogloid migrations Genetics [Ballinger, 1992 #34796]
Journal Article 2002 Bar-Gal, G. Kahila Ancient DNA evidence for the transition from wild to domestic status in Neolithic goats: a case study from the site of Abu Gosh, Israel Ancient Biomolecules [Bar-Gal, 2002 #32459]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bing Su, Origins and prehistoric migrations of modern humans in east Asia Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Bing 2001 #25996]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bing Su, Genetic history of ethnic populations in southwestern China Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Bing 2001 #25998]
Journal Article 2001 Brown, Keri A. The future is bright - directions for future research with ancient DNA in forensic archaeology Ancient Biomolecules [Brown, 2001 #32451]
Journal Article 2001 Burger, J. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from (pre)historic hide-derived material Ancient Biomolecules [Burger, 2001 #32446]
Journal Article 1998 Butler, V. L. Ancient DNA from salmon bone: a preliminary study Ancient Biomolecules [Butler, 1998 #32417]
Journal Article 2000 Caldararo, Niccolo Mitochondrial DNA analysis and the place of neandertals in homo Ancient Biomolecules [Caldararo, 2000 #32442]
Journal Article 1987 Cann, Rebecca L. Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution Nature [Cann, 1987 #29912]
Journal Article 2010 Chen, Shanyuan Zebu cattle are an exclusive legacy of the South Asia neolithic Molecular Biology and Evolution [Chen, 2010 #26612]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Chu, Jiayou Chinese human genome diversity project: A synopsis Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Chu, 2001 #26065]
Journal Article 2002 Ciesielski, Slawomir Recovery and analysis of mitochondrial DNA from ancient bones of common Bream, Abramis brama L Ancient Biomolecules [Ciesielski, 2002 #32455]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Deka, Ranjan The genetic trail from Southeast Asia to the Pacific Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Deka, 2001 #26064]
Journal Article 1997 Derenko, M. Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence from a 33,000 year-old woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Ancient Biomolecules [Derenko, 1997 #32400]
Journal Article 2008 Dobney, Keith The pigs of island Southeast Asia and the Pacific: new evidence for taxonomic status and human-mediated dispersal Asian Perspectives (2008) [Dobney, 2008 #29411]
Journal Article 2014 Duggan, Ana T. Maternal history of Oceania from complete mtDNA genomes: contrasting ancient diversity with recent homogenization due to the Austronesian expansion American Journal of Human Genetics [Duggan, 2014 #26620]
Journal Article 2003 Endicott, Phillip The genetic origins of the Andaman islanders American Journal of Human Genetics [Endicott, 2003 #27853]
Journal Article 1999 Evison, Martin P. Ancient HLA: a preliminary survey Ancient Biomolecules [Evison, 1999 #32441]
Journal Article 1996 Fox, C. L. Analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA from extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia Ancient Biomolecules [Fox, 1996 #32389]
Journal Article 2002 Friedlaender, Jonathan Scott A cautionary tale on ancient migration detection: Mitochondrial DNA variation in Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands Human Biology [Friedlaender, 2002 #33723]
Journal Article 2001 Fucharoen, Goonnapa Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand Journal of Human Genetics [Fucharoen, 2001 #30617]
Journal Article 2002 Gerstenberger, Julia Reconstruction of residence patterns through genetic typing of skeletal remains of an early medieval population Ancient Biomolecules [Gerstenberger, 2002 #32457]
Journal Article 2001 Graver, Alison M. Mitochondrial DNA research in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: a preliminary report Ancient Biomolecules [Graver, 2001 #32454]
Journal Article 2018 Greig, K. Complex history of dog (<i>Canis familiaris</i>) origins and translocations in the Pacific revealed by ancient mitogenomes Scientific Reports [Greig, 2018 #26729]
Journal Article 1991 Hertzberg, Mark Polynesian origins and migration: the story according to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hertzberg, 1991 #29132]
Journal Article 2007 Hill, Catherine A mitochondrial stratigraphy for island Southeast Asia American Journal of Human Genetics [Hill, 2007 #27737]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Horai, Satoshi Human mitochondrial DNA: a clue to the development and dispersion of Asian populations International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Horai, 1992 #26201]
Journal Article 2023 Jaisamut, Kitipong Unraveling the mitochondrial phylogenetic landscape of Thailand reveals complex admixture and demographic dynamics Scientific Reports [Jaisamut, 2023 #37311]