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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Zones of refuge: Resisting conquest in the northern Philippine highlands through environmental practice Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Acabado, 2018 #26726]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Allen, Jane Managing a tropical environment: state development in early historical-era Kedah, Malaysia Complex polities in the ancient tropical world [Allen, 1999 #26158]
Journal Article 2004 Anshari, Gusti Environmental change and peatland forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal of Quaternary Science [Anshari, 2004 #28536]
Book Section 1981 Ashton, Peter S. Forest conditions in the tropics of Asia and the Far East Where have all the flowers gone?: deforestation in the Third World [Ashton, 1981 #24490]
Journal Article 1965 Batistini, R. L'importance de l'homme dans les transformations protohistoriques du milieu naturel à Madagascar Taloha [Batistini, 1965 #29969]
Journal Article 2003 Berglund, Björn Human impact and climate changes--synchronous events and a causal link? Quaternary International [Berglund, 2003 #31792]
Journal Article 2018 Biggs, David Clearing, "wasting," and regreening: an environmental history of bare hills in Central Vietnam Journal of Asian Studies [Biggs, 2018 #26679]
Journal Article 2003 Bishop, Paul A 3.5 ka record of paleoenvironments and human occupation at Angkor Borei, Mekong Delta, southern Cambodia Geoarchaeology [Bishop, 2003 #32661]
Book in a Series 1982 Boulbet, Jean Évolution des paysages végétaux en Thaïlande du nord-est [Boulbet, 1982 #21997]
Journal Article 2001 Boyd, W. E. Iron age vegetation dynamics and human impacts on the vegetation of Upper Mun River floodplain, N.E. Thailand New Zealand Geographer [Boyd, 2001 #32508]
Journal Article 2001 Boyd, William E. The geoarchaeology of the prehistoric ditched sites of the upper Mae Nam Mun Valley, NE Thailand, III: Late Holocene vegetation history Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Boyd, 2001 #34148]
Journal Article 1987 Burney, D. A. Late Quaternary stratigraphic charcoal records from Madagascar Quaternary Research [Burney, 1987 #33681]
Book Section 1999 Clark, Jeffrey T. Environmental change and human prehistory on Totoya island, Fiji Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Clark, 1999 #24001]
Journal Article 1991 Deraniyagala, S. U. Man and environment during the Pleistocene in Sri Lanka Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Deraniyagala, 1991 #29796]
Journal Article 2013 Evans, Damian H. Uncovering archaeological landscapes at Angkor using lidar PNAS [Evans, 2013 #27974]
Book Section 1985 Flenley, John R. Man's impact on the vegetation of Southeast Asia: the pollen evidence Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978 [Flenley, 1985 #25161]
Journal Article 1988 Flenley, John R. Palynological evidence for land use changes in South-East Asia Journal of Biogeography [Flenley, 1988 #35989]
Journal Article 2003 Fu, Congbin Potential impacts of human-induced land cover change on East Asia Monsoon Global and Planetary Change [Fu, 2003 #31847]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Fukusawa, Hitoshi Quick response of eco-system caused by human imparcts in Lake Suigetsu during last 500 years Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Fukusawa, 2001 #26052]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2005 Gupta, Avijit The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Gupta, 2005 #22055]
Journal Article 2007 Gupta, Avijit The Mekong from satellite imagery: a quick look at a large river Geomorphology [Gupta, 2007 #29745]
Journal Article 2001 Haberle, Simon G. Biomass burning in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea: natural and human induced fire events in the fossil record Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Haberle, 2001 #32477]
Book in a Series 1972 Hanks, Lucien M. Rice and man: agricultural ecology in Southeast Asia [Hanks, 1972 #21995]
Book Section 2001 Heinsohn, Tom E. Human influences on vertebrate zoogeography: animal translocation and biological invasions across and to the east of Wallace's line Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Heinsohn, 2001 #24361]
Book Section 1999 Hope, Geoff Holocene vegetation histories in the Western Pacific: alternative records of human impact Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Hope, 1999 #23989]
Journal Article 2002 Huang, Chun Chang High-resolution studies of the oldest cultivated soils in the southern Loess Plateau of China Catena [Huang, 2002 #32533]
Journal Article 2003 Innes, James B. Dating the introduction of cereal cultivation to the British Isles: early palaeoecological evidence from the Isle of Man Journal of Quaternary Science [Innes, 2003 #31252]
Book Section 1997 Kealhofer, Lisa Evidence for cultural impact on the environment during the Holocene: two phytolith sequences from the Lopburi region, Central Thailand 4th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Arcahaeologists [Kealhofer, 1997 #23701]
Book Section in a Series 1997 Kealhofer, Lisa Evidence for cultural impact on the environment during the Holocene: two phytolith sequences from the Lopburi Region, central Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kealhofer, 1997 #26172]
Journal Article 1996 Kealhofer, Lisa Human-environmental relationships in prehistory: an introduction to current research in South and Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1996) [Kealhofer, 1996 #32829]