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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Adams, Ron L. Household ethnoarchaeology and social action in a megalith-building society in West Sumba, Indonesia Asian Perspectives [Adams, 2019 #18967]
Journal Article 1999 Albrecht, Gerd Recent Mani settlements in Satun Province, southern Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Albrecht, 1999 #35486]
Book 1983 Alkazi, Roshen Ancient Indian costume [Alkazi, 1983 #20786]
Book (Edited) 1994 Allchin, Bridget Living traditions: studies in the ethnoarchaeology of South Asia [Allchin, 1994 #21529]
Journal Article Ansari, Shahida Small game hunting Musahars: an ethnoarchaeological approach Puratattva [Ansari, #34402]
Journal Article 1991 Arifin, Karina Social aspects of pottery manufacture in Boera, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Arifin, 1991 #35589]
Journal Article 2000 Arnold, Dean E. Does the standardization of ceramic pastes really mean specialization? Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Arnold, 2000 #31698]
Journal Article 2012 Arnold, Jeanne E. Detecting apprentices and innovators in the archaeological record: the shell bead-making industry of the Channel Islands Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Arnold, 2012 #28354]
Book 1991 Arnold, Philip J. Domestic ceramic production and spatial organization: a Mexican case study in ethnoarchaeology [Arnold, 1991 #20279]
Book Section 1994 Aronson, Meredith Production and use technologies in Kalinga pottery Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Aronson, 1994 #24752]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Aronson, Meredith Use technologies: an ethnoarchaeological study of Kalinga pottery Materials issues in art and archaeology II [Aronson, 1991 #26108]
Book Section 2005 Arthur, John W. Ethnoarchaeology Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Arthur, 2005 #22200]
Journal Article 1922 Barton, Roy F. Ifugao economics University of California Publication in American Archaeology and Ethnology [Barton, 1922 #34815]
Journal Article 1977 Bayard, Donn T. A novel pottery-manufacturing technique in western Loei Province, Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Bayard, 1977 #35942]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Beavitt, P. The ethnoarchaeology of sacrifice: some comments on the visible and invisible with respect to human contact with the spirit world in Borneo Animal et Pratiques Religieuses: Les Manifestations Matérielles [Beavitt, 1989 #26103]
Thesis-PhD 2003 Beck, Margaret Elizabeth Ceramic deposition and midden formation in Kalinga, Philippines [Beck, 2003 #36536]
Journal Article 2009 Belcher, William R. Understanding ancient fishing and butchery strategies of the Indus Valley civilization SAA Archaeological Record [Belcher, 2009 #28906]
Book in a Series 1974 Benjamin, Geoffrey Prehistory and ethnology in Southeast Asia: some new ideas [Benjamin, 1974 #21871]
Book Section 1972 Binford, Lewis R. Methodological considerations of the archaeological use of ethnographic data An archaeological perspective [Binford, 1972 #23483]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Blench, Roger The history and distribution of the free-reed mouth-organ in Southeast Asia EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Blench, 2020 #36735]
Book Section 2024 Bonatz, Dominik Across the highlands: Ethnicity, archaeology and monuments in the lands of the Rejang, Minangkabau and Batak Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Bonatz, 2024 #37336]
Journal Article 2000 Bowser, Barbara J. From pottery to politics: an ethnoarchaeological study of political factionalism, ethnicity, and domestic pottery style in the Ecuadorian Amazon Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Bowser, 2000 #29020]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Brumbach, Hetty Jo Archeologist-Ethnographer-Informant Relations: The Dynamcis of Ethnoarchaeology in the Field Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Brumbach, 1990 #25223]
Journal Article 2010 Bubpha, Sureeratana An ethnoarchaeology of ceramic ecology Thammasat University Journal [Bubpha, 2010 #28940]
Thesis 2001 Bubpha, Sureeratana The ethnoarchaeological study of ceramic ecology at Ban Hua Bueng, Khon Kaen Province Department of Archaeology [Bubpha, 2001 #36361]
Thesis 1972 Calder, A. Cracked pots and rubbish tips: an ethnoarchaeological investigation of vessel and sherd distribution in a Thai-Lao village Department of Anthropology [Calder, 1972 #36417]
Book 1993 Cameron, Catherine M. Abandonment of settlements and regions: ethnoarchaeological and archaeological approaches [Cameron, 1993 #20716]
Journal Article 2002 Cauchois, Mickaelle-Hinanui Dryland horticulture in Maupiti: an ethnoarchaeological study Asian Perspectives (2002) [Cauchois, 2002 #31897]
Journal Article 1991 Chatterjee, P. G. Changes in food values from hunting and gathering to agriculture Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chatterjee, 1991 #35632]
Conference Proceeding 1974 Chiong, L. The present methods of pottery manufacture in Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines: a tribute to the past Proceedings of the First Regional Seminar on Southeast Asian Prehistory and Archaeology, June 26-July 4, 1972, Manila [Chiong, 1974 #26578]