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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 2010 Adams, Karen L. Multidisciplinary perspectives on Lao studies [Adams, 2010 #21451]
Journal Article 1979 Aijmer, Goran Reconciling power with authority: an aspect of statecraft in traditional Laos Man [Aijmer, 1979 #28661]
Journal Article 1976 Anzai, Masahito Stone artifacts collected at prehistoric cave sites in Laos Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon (考古學雑誌) [Anzai, 1976 #35316]
Journal Article 1938 Arambourg, Camille Le gisement quaternaire de Tam Hang: sa stratigraphie et ses faunes Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Arambourg, 1938 #31960]
Journal Article 1958 Archaimbault, Charles Les techniques rituelles de la pêche du palŏ'm au Laos Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaimbault, 1958 #26878]
Journal Article 1956 Archaimbault, Charles Une cérémonie en l'honneur des génies de la mine de sel de Ban Bo, moyen Laos (Contribution à l'étude du jeu de Ti-K'i) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaimbault, 1956 #32159]
Journal Article 1963 Archaimbault, Charles Contribution à l’étude du rituel funèraire Lao (I), (II) Journal of the Siam Society [Archaimbault, 1963 #34140]
Journal Article 1964 Archaimbault, Charles Religious structures in Laos Journal of the Siam Society [Archaimbault, 1964 #34159]
Thesis 2014 Århem, Nikolas Forests, spirits, and high modernist development: a study of cosmology and change among the Katuic peoples in the uplands of Laos and Vietnam Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology [Århem, 2014 #36311]
Book 1844 Aymonier, Étienne Voyage dans le Laos, tome deuxième Annales du Musée Guimet: Bibliothèque d'Études [Aymonier, 1844 #19777]
Book in a Series 2012 Bacon, Anne-Marie Les sites de Tam Hang, Nam Lot et Tam Pà Ling au nord du Laos: des gisements à vertébrés du Pléistocène aux origines des Hommes modernes [Bacon, 2012 #21657]
Journal Article 2018 Bacon, Anne-Marie Nam Lot (MIS 5) and Duoi U'Oi (MIS 4) Southeast Asian sites revisited: zooarchaeological and isotopic evidences Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2018 #26709]
Journal Article 2015 Bacon, Anne-Marie Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia: new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator–prey relationships in an environmental context Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2015 #27758]
Journal Article 2011 Bacon, Anne-Marie The middle Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Tam Hang karstic deposit, northern Laos: new data and evolutionary hypothesis Quaternary International [Bacon, 2011 #28551]
Journal Article 2008 Bacon, Anne-Marie Redécouverte d'une faune pléistocène dans les remplissages karstiques de Tam Hang au Laos: premiers résultats (The discovery of a Pleistocene fauna in karstic fills at Tam Hang in Laos: preliminary results) Comptes Rendus Palevol [Bacon, 2008 #29230]
Book 2008 Baird, Ian G. People, livelihoods, and development in the Xekong River Basin, Laos [Baird, 2008 #20087]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Baird, Ian G. The case of the Brao: revisiting physical borders, ethnic identities and spatial and social organisation in the hinterlands of Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Baird, 2008 #25641]
Journal Article 2010 Baird, Ian G. The US Central Intelligence Agency and the Brao: the story of Kong My, a non-communist space in Attapeu Province, southern Laos Aséanie [Baird, 2010 #28644]
Journal Article 2009 Baird, Ian G. From Champasak to Cambodia: Ya Chao Tham (Chao Thammatheva), a wily and influential ethnic Lao leader Aséanie [Baird, 2009 #28645]
Journal Article 2009 Baird, Ian G. Spatial (re)organization and places of the Brao in southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography [Baird, 2009 #28648]
Journal Article 2010 Baird, Ian G. Making spaces: the ethnic Brao people and the international border between Laos and Cambodia Geoforum [Baird, 2010 #28649]
Journal Article 2011 Baird, Ian G. Questioning the precolonial, colonial and postcolonial in the context of the Brao of southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies [Baird, 2011 #28650]
Journal Article 2010 Baird, Ian G. The Hmong come to Southern Laos: local responses and the creation of racialized boundaries Hmong Studies Journal [Baird, 2010 #28651]
Journal Article 2010 Baird, Ian G. Different views of history: shades of irredentism along the Laos-Cambodia border Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Baird, 2010 #28652]
Journal Article 2007 Baird, Ian G. Unsettling experiences: internal resettlement and international aid agencies in Laos Development and Change [Baird, 2007 #28653]
Journal Article 2007 Baird, Ian G. Contested history, ethnicity, and remembering the past: the case of the Ay Sa rebellion in southern Laos Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Baird, 2007 #28654]
Journal Article 1995 Baird, Ian G. Traditional fisheries and fish ecology on the Mekong River at Khone Waterfalls in Southern Laos Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society [Baird, 1995 #37238]
Report 2008 Baldock, Jeremy Geological investigation of jar and quarry sites in the Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, for UNESCO safeguarding the Plain of Jars Phase IV [Baldock, 2008 #36143]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1961 Barney, George Linwood The Meo of Xieng Khouang Province [Barney, 1961 #22101]
Journal Article 2012 Barney, Keith Muang Metaphysics Southeast Asian Studies [Barney, 2012 #28270]