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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1986 Abdoellah, Oekan S. The complementary roles of homegardens, upland fields, and rice fields for meeting nutritional needs in West Java Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Abdoellah, 1986 #24995]
Journal Article 2013 Agustijanto Indrajaya, Prospection archéologique de la côte nord de Java Centre: le district de Batang Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Agustijanto 2013 #27802]
Journal Article 1991 Allen, Harry A review of the Late Pleistocene/Early recent stone tool assemblages of Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1991 #35591]
Journal Article 2016 Amano, Noel Subsistence strategies and environment in Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Eastern Java: evidence from Braholo Cave Quaternary International [Amano, 2016 #27842]
Book Section 1972 Anderson, Benedict Richard O'Gorman The idea of power in Javanese culture Culture and politics in Indonesia [Anderson, 1972 #23946]
Journal Article 1939 Ariëns Kappers, C. U. Comparison of the endocranial casts of the Pithecanthropus skull Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen [Ariëns 1939 #34074]
Book Section 2007 Arif, Johan Announcement of GLOBM 2006.03: four isolated deciduous teeth from Sangiran, Central Java, Indonesia Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Arif, 2007 #23748]
Book Section 2007 Baba, Hisao Morphological affinities and evolutionary significance of Sangiran 17 Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Baba, 2007 #23749]
Journal Article 2015 Bacon, Anne-Marie Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia: new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator–prey relationships in an environmental context Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2015 #27758]
Book 1959 Badoux, Dick Marius Fossil mammals from two fissure deposits at Punung (Java): with some remarks on migration and evolution of mammals during the Quaternary in South East Asia [Badoux, 1959 #19876]
Book 1984 Barrett Jones, Antoinette M. Early tenth century Java from the inscriptions: a study of economic, social and administrative conditions in the first quarter of the century [Barrett 1984 #21105]
Book Section 1992 Bartstra, G. J. Pacitan and Sangiran, and Java Man's tools Man and his culture: a resurgence [Bartstra, 1992 #24028]
Book 1976 Bartstra, Gert-Jan Contributions to the study of the palaeolithic Patjitan culture Java, Indonesia [Bartstra, 1976 #20759]
Journal Article 1976 Bartstra, Gert-Jan Solo valley research 1975 Java, Indonesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Bartstra, 1976 #34091]
Journal Article 1977 Bartstra, Gert-Jan The height of the river terraces in the transverse Solo Valley in Java Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Bartstra, 1977 #35259]
Journal Article 1985 Bartstra, Gert-Jan Sangiran, the stone implements of Ngebung and the Paleolithic of Java Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Bartstra, 1985 #35816]
Journal Article 1989 Bartstra, Gert-Jan Recent work on the Pleistocene and the Palaeolithic of Java Current Anthropology [Bartstra, 1989 #35817]
Book Section 1998 Basuki, Agung Gold deposit in the Cikidang area, West Java, Indonesia Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia- GEOSEA 98 [Basuki, 1998 #22982]
Journal Article November 2022 Berghuis, H. W. K. The eastern Kendeg Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation. Quaternary Science Reviews [Berghuis, November 2022 #37058]
Journal Article 2009 Bettis, E. A. Way out of Africa: early Pleistocene palaeoenvironments inhabited by <i>Homo erectus</i> in Sangiran, Java Journal of Human Evolution [Bettis, 2009 #27868]
Book Section 1979 Boechari, Some considerations on the problem of the shift of Matarama's centre of government from central to east Java in the 10th century Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Boechari, 1979 #25173]
Journal Article 2017 Borel, A. Stone tool forms and functions: a morphometric analysis of modern humans' stone tools from Song Terus cave (Java, Indonesia) Archaeometry [Borel, 2017 #26757]
Book Section 2007 Bouteaux, Anne Palaeontology, palaeoecology and taphonomy of Middle Pleistocene mammals in the hominid site of Sangiran dome (Central Java, Indonesia) Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Bouteaux, 2007 #23746]
Journal Article 2020 Brasseur, Boris A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia Science [Brasseur, 2020 #19017]
Book Section 1997 Brown, Roxanna M. Ceramics inventory Archaeological recovery of the Java Sea Wreck [Brown, 1997 #23728]
Journal Article 1930 Cœdès, George Les inscriptions malaises de Çrīvijaya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1930 #27135]
Journal Article 2007 Choi, Kildo Shell tool use by early members of Homo erectus in Sangiran, central Java, Indonesia: cut mark evidence Journal of Archaeological Science [Choi, 2007 #30170]
Book Section 1986 Christanty, Linda Traditional agroforestry in West Java: the pekarangan (homegarden) and kebun-talun (annual-perennial rotation) cropping systems Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Christanty, 1986 #24988]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Christie, Anthony H. Natural symbols in Java Natural Symbols in South East Asia [Christie, 1978 #26327]
Book Section 1983 Christie, Jan Wisseman Rāja and rāma: the classical state in early Java Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia [Christie, 1983 #22533]