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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1983 Stauffer, P. H. Unraveling the mosaic of Paleozoic crustal blocks in Southeast Asia Geologische Rundschau [Stauffer, 1983 #28392]
Book Section 1978 Sappal, K. K. Triassic acritarchs from western Australia and their stratigraphic significance Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Sappal, 1978 #23100]
Journal Article 1991 Barr, S. M. Toward a late Palaeozoic- early Mesozoic tectonic model for Thailand Journal of Thai Geosciences [Barr, 1991 #28418]
Journal Article 1998 Nam, Tran Ngoc Thermotectonic events from Early Proterozoic to Miocene in the Indochina craton: implication of K–Ar ages in Vietnam Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Nam, 1998 #28389]
Book Section 1978 McGowran, B. The Tertiary of Australia: stratigraphic sequences and episodic geohistory Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [McGowran, 1978 #23103]
Journal Article 1960 Wellman, H. W. The stratigraphy of human occupation layers in North Island coastal sections, New Zealand Asian Perspectives (1959) [Wellman, 1960 #33621]
Book Section in a Series 2009 Cawte, H. The stratigraphy The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 3: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part one: introduction [Cawte, 2009 #25498]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Higham, C. F. W. The sequence during layers 3 and 2 The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 2: the excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao [Higham, 2007 #25856]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Higham, C. F. W. The sequence during layer four The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 2: the excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao [Higham, 2007 #25857]
Journal Article 2019 McAdams, Conor The Pleistocene geoarchaeology and geochronology of Con Moong Cave, North Vietnam: site formation processes and hominin activity in the humid tropics Geoarchaeology [McAdams, 2019 #18917]
Book Section 1985 Hutchison, Charles S. The Palaeo-Tethyan realm and Indosinian orogenic system of Southeast Asia Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region [Hutchison, 1985 #22973]
Journal Article 1984 Helmcke, D. The orogenic evolution (Permian-Triassic) of central Thailand Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Helmcke, 1984 #28436]
Book Section 1993 Katz, M. B. The Kannack complex of the Vietnam Kontum massif of the Indochina block Gondwana Eight: assembly, evolution and dispersal [Katz, 1993 #22977]
Journal Article 2000 Wang, Xiaofeng The Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan Suture Zone, China: tectonostratigraphy, age and evolution Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Wang, 2000 #28387]
Journal Article 1984 Hahn, L. The Indosinian orogeny in Thailand and adjacent areas Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Hahn, 1984 #28437]
Journal Article September 2022 Grono, Elle The identification of dwellings and site formation processes at archaeological settlements in the tropics: A micro-geoarchaeological case study from neolithic Loc Giang, southern Vietnam Quaternary Science Reviews [Grono, September 2022 #37062]
Journal Article 2015 Forestier, Hubert The Hoabinhian from Laang Spean Cave in its stratigraphic, chronological, typo-technological and environmental context (Cambodia, Battambang Province) Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Forestier, 2015 #27881]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Higham, C. F. W. The excavation, stratigraphy, spatial variables and chronology The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 1: the excavation of Ban Lum Khao [Higham, 2004 #25876]
Journal Article 2019 Yang, Feng-Chun The evolution of Mun River in Southeast Asia, and its relationship with the environmental changes in the late Middle Pleistocene, based on sedimentologic and palynological evidences Quaternary International [Yang, 2019 #18909]
Journal Article November 2022 Berghuis, H. W. K. The eastern Kendeg Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation. Quaternary Science Reviews [Berghuis, November 2022 #37058]
Journal Article 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmerides of eastern Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Şengör, 1984 #28395]
Book 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmeride Orogenic System and Tectonics of Eurasia Geological Society of America Special Paper [Şengör, 1984 #20048]
Journal Article 1998 Wu, Haoruo The Changning–Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Wu, 1998 #28385]
Journal Article 1995 Wu, Haoruo The Changning-Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Wu, 1995 #28386]
Journal Article 1998 Zhang, Kai-Jun The Changning-Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Zhang, 1998 #28383]
Journal Article 2000 Singharajwarapan, S. Tectonic implications of the Nan Suture Zone and its relationship to the Sukhothai Fold Belt, Northern Thailand Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Singharajwarapan, 2000 #28394]
Journal Article 1936 Fromaget, J. Sur la stratigraphie des formations récentes de la chaîne annamitique septentrionnale et sur l'existence de l'homme dans le Quaternaire inférieur de cette partie de l'Indochine Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Fromaget, 1936 #29683]
Journal Article 1984 Metcalfe, I. Stratigraphy, paleontology and paleogeography of the Carboniferous of Southeast Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France [Metcalfe, 1984 #28408]
Journal Article 1994 Steadman, David W. Stratigraphy, chronology, and cultural context of an early faunal assemblage from Easter Island Asian Perspectives (1994) [Steadman, 1994 #32876]
Book Section 1978 Chonglakmanee, C. Stratigraphy of the Huai Hin Lat Formation (upper Triassic) in northeast Thailand Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Chonglakmanee, 1978 #23039]