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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Beaufort, L. F. de Zoögeographie van den indischen archipel Volks-universiteits bibliotheck [Beaufort, #19874]
Journal Article 2011 Zuliskandar Ramil X-ray fluorescent analysis on Indo-Pacific glass beads from Sungai Mas archaeological sites, Kedah, Malaysia Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry [Zuliskandar 2011 #28111]
Book Section 1988 Rambo, A. Terry Why are the Semang? Ecology and ethnogenesis of aboriginal groups in peninsular Malaysia Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Rambo, 1988 #22578]
Book 1952 Corner, E. J. H. Wayside trees of Malaya [Corner, 1952 #19831]
Journal Article 1949 Hill, A. H. Wayang kulit stories from Trengganu Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Hill, 1949 #30316]
Journal Article 1998 Harrison, Terry Vertebrate faunal remains from Madai Caves (MAD 1/28), Sabah, east Malaysia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Harrison, 1998 #35405]
Book Section 2005 Lye Tuck-Po Uneasy bedfellows? Contrasting models of conservation in peninsular Malaysia Conserving nature in culture: case studies from Southeast Asia [Lye 2005 #22597]
Journal Article 1995 Jacq-Hergoulac'h, M. Une cité-état de la peninsula Malaise: le Langkasuka Arts Asiatiques [Jacq-Hergoulac'h, 1995 #29514]
Book Section 1997 O'Connor, Stanley Tuyères and the scale of the iron industry Living a life in accord with Dhamma: papers in honor of Professor Jean Boisselier on his eightieth birthday [O'Connor, 1997 #23503]
Journal Article 1953 Loewenstein, Prince John Tulang Mawas re-examined Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Loewenstein, 1953 #31194]
Book 1988 Allen, S. Jane Trade, transportation, and tributaries: exchange, agriculture and settlement distribution in early historic-period Kedah, Malaysia [Allen, 1988 #20781]
Book Section 1990 Christie, Jan Wisseman Trade and state formation in the Malay Penninsula and Sumatra, 300 B.C. - A.D. 700 The Southeast Asian port and polity: rise and demise [Christie, 1990 #24630]
Book Section 1990 Christie, Jan Wisseman Trade and state formation in the Malay peninsula, 300 B.C. – A.D. 700 The Southeast Asian port and polity: rise and demise [Christie, 1990 #23585]
Journal Article 1993 Ibrahim, N. Trace element analysis of the traditional medicine, Jamu Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology [Ibrahim, 1993 #34651]
Journal Article 2009 Moore, Elizabeth The Williams-Hunt collection: aerial photographs and cultural landscapes in Malaysia and Southeast Asia International Journal of the Malay World and Civilisation [Moore, 2009 #26986]
Book 2007 Sjostrand, Sten The Wanli Shipwreck and its ceramic cargo [Sjostrand, 2007 #20328]
BAR Section 1990 Bellwood, Peter S. The Tingkayu industry of late Pleistocene Sabah Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Bellwood, 1990 #19717]
Journal Article 1932 Winstedt, R. O. The temenggongs of Muar Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Winstedt, 1932 #33970]
Book Section 1988 Gomes, Alberto G. The Semai: the making of an ethnic group in Malaysia Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Gomes, 1988 #22574]
Journal Article 2010 Tan, Noel Hidalgo The relation of rock painting between Tambun Cave, Malaysia with Phee Hua To Cave, Thailand Muang Boran Journal [Tan, 2010 #28179]
Journal Article 2011 Saidin, Mokhtar The recent rock drawings of Lenggong Valley, Perak, Malaysia Antiquity [Saidin, 2011 #28475]
Journal Article 1985 Taha, Adi Haji The re-excavation of the rock shelter of Gua Cha, Ulu Kelantan, west Malaysia Federation Museums Journal [Taha, 1985 #29360]
Journal Article 2018 Goh, Hsiao Mei The prehistoric human presence in Gua Kajang: ancient lifeways in the Malay Peninsula Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Goh, 2018 #26665]
Journal Article 1962 Sieveking, G. de G. The prehistoric cemetery at Bukit Tengku, Lembu, Perlis Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Sieveking, 1962 #33957]
Book 1966 Hendon, Rufus S. The phonology and morphology of Ulu Muar Malay [Hendon, 1966 #20952]
Book 1945 Cole, Fay-Cooper The peoples of Malaysia [Cole, 1945 #19839]
Book Section 1978 Toriyama, R. The paleogeographic characteristics of fusuline faunas of the Rat Buri group of Thailand and its equivalent in Malaysia Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Toriyama, 1978 #23098]
Journal Article 2020 Hsiao Mei Goh The Palaeolithic stone assemblage of Kota Tampan, West Malaysia Antiquity [Hsiao 2020 #36812]
Book Section 2017 Bellwood, Peter The Neolithic of East Malaysia and Indonesia First islanders: prehistory and human migration in island Southeast Asia [Bellwood, 2017 #36876]
Book Section 1994 Holzknecht, Susanne The mechanisms of language change in Labu Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Holzknecht, 1994 #23200]