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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1994 Bray, Francesca The rice economies: technology and development in Asian societies [Bray, 1994 #36866]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Norr, Lynette Cary Nutritional consequences of prehistoric subsistence strategies in lower Central America [Norr, 1991 #36618]
Thesis-PhD 1997 Takamiya, Hiroto Subsistence adaptation processes in the prehistory of Okinawa [Takamiya, 1997 #36616]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Norr, Lynette Caryl Nutritional consequences of prehistoric subsistence strategies in lower Central America [Norr, 1991 #36519]
Manuscript 1982 Hutterer, Karl L. Interaction between tropical ecosystems and human foragers: some general considerations [Hutterer, 1982 #36105]
Journal Article 1982 Peralta, Jesus T. I'wak alternative strategies for subsistence. A micro-economic study. The I'wak of Boyasyas, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines [Peralta, 1982 #34408]
Book in a Series 1996 Thompson, Gillian B. The excavation of Khok Phanom Di, a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Vol. IV: subsistence and environment: the botanical evidence (the biological remains, part II) [Thompson, 1996 #21944]
Book (Edited) 2010 Bellina, Bérénice 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [Bellina, 2010 #21444]
Book 1976 Jochim, M. A. Hunter-gatherer subsistence and settlement: a predictive model [Jochim, 1976 #21121]
Book 1993 Piper, Jake Rice in South-East Asia: cultures and landscapes [Piper, 1993 #20243]
Book 1976 Scott, James C. The moral economy of the peasant: rebellion and subsistance in Southeast Asia [Scott, 1976 #19957]
Journal Article 1996 Chattopadhyaya, U. C. Settlement pattern and the spatial organization of subsistence and mortuary practices in the mesolithic Ganges Valley, north-central India World Archaeology [Chattopadhyaya, 1996 #29891]
Journal Article 2004 Fuller, Dorian Early plant domestication in southern India: some preliminary archaeobotany results Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Fuller, 2004 #36833]
Book Section 2016 Willis, Anna Reconstructing diet at An Sơn and Hòa Diêm: implications for understanding Southeast Asian subsistence patterns The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Willis, 2016 #22461]
Book Section 2015 Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay Social affiliation, settlement pattern histories and subsistence change in neolithic Borneo The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Lloyd-Smith, 2015 #22456]
Book Section 2015 Stantis, Christina Diet and subsistence in remote Oceania: an analysis using oral indicators of diet The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Stantis, 2015 #22442]
Book Section 2016 Willis, Anna Reconstructing diet at An Sơn and Hòa Diêm: implications for understanding Southeast Asian subsistence patterns The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Willis, 2016 #22334]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Bulbeck, David Imported tradeware ceramics and their relevance for dating socio-political developments in South Sulawesi, with special reference to the Allangkanangnge ri Latanete site The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Bulbeck, 2018 #25315]
Book Section 2014 Piper, Philip J. Late Pleistocene subsistence strategies in island Southeast Asia and their implications for understanding the development of modern human behaviour Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins [Piper, 2014 #22527]
Book Section 1990 Khan, F. Towards a model for protohistoric subsistence systems in Bannu District, NWFP South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Khan, 1990 #23290]
Journal Article 2016 Amano, Noel Subsistence strategies and environment in Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Eastern Java: evidence from Braholo Cave Quaternary International [Amano, 2016 #27842]
Journal Article 2016 Carro, Sofia C. Samper Human maritime subsistence strategies in the Lesser Sunda Islands during the terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene: new evidence from Alor, Indonesia Quaternary International [Carro, 2016 #27616]
Journal Article 2018 Weisskopf, Alison Elusive wild foods in South East Asian subsistence: modern ethnography and archaeological phytoliths Quaternary International [Weisskopf, 2018 #26739]
Journal Article 2020 Shoocongdej, Rasmi Faunal assemblages and demography during the late Pleistocene (MIS 2-1) to early Holocene in highland Pang Mapha, northwest Thailand Quaternary International [Shoocongdej, 2020 #19048]
Book Section in a Series 2019 Qin, Ling Why rice farmers don't sail: coastal subsistence traditions and maritime trends in early China Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia [Qin, 2019 #19016]
Journal Article 1997 Bradley, David What did they eat? Grain crops of the Burmic groups Mon-Khmer Studies Journal [Bradley, 1997 #28629]
Journal Article 1977 Dunn, F. L. Maritime adaptations and exploitation of marine resources in Sundaic Southeast Asian prehistory Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Dunn, 1977 #34727]
Book Section 2001 Karim, Wazir Jahan Environmental economics and the Ma' Bəetise' in mangrove rainforests Minority cultures of peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage [Karim, 2001 #23964]
Journal Article 2003 Penth, Hans On rice and rice fields in old Lān Nā: text, translations, interpretations Journal of the Siam Society [Penth, 2003 #36680]
Journal Article 2015 Aung, Tin Htut Palaeolithic zooarchaeology in Myanmar: a review and future prospects Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Aung, 2015 #27844]