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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2000 Zhang, H. C. A Holocene climatic record from arid northwestern China Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Zhang, 2000 #34308]
Journal Article 1966 Yengoyan, Aram A. Ecological analysis and traditional agriculture Comparative Studies in Society and History [Yengoyan, 1966 #35262]
Journal Article 1965 Yengoyan, Aram A. Aspects of ecological succession among Mandaya populations in eastern Davao Province, Philippines Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters [Yengoyan, 1965 #33952]
Journal Article 2010 Xu, Deke 30,000-year vegetation and climate change around the East China Sea shelf inferred from a high-resolution pollen record Quaternary International [Xu, 2010 #29006]
Journal Article 1976 Winzeler, Robert L. Ecology, culture, social organization, and state formation in Southeast Asia Current Anthropology [Winzeler, 1976 #35522]
Book Section 1994 Winterhalder, Bruce Concepts in historical ecology: the view from evolutionary ecology Historical ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes [Winterhalder, 1994 #24718]
Book Section 1975 Whyte, R. O. The genetic resources in Asian ecosystems containing perennial species of the gramineae and the leguminosae Southeast Asian plant genetic resources [Whyte, 1975 #24782]
Journal Article 1982 White, Joyce C. Natural history investigations at Ban Chiang Expedition [White, 1982 #34437]
Journal Article 2000 Webb, Elizabeth A. The oxygen isotopic compositions of silica phytoliths and plant water in grasses: implications for the study of paleoclimate Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Webb, 2000 #34318]
Journal Article 2020 Wang, Qian
Interactions between climate change and early agriculture in SW China and their effect on lake ecosystem functioning at centennial timescales over the last 2000 years Quaternary Science Reviews [Wang, 2020 #19615]
Journal Article 1991 Wada, E. The use of stable isotopes for food web analysis Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Wada, 1991 #34449]
Journal Article 1969 Takaya, Y. Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the Central Plain, Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu [Takaya, 1969 #34480]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Steinmetz, Robert The ecological science of the Karen in Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, western Thailand Indigenous peoples and protected areas in South and Southeast Asia: from principles to practice [Steinmetz, 1998 #25557]
Book in a Series 1935 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van On the origin of the Malaysian mountain flora [Steenis, 1935 #21779]
Journal Article 1995 Stafford, C. Russell Geoarchaeological perspectives on paleolandscapes and regional subsurface archaeology Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Stafford, 1995 #34492]
Book Section 1997 Spriggs, Matthew Landscape catastrophe and landscape enhancement: are either or both true in the Pacific? Historical ecology in the Pacific Islands: prehistoric environmental and landscape change [Spriggs, 1997 #23606]
Journal Article 1984 Spriggs, M. Discovering the three ages of mysterious Tikopia [Review of "Tikopia: the prehistory and ecology of a Polynesian outlier" by Kirch, P. and D. Yen] Pacific Islands Monthly [Spriggs, 1984 #29040]
Journal Article 2002 Sosis, Richard Patch choice decisions among Ifaluk fishers American Anthropologist [Sosis, 2002 #33743]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Sokha, Koy A case study of Virachey National Park, Cambodia Indigenous peoples and protected areas in South and Southeast Asia: from principles to practice [Sokha, 1998 #25555]
Journal Article 2003 Schöne, B. Environment controls on shell growth rates and δ<sup>18</sup>O of the shallow-marine bivalve mollusk <i>Phacosoma japonicum</i> in Japan Marine Biology [Schöne, 2003 #28582]
Journal Article 1997 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Stable isotope ratios indicate diet and habitat use in New World monkeys American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schoeninger, 1997 #34522]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Scarborough, Vernon L. The Alternative Economy: Resilience in the Face of Complexity from the Eastern Lowlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Scarborough, 2014 #25198]
Book 2011 Santasombat, Yos The River of Life: Changing Ecosystems of the Mekong Region [Santasombat, 2011 #19721]
Book Section 2005 Sajise, Percy E. Biodiversity conservation in the Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Laguna, Luzon Conserving nature in culture: case studies from Southeast Asia [Sajise, 2005 #22592]
Journal Article 2001 Saha, Sonali The bamboo fire cycle hypothesis: a comment American Naturalist [Saha, 2001 #28794]
Book Section 1978 Sabhasri, Sanga Opium culture in northern Thailand: social and ecological dilemmas Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Sabhasri, 1978 #24956]
Book 1990 Richardson, S. D. Forests and forestry in China: changing patterns of resource development [Richardson, 1990 #19974]
Book Section 1996 Reitz, J. Elizabeth Issues in environmental archaeology Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology [Reitz, 1996 #24593]
Journal Article 2005 Redman, Charles L. Resilience theory in archaeology American Anthropologist [Redman, 2005 #28082]
Book Section 1988 Rambo, A. Terry Why are the Semang? Ecology and ethnogenesis of aboriginal groups in peninsular Malaysia Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Rambo, 1988 #22578]