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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2017 Zhang, Yameng Comparing methods for estimating cranial capacity in incomplete human fossils using the Jingchuan 1 partial cranium as an example Quaternary International [Zhang, 2017 #27361]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Yukio Dodo Qualitative cranio-morphology at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Yukio 2011 #25423]
Journal Article 1981 Wu, Xinzhi A well-preserved cranium of an archaic type of early <i>Homo sapiens</i> from Dali, China Scientia Sinica [Wu, 1981 #29234]
Journal Article 1988 Uytterschaut, Hilde Affinities of Philippine populations: an anthropological study based on human skull data Asian Perspectives (1984-1985) [Uytterschaut, 1988 #33046]
Journal Article 2001 Storm, Paul The evolution of humans in Australasia from an environmental perspective Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Storm, 2001 #32507]
Journal Article 2000 Storm, Paul The evolutionary history of humans in Australasia from an environmental perspective Anthropological Science [Storm, 2000 #31974]
Book 1995 Storm, P. The evolutionary significance of the Wajak skulls [Storm, 1995 #19800]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Stefan, Vincent Hart Craniometric variation and biological affinity of the prehistoric Rapanui (Easter Islanders): their origin, evolution, and place in Polynesian prehistory [Stefan, 2000 #36573]
Journal Article 2002 Simpson, Ellie Variation in soft-tissue thicknesses on the human face and their relation to craniometric dimensions American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Simpson, 2002 #33879]
Thesis-PhD 1970 Sangvichien, Sanjai Thai skulls: the study of physical anthropology [Sangvichien, 1970 #36617]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Ross, Ann H. Cranial and post-cranial metric variation: Regional isolation in Eastern Europe [Ross, 2000 #36567]
Journal Article 2002 Rosenberg, K. A late Pleistocene human skeleton from Liujiang, China suggests regional population variation in sexual dimorphism in the hman pelvis Variability and Evolution [Rosenberg, 2002 #27713]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Rişcuţia, Cantemir A study of the Modjokerto infant calvarium Paleoanthropology: morphology and paleoecology [Rişcuţia, 1975 #25960]
Journal Article 1994 Pietrusewsky, Michael Pacific-Asian relationships: a physical anthropological perspective Oceanic Linguistics [Pietrusewsky, 1994 #34554]
Journal Article 1973 Pietrusewsky, Michael A multivariate analysis of craniometric data from the territory of Papua and New Guinea Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Pietrusewsky, 1973 #33900]
Journal Article 1999 Pietrusewsky, Michael A multivariate craniometric study of the inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands and comparisons with cranial series from Japan, Asia, and the Pacific Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 1999 #31972]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael Taiwan aboriginals and peoples of the Pacific-Asia region: multivariate craniometric comparisons Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31256]
Journal Article 2010 Pietrusewsky, Michael A multivariate analysis of measurements recorded in early and more modern crania from East Asia and Southeast Asia Quaternary International [Pietrusewsky, 2010 #29217]
Journal Article 2008 Pietrusewsky, Michael Craniometric variation in Southeast Asia and neighboring regions: a multivariate analysis of cranial measurements Human Evolution [Pietrusewsky, 2008 #29216]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Pietrusewsky, Michael A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions : a human kaleidoscope? Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Pietrusewsky, 2006 #25932]
Book Section 1995 Pietrusewsky, Michael Taiwan aboriginals, Asians and Pacific Islanders: a multivariate investigation of skulls Symposium Series of the Insitute of History and Philosophy [Pietrusewsky, 1995 #24696]
Book Section 1992 Pietrusewsky, Michael Modern and near modern populations of Asia and the Pacific: a multivariate craniometric interpretation The evolution and dispersal of modern humans in Asia [Pietrusewsky, 1992 #24667]
Journal Article 1925 Patte, Étienne Notes sur le préhistorique indochinois. III. Étude anthropologique du crâne néolithique de Minh Cam (Annam) Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Indochine [Patte, 1925 #30408]
Journal Article 1992 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Xuong so: Nhung bien doi ve hinh thai trong buoc chuyen tu nguoi Hoa Binh sang cac dang ke can o Viêt Nam [ The morphological changes of skulls from Hoabinhian to the next following types in Vietnam ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1992 #30987]
Journal Article 1996 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Tu lieu moi ve nhung so co thuoc van hoa Oc Eo [ New materials on ancient skulls of the Oc Eo culture] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1996 #30854]
Journal Article 1998 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Co nhan hoc - 30 nam, mot chang duong [ Paleoanthropology - 30 years, one stage] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1998 #30769]
Journal Article 1990 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Di cot nguoi co o con Co ngua [ Ancient human skeletons at Con Co Ngua ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1990 #31049]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Myster, Susan Mary Thurston Ten thousand years of population relationships at the prairie-woodland interface: cranial morphology in the upper Midwest and contiguous areas of Manitoba and Ontario [Myster, 2001 #36570]
Journal Article 2013 Montgomery, Stephen H. Primate brains, the ‘island rule’ and the evolution of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Montgomery, 2013 #26632]
Journal Article 2001 Mizoguchi, Yuji Metric and non-metric characters of the Jomon skulls from the Ebishima shell-mound in northeastern Honshu, Japan Anthropological Science [Mizoguchi, 2001 #31980]