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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2007 Arnold, Jeanne E. Credit where credit is due: the history of the Chumash oceangoing plank canoe American Antiquity [Arnold, 2007 #28355]
Journal Article 2007 Bentley, R. Alexander Lapita migrants in the Pacific’s oldest cemetery: isotopic analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu American Antiquity [Bentley, 2007 #29277]
Journal Article 2007 Hill, Catherine A mitochondrial stratigraphy for island Southeast Asia American Journal of Human Genetics [Hill, 2007 #27737]
Journal Article 2007 Oxenham, M. F. Oral and physiological palaeohealth in cold adapted peoples: northeast Asia, Hokkaido American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Oxenham, 2007 #29592]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Douglas, Michele Toomay Biological consequences of sedentism: agricultural intensification in northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Douglas, 2007 #25685]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Domett, Kate Population health from the Bronze to the Iron Age in the Mun River Valley, northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Domett, 2007 #25686]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Krigbaum, John Prehistoric dietary transitions in tropical Southeast Asia : stable isotope and dental caries evidence from two sites in Malaysia Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Krigbaum, 2007 #25687]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Diet and health in the Neolithic of the Wei and middle Yellow River basins, northern China Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Pechenkina, 2007 #25688]
Journal Article 2007 Sweeney, Megan The complex history of the domestication of rice Annals of Botany [Sweeney, 2007 #28619]
Journal Article 2007 Fuller, Dorian Q. Contrasting patterns in crop domestication and domestication rates: recent archaeobotanical insights from the Old World Annals of Botany [Fuller, 2007 #28641]
Journal Article 2007 Pollard, A. Mark A bicycle for two? The integration of scientific techniques into archaeological interpretation Annual Review of Anthropology [Pollard, 2007 #28770]
Journal Article 2007 Fiskesjö, Magnus The trouble with world culture: recent museum developments in Sweden Anthropology Today [Fiskesjö, 2007 #29600]
Journal Article 2007 Leavesley, Matthew G. A shark-tooth ornament from Pleistocene Sahul Antiquity [Leavesley, 2007 #26790]
Journal Article 2007 Fuller, Dorian Q. Presumed domestication? Evidence for wild rice cultivation and domestication in the fifth millennium BC of the lower Yangtze region Antiquity [Fuller, 2007 #28642]
Journal Article 2007 O'Connor, Sue New evidence from East Timor contributes to our understanding of earliest modern human colonisation east of the Sunda Shelf Antiquity [O'Connor, 2007 #29427]
Journal Article 2007 Gutman, Pamela Rock art and artisans in the Lemro Valley, Arakan, Myanmar Antiquity [Gutman, 2007 #29428]
Journal Article 2007 Hanks, B. K. Towards a refined chronology for the Bronze Age of the southern Urals, Russia Antiquity [Hanks, 2007 #29513]
Book Section 2007 Stark, Miriam T. A history of the Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project Archaeological anthropology: perspectives on method and theory [Stark, 2007 #23475]
Journal Article 2007 Nan, Kyi Kyi Khaing Classification of Myanmar celadon bowls, particularly centred on collected finds of Twante kilns Archaeological Journal of Kanazawa [Nan, 2007 #28972]
Thesis 2007 Cuevas, Nida Tubalado Figuring sex and gender in Maitum anthropomorphic vessels: ethnographic analogy and standardization Archaeological Studies Program [Cuevas, 2007 #36382]
Thesis 2007 Evans, D. H. Putting Angkor on the map: a new survey of a Khmer 'hydraulic city' in historical and theortical context Archaeology [Evans, 2007 #36301]
Book Section 2007 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Expressing gender in bronze age northeast Thailand: the case of Non Nok Tha Archaeology and women: ancient & modern issues [Bacus, 2007 #23780]
Journal Article 2007 Bedford, Stuart Birds on the rim: a unique Lapita carinated vessel in its wider context Archaeology in Oceania [Bedford, 2007 #29279]
Journal Article 2007 Pernicka, E. Energy dispersive x.ray fluorescence analysis of ancient copper alloys: empirical values for precision and accuracy Archaeometry [Pernicka, 2007 #27917]
Journal Article 2007 Forestier, Hubert Les éclats du passé préhistorique de Sumatra : une très longue histoire des techniques Archipel [Forestier, 2007 #28926]
Journal Article 2007 Groslier, Bernard Philippe The Angkorian hydraulic city: exploitation or over-exploitation of the soil? Aséanie [Groslier, 2007 #27745]
Journal Article 2007 Rogers, J. Daniel The contingencies of state formation in eastern Inner Asia Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rogers, 2007 #28156]
Journal Article 2007 Rolett, Barry V Geological sourcing of volcanic stone adzes from neolithic sites in southeast China Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rolett, 2007 #28157]
Journal Article 2007 Rhee, Song-Nai Korean contributions to agriculture, technology, and state formation in Japan: archaeology and history of an epochal thousand years, 400 B.C.-A.D. 600 Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rhee, 2007 #28158]
Journal Article 2007 Seyock, Barbara Trade ceramics from the Gotō Islands (Japan), circa sixteenth to early seventeenth century: the Yamami underwater site (Ojika) and related issues Asian Perspectives (2007) [Seyock, 2007 #28159]