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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Proceeding Grave, Peter Maritime means and mountain ends: the origin of stoneware jars in mid 15th CE burial complexes of he Southern Cardamom Ranges, Cambodia Underwater Cultural Heritage [Grave, #37278]
Journal Article 2021 Grave, Peter Angkorian Khmer stoneware: production and provenance Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Grave, 2021 #36984]
Journal Article 2021 Grave, Peter Centralized power/decentralized production? Angkorian stoneware and the southern production complex of Cheung Ek, Cambodia Journal of Archaeological Science [Grave, 2021 #36852]
Journal Article 2019 Grave, Peter The Southeast Asian water frontier: coastal trade and mid-fifteenth c. CE "hill tribe" burials, southeastern Cambodia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Grave, 2019 #18960]
Journal Article 2018 Marriner, Gary P. New dates for old kilns: a revised radiocarbon chronology of stoneware production for Angkorian Cambodia Radiocarbon [Marriner, 2018 #26717]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Gilbertson, David The cave entrance sequences and environmental change Rainforest foraging and farming in island Southeast Asia: the archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak [Gilbertson, 2013 #25485]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Reynolds, Tim The first modern humans at Niah, <i>c</i>. 50,000-35,000 years ago Rainforest foraging and farming in island Southeast Asia: the archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak [Reynolds, 2013 #25484]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Barton, Huw Late Pleistocene foragers, <i>c</i>. 35,000-11,500 years ago Rainforest foraging and farming in island Southeast Asia: the archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak [Barton, 2013 #25483]
Journal Article 2007 Barker, Graeme The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo) Journal of Human Evolution [Barker, 2007 #28795]
Journal Article 2008 Kealhofer, Lisa Land use, political complexity, and urbanism in mainland Southeast Asia American Antiquity [Kealhofer, 2008 #29424]
Book Section 1997 Kealhofer, Lisa Evidence for cultural impact on the environment during the Holocene: two phytolith sequences from the Lopburi region, Central Thailand 4th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Arcahaeologists [Kealhofer, 1997 #23701]
Book Section 2006 Pigott, Vincent C. A program of analysis of organic remains from prehistoric copper-producing settlements in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, Central Thailand: a progress report Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Pigott, 2006 #24056]
Journal Article 2005 Penny, Dan Microfossil evidence of land-use intensification in north Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science [Penny, 2005 #30580]
Journal Article 2004 White, Joyce C. Vegetation changes from the late Pleistocene through the Holocene from three areas of archaeological significance in Thailand Quaternary International [White, 2004 #31641]
Journal Article 2003 Kealhofer, Lisa Looking into the gap: land use and the tropical forests of southern Thailand Asian Perspectives (2003) [Kealhofer, 2003 #31962]
Journal Article 1996 Kealhofer, Lisa Human-environmental relationships in prehistory: an introduction to current research in South and Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1996) [Kealhofer, 1996 #32829]
Journal Article 1996 Kealhofer, Lisa The human environment during the terminal Pleistocene and Holocene in northeastern Thailand: preliminary phytolith evidence from Lake Kumphawapi Asian Perspectives (1996) [Kealhofer, 1996 #32821]
Book Section in a Series 2001 White, Joyce C. Vegetation changes from the terminal Pleistocene through the Holocene from three areas of archaeological significance in Thailand Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [White, 2001 #26031]
Book 1998 Kealhofer, Lisa Opal phytoliths in Southeast Asia [Kealhofer, 1998 #20995]
Journal Article 2002 Kealhofer, Lisa Changing perceptions of risk: the development of agro-ecosystems in Southeast Asia American Anthropologist [Kealhofer, 2002 #33907]
Journal Article 1994 Kealhofer, Lisa Early agriculture in Southeast Asia: phytolith evidence from the Bang Pakong Valley, Thailand Antiquity [Kealhofer, 1994 #34640]
Journal Article 1999 Grave, Peter Assessing bioturbation in archaeological sediments using soil morphology and phytolith analysis Journal of Archaeological Science [Grave, 1999 #35373]
Book Section in a Series 1997 Kealhofer, Lisa Evidence for cultural impact on the environment during the Holocene: two phytolith sequences from the Lopburi Region, central Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kealhofer, 1997 #26172]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Kealhofer, Lisa Two phytolith sequences from the Bang Pakong Valley The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume IV: subsistence and environment: the botanical evidence (the biological remains, part II) [Kealhofer, 1996 #26248]
Journal Article 1998 Kealhofer, Lisa A combined pollen and phytolith record for fourteen thousand years of vegetation change in northeastern Thailand Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology [Kealhofer, 1998 #35866]