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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2001 Hawks, John D. The four faces of Eves: hypothesis compatibility and human origins Quaternary International [Hawks, 2001 #31796]
Journal Article 2001 Graver, Alison M. Mitochondrial DNA research in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: a preliminary report Ancient Biomolecules [Graver, 2001 #32454]
Journal Article 2001 Dupras, Tosha L. Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Dupras, 2001 #34380]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Lurie, Mark Nathan Migration and the spread of HIV in South Africa [Lurie, 2001 #36526]
Journal Article 2002 Ambrose, Stanley H. Small Things Remembered: Origins of Early Microlithic Industries in Sub-Saharan Africa Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Ambrose, 2002 #19025]
Journal Article 2002 Close, Angela E. Backed Bladelets Are a Foreign Country Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Close, 2002 #19026]
Book Section 2002 Hassan, Fekri A. Holocene environmental change and the transition to agriculture in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa The origins of pottery and agriculture [Hassan, 2002 #23187]
Journal Article 2002 Henshilwood, C.S. Emergence of modern human behavior: engravings of modern middle stone age from South Africa Science [Henshilwood, 2002 #27815]
Book Section 2003 Miller, D. Indigenous copper mining and smelting in pre-colonial southern Africa Mining and metal production through the ages [Miller, 2003 #23824]
Journal Article 2004 Wu, Xinzhi On the origin of modern humans in China Quaternary International [Wu, 2004 #30693]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 2005 Dlamini, N. An investigation of the frequency of squatting facets in later stone age foragers from South Africa International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Dlamini, 2005 #30145]
Book Section 2008 Gosselain, O. Mother Bella was not a Bella: inherited and tranformed traditions in Southwestern Niger Cultural transmission and material culture: breaking down boundaries [Gosselain, 2008 #23489]
Journal Article 2009 McGovern, Patrick E. Ancient Egyptian herbal wines PNAS [McGovern, 2009 #28764]
Journal Article 2009 Oppenheimer, Stephen The great arc of dispersal of modern humans: Africa to Australia Quaternary International [Oppenheimer, 2009 #37250]
Book Section 2010 Badawi, Abd El-Azeem History of rice in Africa Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Badawi, 2010 #23221]
Journal Article 2010 Haidle, Miriam N. Pleistocene modernity: an exclusively Afro-European issue? An introduction to Session A1 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Haidle, 2010 #28688]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Holl, Augustin F. C. Grass, Water, Salt, Copper, and Others: Pastoralists' Territorial Strategies in Central Sudan Territoriality in Archaeology [Holl, 2013 #18930]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Holl, Augustin F. C. Grass, Water, Salt, Copper, and Others: Pastoralists' Territorial Strategies Territoriality in Archaeology [Holl, 2013 #25189]
Book Section 2014 Killick, David Cairo to Cape: the spread of metallurgy through eastern and southern Africa Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Killick, 2014 #22760]
Book Section 2015 Canavas, Constantin Early use of iron in Aksum - trade and technology transfer across the Ethiopian highland Metals and civilizations [Canavas, 2015 #22405]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Pereira, Clifford J. New interpretations on the African presence in Southeast Asia 700-1700 CE Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Pereira, 2020 #36933]