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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2000 Lillie, Malcolm C. Stable isotope analysis and dental evidence of diet at the mesolithic-neolithic transition in Ukraine Journal of Archaeological Science [Lillie, 2000 #34352]
Journal Article 2006 Lösch, Sandra Stable isotopes and dietary adaptations in humans and animals at pre-pottery Neolithic Nevali Çori, Southeast Anatolia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lösch, 2006 #30098]
Journal Article 1994 Lubell, David M. The mesolithic-neolithic transition in Portugal: Isotopic and dental evidence of diet Journal of Archaeological Science [Lubell, 1994 #34600]
Book Section 1997 Lukacs, John R. New frontiers in dental anthropology: creative approaches to diet and stress in prehistory Biological anthropology: the state of the science [Lukacs, 1997 #24716]
Journal Article 1997 Macnaughton, Sarah J. Rapid extraction of lipid biomarkers from pure culture and environmental samples using pressurized accelerated hot solvent extraction Journal of Microbiological Methods [Macnaughton, 1997 #31237]
Journal Article 2000 Mann, Neil Dietary lean red meat and human evolution European Journal of Nutrition [Mann, 2000 #32525]
Book Section 1985 Martin, Debra L. Skeletal pathologies as indicators of quality and quantity of diet The analysis of prehistoric diets [Martin, 1985 #24713]
Journal Article 1991 Matson, R. G. Basketmaker II subsistence: carbon isotopes and other dietary indicators from Cedar Mesa, Utah American Antiquity [Matson, 1991 #34594]
Journal Article 1996 McGovern-Wilson, Richard Stable isotope analysis of ten individuals from Afetna, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Journal of Archaeological Science [McGovern-Wilson, 1996 #34349]
Journal Article 1988 Minagawa, Masao Jomonjin no Shokuryo sesshu (food consumption of the Jomon population) Iden [Minagawa, 1988 #34585]
Journal Article 2015 Moore, Darlene R. Foodways in the Mariana Islands: a look at the pre-contact period Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Moore, 2015 #26953]
Journal Article 1989 Moore, K. M. Dietary reconstruction from bones treated with preservatives Journal of Archaeological Science [Moore, 1989 #34583]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Neeley, Michael P. The Human Food Niche in the Levant Over the Past 150,000 Years Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Neeley, 1993 #25230]
Journal Article 2005 Noe-Nygaard, N. Diet of aurochs and early cattle in southern Scandinavia: evidence from {\super 15}N and {\super 13}C stable isotopes Journal of Archaeological Science [Noe-Nygaard, 2005 #30091]
Journal Article 1999 O'Connell, T. C. Isotopic comparison of hair and bone: archaeological analyses Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connell, 1999 #34344]
Journal Article 2000 Papathanasiou, Anastasia Bioarchaeological inferences from a Neolithic ossuary from Alepotrypa Cave, Diros, Greece International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Papathanasiou, 2000 #34343]
Journal Article 2005 Passey, Benjamin H. Carbon isotope fractionation between diet, breadth CO{\sub 2}, and bioapatite in different mammals Journal of Archaeological Science [Passey, 2005 #30084]
Journal Article 1997 Pate, F. Donald Bone chemistry and paleodiet: reconstructing prehistoric subsistence-settlement systems in Australia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Pate, 1997 #34342]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Diet and health in the Neolithic of the Wei and middle Yellow River basins, northern China Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Pechenkina, 2007 #25688]
Journal Article 2005 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Reconstructing northern Chinese Neolithic subsistence practices by isotopic analysis Journal of Archaeological Science [Pechenkina, 2005 #30082]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Pechenkina, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Diet and health changes among the millet-growing farmers of northern China in prehistory [Pechenkina, 2002 #36550]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Peterkin, Gail Larsen Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Peterkin, 1993 #22021]
Journal Article 1992 Price, T. Douglas Diagenesis in prehistoric bone: problems and solutions Journal of Archaeological Science [Price, 1992 #34549]
Book Section 1994 Reed, D. M. Ancient Maya diet at Copán, Honduras, as detemrined through the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Reed, 1994 #24604]
Journal Article 1999 Richards, M. P. Stable isotope evidence for similarities in the types of marine foods used by Late Mesolithic humans at sites along the atlantic coast of Europe Journal of Archaeological Science [Richards, 1999 #34339]
Journal Article 2009 Richards, Michael P. Isotope analysis of human and animal diets from the Hanamiai archaeological site (French Polynesia) Archaeology in Oceania [Richards, 2009 #26971]
Journal Article 1978 Robson, J. R. Fruit in the human diet. Fruit in the diet of prehistoric man and of the hunter-gatherer Journal of Human Nutrition [Robson, 1978 #34542]
Journal Article 1988 Roksandic, Zarko Comparative analysis of dietary habits between Jomon and Ainu hunter-gatherers from stable carbon isotopes of human bone Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (人類學雜誌) [Roksandic, 1988 #33726]
Journal Article 1999 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Subsistence strategies of two "savanna" chimpanzee populations: the stable isotope evidence American Journal of Primatology [Schoeninger, 1999 #34333]
Journal Article 1985 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Stable isotopes in human skeletons of southern Ontario: reconstructing palaeodiet Journal of Archaeological Science [Schoeninger, 1985 #34521]