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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2008 O'Loughlin, S. M. Complex population history of two <i>Anophele dirus</i> mosquito species in southeast Asia suggests the influence of Pleistocene climate change rather than human-mediated effects Journal of Evolutionary Biology [O'Loughlin, 2008 #28842]
Journal Article 2010 Wurster, Christopher M. Forest contraction in north equatorial Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Period PNAS [Wurster, 2010 #28841]
Journal Article 2010 Zhen, Li Palynological records of Holocene monsoon change from the Gulf of Tonkin (Beibuwan), northwestern South China Sea Quaternary Research [Zhen, 2010 #28857]
Journal Article 2006 Zhen, Li Climate change and human impact on the Song Hong (Red River) Delta, Vietnam, during the Holocene Quaternary International [Zhen, 2006 #28855]
Journal Article 1999 Wang, L. East Asian monsoon climate during the Late Pleistocene: high-resolution sediment records from the South China Sea Marine Geology [Wang, 1999 #28874]
Journal Article 2007 Yancheva, Gergana Influence of the intertropical convergence zone on the East Asian monsoon Nature [Yancheva, 2007 #28873]
Book in a Series 1991 Pirazzoli, Paolo A. World atlas of Holocene sea-level changes [Pirazzoli, 1991 #21696]
Journal Article 2008 Helama, Samuli X-ray microdensitometry applied to subfossil tree-rings: growth characteristics of ancient pines from the southern boreal forest zone in Finland at intra-annual to centennial time-scales Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Helama, 2008 #28964]
Book in a Series 1996 Parnwell, Mike Environmental change in South-East Asia [Parnwell, 1996 #21703]
Journal Article 2010 Xu, Deke 30,000-year vegetation and climate change around the East China Sea shelf inferred from a high-resolution pollen record Quaternary International [Xu, 2010 #29006]
Journal Article 2010 Chung, Chull-Hwan Vegetation and climate history during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene inferred from pollen record in Gwangju area, South Korea Quaternary International [Chung, 2010 #29005]
Journal Article 2010 Cao, Xianyong Holocene climate change and human impacts implied from the pollen records in Anyang, Central China Quaternary International [Cao, 2010 #29012]
Journal Article 2010 Li, Yiyin Palaeoecological records of environmental change and cultural development from the Liangzhu and Qujialing archaeological sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Quaternary International [Li, 2010 #29009]
Journal Article 2010 Liu, Hongyan How did the forest respond to Holocene climate drying at the forest–steppe ecotone in northern China? Quaternary International [Liu, 2010 #29007]
Journal Article 1997 Rajaguru, S. N. Late Quaternary climatic changes in India: a geoarchaeological approach Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rajaguru, 1997 #29111]
Journal Article 2008 Nguyen Viet, Hoabinhian macrobotanical remains from archaeological sites in Vietnam: Indicators of climate changes from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen 2008 #29482]
Journal Article 2006 Ji Shen, The Holocene vegetation history of Lake Erhai, Yunnan province southwestern China: the role of climate and human forcings Holocene [Ji 2006 #29493]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Bokovenko, N. A. Migrations of early nomads of the Eurasian steppe in a context of climatic changes Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Bokovenko, 2004 #25711]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Makhortykh, S. V. The north Black Sea steppes in the Cimmerian Epoch Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Makhortykh, 2004 #25710]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Zaitseva, G. I. The occupation history of the southern Eurasia steppe during the Holocene: chronology, the calibration curve and methodological problems of the Scythian chronology Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Zaitseva, 2004 #25708]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Geel, B. van The sun, climate change and the expansion of the Scythian culture after 850 BC Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Geel, 2004 #25701]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Dergachev, V. A. Large-scale periodicity of climate change during the Holocene Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Dergachev, 2004 #25700]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Gaigalas, Algirdas Environmental study of the Bronze-Iron Age transition period of eastern Europe Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Gaigalas, 2004 #25695]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Dirksen, V. G. Mid to late Holocene climate change and its influence on cultural development in South Central Siberia Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Dirksen, 2004 #25692]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2004 Scott, E. Marian Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Scott, 2004 #22052]
Book Section in a Series 2005 Hope, Geoffrey The Quaternary in Southeast Asia The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Hope, 2005 #25743]
Journal Article 2007 Rosen, Arlene M. The role of environmental change in the development of complex societies in China: a study from the Huizui site Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rosen, 2007 #29571]
Journal Article 1993 Zhaodong Feng, Temporal and spatial variations in climate in China during the last 10,000 years Holocene [Zhaodong 1993 #29747]
Book 1971 Pliny the Elder, Natural history [Pliny 1971 #20610]
Journal Article 1973 Chu, K'o-cheng A preliminary study on the climactic fluctuations during the last 5000 years in China Scientia Sinica [Chu, 1973 #29868]