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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1999 Danforth, Marie Elaine Nutrition and politics in prehistory Annual Review of Anthropology [Danforth, 1999 #32535]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Helms, Mary W. Observations on Political Ideology in Complex Societies int he Tropics - and Elsewhere Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Helms, 1999 #18925]
Book Section 2002 Stuart-Fox, Martin On the writing of Lao history: continuities and discontinuities Breaking new ground in Lao history: essays on the seventh to twentieth centuries [Stuart-Fox, 2002 #24326]
Book Section 1982 Johnson, Gregory A. Organizational structure and scalar stress Theory and explanation in archaeology [Johnson, 1982 #24895]
Journal Article 1985 Yoffee, Norman Perspectives on 'trends towards social complexity in prehistoric Australia and Papua New Guinea' Archaeology in Oceania [Yoffee, 1985 #32375]
Journal Article 1996 Hirth, Kenneth G. Political economy and archaeology: perspectives on exchange and production Journal of Archaeological Research [Hirth, 1996 #28083]
Journal Article 2004 Haas, Jonathan Power and the Emergence of Complex Polities in the Peruvian Preceramic Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Haas, 2004 #19040]
Thesis 1993 Mudar, Karen Mari Prehistoric and early historic settlements on the central plain: analysis of archaeological survey in Lopburi Province, Thailand Department of Anthropology [Mudar, 1993 #36392]
Book Section 1984 Wright, H. T. Prestate political formations On the evolution of complex societies: essays in honor of Harry Hoijer 1982 [Wright, 1984 #23873]
Journal Article 2001 Stark, Miriam T. Recent research on emergent complexity in Cambodia's Mekong Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Stark, 2001 #31775]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1974 Moore, Charlotte B. Reconstructing complex societies: an archaeological colloquium [Moore, 1974 #22072]
Journal Article 1990 Knapp, A. Bernard Review of "Paradise gained and paradise lost: intensification, specialization, complexity, collapse" Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Knapp, 1990 #32971]
Journal Article 1989 Higham, Charles F. W. Rice cultivation and the growth of Southeast Asian civilization Endeavour, New Series [Higham, 1989 #35619]
Journal Article 2015 Longacre, William A, Rice farming and pottery production among the Kalinga: new ethnoarchaeological data from the Philippines Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Longacre, 2015 #27961]
Journal Article 2004 Li, Xinwei Ritual and residential: the Bang River and Laohushan River surverys, Aohan Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Li, 2004 #30543]
Book Section 2018 Nguyen Van Quang, Role of the Hoa Chau citadel (Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam) in the history of Champa and Dai Viet through archaeological results Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Nguyen 2018 #22244]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Welch, David J. Settlement pattern as an indicator of subsistence and political organization in the Phimai region, Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Welch, 1984 #26346]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Mantha, Alexis Shifting Territorialities under the Inka Empire: The Case of the Rapayán Valley in the Central Andean Highlands Territoriality in Archaeology [Mantha, 2013 #18940]
Journal Article 1982 Higham, Charles F. W. Site location and site hierarchy in prehistoric Thailand Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society [Higham, 1982 #35812]
Journal Article 1981 Pearson, Richard Social complexity in Chinese coastal Neolithic sites Science [Pearson, 1981 #35720]
Journal Article 1994 Shelach, Gideon Social complexity in north China during the early Bronze Age: a comparative study of the Erlitou and lower Xiajiadian cultures Asian Perspectives (1994) [Shelach, 1994 #32879]
Journal Article 2011 Eyre, Chureekamol Onsuwan Social variation and dynamics in metal age and protohistoric central Thailand: a regional perspective Asian Perspectives (2010) [Eyre, 2011 #28670]
Book Section 1998 Possehl, Gregory L. Sociocultural complexity without the state: the Indus civilization Archaic states [Possehl, 1998 #23875]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Liu, Li Sociopolitical change from Neolithic to Bronze Age China Archaeology of Asia [Liu, 2006 #25982]
Journal Article 1977 Peebles, Christopher S. Some archaeological correlates of ranked societies American Antiquity [Peebles, 1977 #35841]
Book (Edited) 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange and complex societies New Directions in Archaeology [Brumfiel, 1987 #21391]
Book Section 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange, and complex societies: an introduction Specialization, exchange, and complex societies [Brumfiel, 1987 #25072]
Journal Article 1994 Morrison, Kathleen D. States of theory and states of Asia: regional perspectives on states in Asia Asian Perspectives (1994) [Morrison, 1994 #32877]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Graham, Elizabeth Stone Cities, Green Cities Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Graham, 1999 #18924]