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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 2001 Pietrusewsky, M. The human skeletal remains Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in northeast Thailand [Pietrusewsky, 2001 #19785]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Matsumura, Hirofumi The population history of Southeast Asia viewed from morphometric analyses of human skeletal and dental remains Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Matsumura, 2006 #25933]
Journal Article 1958 Genet-Varcin, Mme Emilienne Les restes osseux des Cent-Rues (Sud Viêt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Genet-Varcin, 1958 #32155]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Gravures primitives sur pierre et sur os (Stations hoabinhiennes et bacsoniennes) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1929 #32234]
Journal Article 1965 Patte, E. Les ossements du Kjokkenmodding de Da But (province de Thanh Hoa) Bulletin de la Societé des Etudes indochinoises [Patte, 1965 #30401]
Journal Article 1925 Patte, Étienne Notes sur le préhistorique indochinois. III. Étude anthropologique du crâne néolithique de Minh Cam (Annam) Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Indochine [Patte, 1925 #30408]
Journal Article 1993 Huggare, Jan Craniofacial morphology of prehistoric Polynesians and Thais Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Huggare, 1993 #29119]
Journal Article 1997 Douglas, Michele Toomay A preliminary discussion of trauma in the human skeletons from Ban Chiang, northeast Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Douglas, 1997 #31750]
Journal Article 2002 Demeter, Fabrice The prehistoric human remains of Som Ron Sen, Cambodia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Demeter, 2002 #32662]
Journal Article 2002 Domett, K. M. The prehistoric people of Ban Lum Khao, central Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Domett, 2002 #32664]
Journal Article 2000 Bulbeck, F. David Human remains from Tam Nang An, Laos Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 2000 #35348]
Journal Article 2000 Bulbeck, F. David Dental morphology at Gua Cha, West Malaysia, and the implications for "Sundadonty" Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 2000 #35378]
Journal Article 1991 Brace, C. Loring Human craniofacial form and the evidence for the peopling of the Pacific Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Brace, 1991 #35380]
Journal Article 1997 Pietrusewsky, Michael The people of Ban Chiang: an early bronze site in northeast Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Pietrusewsky, 1997 #35530]
Journal Article 1996 Agelarakis, Anagnosti The archaeology of human bones: prehistoric copper producing peoples in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, central Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Agelarakis, 1996 #35551]
Journal Article 1991 Widianto, Harry The hominid dental remains of Java: a metrical study Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Widianto, 1991 #35560]
Journal Article 1984 Turner, Christy G., II Diachronic differences in Taiwan dental morphology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Turner, 1984 #35749]
Journal Article 1983 Owsley, Douglas W. Caries frequency in deciduous dentitions of protohistoric Easter Islanders Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Owsley, 1983 #35752]
Journal Article 1983 Joshi, R. V. Chemical studies of archaeological bones from India Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Joshi, 1983 #35761]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Lang Cuong, An early Hoabinhian skull from Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen 1987 #35945]
Journal Article 2001 Bacon, Anne-Marie Les orangs-outans fossiles: apport des dernières découvertes au Viêtnam Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris [Bacon, 2001 #27741]
Journal Article 1966 Olivier, Georges Révision du crane mésolithique de Tam-Pong (Laos) Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris [Olivier, 1966 #30496]
Journal Article 1949 Chang, Chuan-sheng Anthropologische untersuchungen über die schädel von Atayal in Formosa Bulletins of the Anatomy Department of the National Taiwan University [Chang, 1949 #35377]
Journal Article 2005 Valentin, Frédérique Des restes humains datés du début de la période de Mangaasi (2400-1800 BP) découverts à Mangaliliu (Efate, Vanuatu) Comptes Rendus Palevol [Valentin, 2005 #29281]
Journal Article 2000 Sealy, Judith Diet, Body Size, and Landscape Use among Holocene People in the Southern Cape, South Africa Current Anthropology [Sealy, 2000 #34330]
Journal Article 1997 Cachel, Susan Dietary shifts and the European Upper Paleolithic transition Current Anthropology [Cachel, 1997 #34766]
Journal Article 1994 Byers, Steven N. On stress and stature in the "osteological paradox" Current Anthropology [Byers, 1994 #34769]
Book Section 1992 Stuart-Macadam, P. L. Anemia in past populations Diet, demography, and diseases [Stuart-Macadam, 1992 #24693]
Book Section 1967 Angel, J. Lawrence Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations [Angel, 1967 #37139]
Journal Article 1995 Huggare, Jan Asymmetry in the human skeleton. A study on prehistoric Polynesians and Thais European Journal of Morphology [Huggare, 1995 #34659]