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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2004 Strydonck, M. Van Possibilites and limitations of the use of stable isotopes (δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N) from human bone collagen and carbonate as an aid in migration studies Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Strydonck, 2004 #25703]
Book Section 1994 Hutchinson, Dale L. Late prehistoric and early historic diet in gulf coast Florida In the wake of contact: biological responses to conquest [Hutchinson, 1994 #24621]
Journal Article 2003 Bocherens, H. Trophic level isotopic enrichment of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen: case studies from recent and ancient terrestrial ecosystems International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Bocherens, 2003 #32518]
Journal Article 2000 Papathanasiou, Anastasia Bioarchaeological inferences from a Neolithic ossuary from Alepotrypa Cave, Diros, Greece International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Papathanasiou, 2000 #34343]
Journal Article 1999 Katzenberg, M. Anne Stable isotope variation in pathological bone International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Katzenberg, 1999 #34359]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Isotopic analysis of paleodiets: methodological and interpretive considerations Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Ambrose, 1993 #24644]
Journal Article 1997 Pate, F. Donald Bone chemistry and paleodiet: reconstructing prehistoric subsistence-settlement systems in Australia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Pate, 1997 #34342]
Journal Article 2013 Kinaston, Rebecca Exploring subsistence and cultural complexes on the south coast of Papua New Guinea using palaeodietary analyses Journal of Archaeological Science [Kinaston, 2013 #28149]
Journal Article 2006 Richards, M. P. Stable isotope palaeodietary study of humans and fauna from the multi-period (Iron Age, Viking and Late Medieval) site of Newark Bay, Orkney Journal of Archaeological Science [Richards, 2006 #30077]
Journal Article 2005 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Reconstructing northern Chinese Neolithic subsistence practices by isotopic analysis Journal of Archaeological Science [Pechenkina, 2005 #30082]
Journal Article 2005 Noe-Nygaard, N. Diet of aurochs and early cattle in southern Scandinavia: evidence from {\super 15}N and {\super 13}C stable isotopes Journal of Archaeological Science [Noe-Nygaard, 2005 #30091]
Journal Article 2006 Keenleyside, Anne Stable isotopic evidence of diet in a Greek colonial population from the Black Sea Journal of Archaeological Science [Keenleyside, 2006 #30118]
Journal Article 2006 Jay, Mandy Diet in the Iron Age cemetery population at Wetwang Slack, East Yorkshire, UK: carbon and nitrogen stable isotope evidence Journal of Archaeological Science [Jay, 2006 #30122]
Journal Article 2006 Hu, Yaowu Stable isotopic analysis of human bones from Jianhu site, Henan, China: implications for the transition of agriculture Journal of Archaeological Science [Hu, 2006 #30127]
Journal Article 2006 Valentin, F. Dietary patterns during the late prehistoric/historic period in Cikobia island : insights from stable isotopes and dental pathologies Journal of Archaeological Science [Valentin, 2006 #30147]
Journal Article 2006 Commisso, R. G. Modern plant delta{\super 15}N values reflect ancient human activity Journal of Archaeological Science [Commisso, 2006 #30151]
Journal Article 2005 Codron, Jacqui Taxonomic, anatomical, and spatio-temporal variations in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of plants from an African savanna Journal of Archaeological Science [Codron, 2005 #30153]
Journal Article 2006 Bogaard, A. The impact of manuring on nitrogen isotope ratios in cereals: archaeological implications for reconstruction of diet and crop management practices Journal of Archaeological Science [Bogaard, 2006 #30159]
Journal Article 2006 Bocherens, Hervé Stable isotope evidence for palaeodiets in southern Turkmenistan during Historical period and Iron Age Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 2006 #30160]
Journal Article 2002 Privat, Karen L. Stable isoptope analysis of human and faunal remains from the Anglo-Saxon cemetary at Berinsfield, Oxfordshire: Dietary and social implications Journal of Archaeological Science [Privat, 2002 #31830]
Journal Article 1983 DeNiro, Michael J. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen: variations within individuals, between sexes, and within populations raised on monotonous diets Journal of Archaeological Science [DeNiro, 1983 #34150]
Journal Article 1999 van Klinken, G. J. Bone collagen quality indicators for palaeodietary and radiocarbon measurements Journal of Archaeological Science [van 1999 #34307]
Journal Article 1999 Wright, Lori E. Correspondence between stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in human tooth enamel and dentine: infant diet at Kaminaljuyú Journal of Archaeological Science [Wright, 1999 #34310]
Journal Article 2001 White, Christine D. Isotopic evidence for Maya patterns of deer and dog use at Preclassic Colha Journal of Archaeological Science [White, 2001 #34315]
Journal Article 1998 Webb, Sarah C. The Seaweed Fly <i>Thoracochaeta zosterae</i> (Hal.) (Diptera: Sphaerocidae) in inland archaeological contexts: delta<sup>13</sup>C and delta<sup>15</sup>N solves the puzzle Journal of Archaeological Science [Webb, 1998 #34317]
Journal Article 1999 Stott, A. W. Cholesterol as a new source of palaeodietary information: experimental approaches and archaeological applications Journal of Archaeological Science [Stott, 1999 #34323]
Journal Article 1999 Sponheimer, Matt Oxygen isotopes in enamel carbonate and their ecological significance Journal of Archaeological Science [Sponheimer, 1999 #34324]
Journal Article 1999 Schwarcrz, Henry P. <sup>15</sup>N enrichment in the Sahara: in search of a global relationship Journal of Archaeological Science [Schwarcrz, 1999 #34331]
Journal Article 1999 Schutkowski, Holger Diet, status and decomposition at Weingarten: trace element and isotope analysis on early mediaeval skeletal material Journal of Archaeological Science [Schutkowski, 1999 #34332]
Journal Article 1999 Schoeller, Dale A. Isotopic fractionation: why aren't we what we eat? Journal of Archaeological Science [Schoeller, 1999 #34335]