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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1991 Tran Nghi, Quaternary sedimentation of the principal deltas of Vietnam Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Tran 1991 #30671]
Journal Article 1992 Somboon, J. R. P. Holocene highstand shoreline of the Chao Phraya delta, Thailand Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Somboon, 1992 #35442]
Journal Article 1992 Sinsakul, Sin Evidence of Quaternary sea level changes in the coastal areas of Thailand: a review Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Sinsakul, 1992 #35444]
Journal Article 1992 Kengkoom, Sunoj Quaternary sea-level fluctuations in the coastal area of eastern Thailand: a synoptic view in relation to mineral resources exploration Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Kengkoom, 1992 #35464]
Journal Article 1991 Löffler, Ernst The age and origin of the Yasothon soils and associated gravel deposits Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand [Löffler, 1991 #33845]
Journal Article 1985 Sinsakul, Sin Holocene sea levels in Thailand: evidence and basis for interpretation Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand [Sinsakul, 1985 #35443]
Journal Article 1975 Haile, Neville S. Postulated late Cainozoic high sea levels in the Malay Peninsula Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Haile, 1975 #35964]
Journal Article 1991 Aguilera, Jr., Melchor L. Geomorphology research in the light of recent archaeological investigation in the Philippines Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Aguilera, 1991 #31527]
Journal Article 1992 Pham Dinh Tho, Dac diem tram tich Holocene vung nui phia tay Lang Son va y nghia khao co hoc cua no [ The characteristic of holocene sediments in the maountainous are in the west of Lang Son and their archaeological significant] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1992 #30996]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bellina, Bérénice Morphology and dimensions Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bellina, 2017 #25366]
Journal Article 1967 Veevers, J. J. Morphology and basement of the Sahul shelf Marine Geology [Veevers, 1967 #35216]
Journal Article 1982 Emmel, Frans J. A submerged late Pleistocene delta and other features related to sea level changes in the Malacca Strait Marine Geology [Emmel, 1982 #35983]
Journal Article 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmerides of eastern Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Şengör, 1984 #28395]
Journal Article 1977 Bartstra, Gert-Jan The height of the river terraces in the transverse Solo Valley in Java Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Bartstra, 1977 #35259]
Journal Article 1974 Verstappen, H. Th. On Palaeo-climates and landform development in Malesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Verstappen, 1974 #35930]
Journal Article 1990 Tapponnier, P. The Ailao Shan/Red River metamorphic belt: tertiary left-lateral shear between Indochina and South China Nature [Tapponnier, 1990 #28391]
Journal Article 1979 Şengör, A. M. Celâl Mid-Mesozoic closure of Permo-Triassic tethys and its implications Nature [Şengör, 1979 #28396]
Journal Article 1971 Ridd, M. F. South-East Asia as a part of Gondwanaland Nature [Ridd, 1971 #28397]
Journal Article 1979 Geyh, M. A. Sea-level changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in the Strait of Malacca Nature [Geyh, 1979 #35990]
Book 1989 Hutchison, Charles S. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics [Hutchison, 1989 #20049]
Journal Article 1986 Gatinsky, Yuri G. Geodynamics of Southeast Asia in relation to the evolution of ocean basins Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Gatinsky, 1986 #28439]
Journal Article 2001 Suparan, Papay Late Quaternary tropical lowland environments on Halmahera, Indonesia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Suparan, 2001 #32472]
Journal Article 1990 Metcalfe, I. Allochthonous terrane processes in Southeast Asia [and discussion] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences [Metcalfe, 1990 #28405]
Book Section 1979 Streif, H. Holocene sea level changes in the Strait of Malacca Proceedings of the 1978 International Symposium on Coastal Evolution in the Quaternary, Sao Paulo, Brasil [Streif, 1979 #25051]
Book Section 1985 Pramojanee, Paiboon Grain size analysis of some sand rises and stream sediments in the northeast of Thailand in order to indicate depositional environment Proceedings of the Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources Development of the Northeast Thailand, 26-29 November 1985 [Pramojanee, 1985 #24501]
Book Section 1985 Iumnoh, Apisit Application of remote sensing imagery for geomorphological mapping of the northeast Proceedings of the Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources Development of the Northeast Thailand, 26-29 November 1985 [Iumnoh, 1985 #24504]
Book Section 1985 Khantaprab, Chaiyudh Reconnaissance environmental geology of Thung Kula Ronghai Proceedings of the Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources Development of the Northeast Thailand, 26-29 November 1985 [Khantaprab, 1985 #24505]
Book Section 1983 Iamcharoen, W. The geomorphologic characteristics of the quaternary volcanoes in the south rim of northeastern Thailand Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Iamcharoen, 1983 #23172]
Book Section 1983 Intrasuta, Teerawash Ground water potential in unconsolidated sediments in Chiang Mai Basin Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Intrasuta, 1983 #23173]
Book Section 1983 Gumperayarnnont, N. The role of unconsolidated deposits on groundwater resources development at Doi Tao area Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Gumperayarnnont, 1983 #23174]