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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1991 Sohn Pokee, A shell-midden on the island of Sangnodaedo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sohn 1991 #29145]
Journal Article 1991 Nelson, Sarah M. Evidence for early agriculture in Korea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nelson, 1991 #29146]
Journal Article 1991 Park Hi-hyun, The Upper Palaeolithic habitation site at Ch'angnae, Korea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Park 1991 #29147]
Journal Article 1991 Sohn Pokee, Yonggul Cave: Palaeontological evidence and cultural behaviour Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sohn 1991 #29148]
Journal Article 1991 Sohn Pokee, A summary report on Pleistocene research in Korea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sohn 1991 #29149]
Journal Article 1984 Grayson, James Huntley Excavations of Late Kaya Period tumuli in Koryong, Korea: Chisan-Dong tombs 32-35 and associated burials Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Grayson, 1984 #29170]
Journal Article 2007 Kim, J. C. PIXE provenancing of obsidian artefacts from paleolithic sites in Korea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kim, 2007 #29342]
Journal Article 2001 Bale, Martin T. The archaeology of early agriculture in the Korean peninsula: an update on recent developments Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bale, 2001 #34038]
Journal Article 1989 Nelson, Sarah M. The social structure of Korean Neolithic sites Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nelson, 1989 #35723]
Thesis 2001 Gyu Ho Kim A study of archaeological chemistry on ancient glasses found in Korea Chemistry [Gyu 2001 #36321]
Journal Article 1994 Hyung Il Pai The politics of Korea's past: the legacies of Japanese colonial archaeology in the Korean Peninsula East Asian History [Hyung 1994 #28990]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bakken, Deborah East Asian Middle Paleolithic Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Bakken, 2001 #25919]
Book Section 2017 Crawford, Gary W. Plant domestication in East Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Crawford, 2017 #22298]
Journal Article 2001 Kim, Jangsuk Elite strategies and the spread of technological innovation: the spread of iron in the bronze age societies of Denmark and Southern Korea Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Kim, 2001 #29780]
Journal Article 2006 Lee, Chan Hee Archaeogeological implication of lithic artifacts from the Unjeonri Bronze Age site, Cheonan, Republic of Korea Journal of Archaeological Science [Lee, 2006 #30106]
Journal Article 1982 Won Yong Kim, Discoveries of rice in prehistoric sites in Korea Journal of Asian Studies [Won 1982 #29440]
Journal Article 2006 Norton, Christopher J. Middle Pleistocene handaxes from the Korean Peninsula Journal of Human Evolution [Norton, 2006 #28924]
Journal Article 2015 Kwak, Seungki What did they cook?: A preliminary investigation into culinary practices and pottery use in the central part of the Korean peninsula during the mid to late Holocene Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kwak, 2015 #26955]
Journal Article 2015 Hyung Il Pai Gateway to Korea: colonialism, nationalism, and reconstructing ruins as tourist landmarks Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Hyung 2015 #28040]
Journal Article 1997 Lee, In-Sook Early glass in Korean archaeological sites Korean and Korean American Studies Bulletin [Lee, 1997 #29387]
Journal Article 1993 Lee, In-Sook The Silk Road and ancient Korean glass Korean Culture [Lee, 1993 #29389]
Book Section 1982 Whang, Yong-hoon The general aspect of megalithic culture of Korea Megalithic cultures in Asia [Whang, 1982 #23325]
Journal Article 1986 Xianming Feng, Persian and Korean ceramics unearthed in China Orientations [Xianming 1986 #29748]
Magazine Article 1985 Francis, Peter, Jr. Bead report 15: the Asian bead study tour part I, beads as survivors in Korea. Ornament [Francis, 1985 #36062]
Journal Article 1994 Lee, In-Sook Ancient glass trade in Korea Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies [Lee, 1994 #29388]
Book Section 1995 Brill, Robert H. Chemical analyses of some Asian glasses Proceeding of the XVIIth International Congress on Glass [Brill, 1995 #22742]
Book Section 1978 Chang, K. H. Aspects of Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of Korea and related regions Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Chang, 1978 #23094]
Journal Article 2010 Jun, Chang Pyo Palynological implication of Holocene vegetation and environment in Pyeongtaek wetland, Korea Quaternary International [Jun, 2010 #29004]
Journal Article 2010 Chung, Chull-Hwan Vegetation and climate history during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene inferred from pollen record in Gwangju area, South Korea Quaternary International [Chung, 2010 #29005]
Journal Article 2004 Fujiki, Toshiyuki Vegetation history during the Holocene from Lake Hyangho, northeastern Korea Quaternary International [Fujiki, 2004 #30659]