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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Kaoru Ueda, Paths to power in the early stage of colonialism: an archaeological study of the Sultanate of Banten, Java, Indonesia, the seventeenth to early nineteenth century Asian Perspectives [Kaoru 2016 #27584]
Journal Article 2023 Adhityatama, Shinatria The Mid-Second Millennium a.d. Submerged Iron Production Village of Pontada in Lake Matano, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Asian Perspectives [Adhityatama, 2023 #37298]
Journal Article 1961 Malleret, Louis Quelques poteries de Sa-huynh dans leurs rapports avec divers sites du Sud-Est de l'Asie Asian Perspectives (1959) [Malleret, 1961 #33594]
Journal Article 1960 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1959) [van 1960 #33622]
Journal Article 1962 Soejono, R. P. Preliminary notes on new finds of lower-palaeolithic implements from Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1961) [Soejono, 1962 #33543]
Journal Article 1963 Soejono, R. P. Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1962) [Soejono, 1963 #33518]
Journal Article 1971 Soejono, R. P. The history of prehistoric research in Indonesia to 1950 Asian Perspectives (1969) [Soejono, 1971 #33319]
Journal Article 1971 Soekmono, R. Archaeological research in Indonesia: a historical survey Asian Perspectives (1969) [Soekmono, 1971 #33324]
Journal Article 1972 Soejono, R. P. The study of prehistory in Indonesia: retrospect and prospect Asian Perspectives (1970) [Soejono, 1972 #33311]
Journal Article 1974 Sukarto, M. M. Notes on pottery manufacture near Raba, East Sumbawa Asian Perspectives (1973) [Sukarto, 1974 #33228]
Journal Article 1978 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological research in Minahasa and the Talaud Islands, Northeastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1976) [Bellwood, 1978 #33157]
Journal Article 1980 Walker, Michael J. Romano-Indian rouletted pottery in Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1977) [Walker, 1980 #28716]
Journal Article 1980 Glover, I. C. A further note on flaked stone material from Seram, eastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1977) [Glover, 1980 #29649]
Journal Article 1979 Adams, Marie Jeanne A "forgotten" bronze ship and recently discovered bronze weaver from eastern Indonesia: a problem paper Asian Perspectives (1977) [Adams, 1979 #30018]
Journal Article 1979 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. The deep skull of Niah: an assessment of twenty years of speculation concerning its evolutionary significance Asian Perspectives (1977) [Kennedy, 1979 #33135]
Journal Article 1991 Francis, Peter, Jr. Beads in Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1991) [Francis, 1991 #29698]
Journal Article 2001 Bulbeck, David Culture History of the Toalean of South Sulawesi, Indonesia Asian Perspectives (2000) [Bulbeck, 2001 #32704]
Journal Article 2009 Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz Early architectural images from Muara Jambi on Sumatra, Indonesia Asian Perspectives (2009) [Mai 2009 #29224]
Journal Article 2011 Chia, Stephen Obsidian sourcing in Bandung, Indonesia Asian Perspectives (2010) [Chia, 2011 #28605]
Journal Article 2014 Carlson, David C. Visibility and power: preliminary analysis of social control on a Bandanese plantation compound, Eastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives (2013) [Carlson, 2014 #28035]
Journal Article 1981 Bintarti, D. D. The bronze object from Kabila, West Sabu, Lesser Sunda Islands Aspects of Indonesia Archaeology [Bintarti, 1981 #29949]
Conference Paper 1988 Soejono, R. P. Recent prehistoric discoveries in Indonesia Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe 2nd International Conference, 19-23 September, 1988 [Soejono, 1988 #26504]
Journal Article 1997 Morwood, M. J. Stone artefacts from the 1994 excavation at Mata Menge, West Central Flores, Indonesia Australian Archaeology [Morwood, 1997 #29194]
Journal Article 1999 Flannery, T. F. Mammals from Holocene archaeological deposits on Gebe and Morotai Islands, Northern Moluccas, Indonesia Australian Mammalogy [Flannery, 1999 #30194]
Book Section 2006 Détroit, F. <i>Homo sapiens</i> in Southeast Asian archipelagoes: the Holocene fossil evidence with special reference to funerary practices in east Java Austronesian diaspora and the ethnogenesis of people in Indonesian archipelago [Détroit, 2006 #22373]
Journal Article 2009 Karklins, Karlis Beads from the Wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman <i>de Liefde</i> (1711) BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers [Karklins, 2009 #28125]
Journal Article 1997 Veth, P. Leang Lemdubu: preliminary report on excavation conducted by the joint Indonesian-Australian Project, prehistory of the Aru Islands. Berkala Arkeologi [Veth, 1997 #29305]
Book Section 2000 Waterson, Roxana House, place, and memory in Tana Toraja (Indonesia) Beyond kinship: social and material reproduction in house societies [Waterson, 2000 #23656]
Book Section 2000 McKinnon, Susan The Tanimbarese <i>Tavu</i>: the ideology of growth and the material configurations of houses and hierarchy in an Indonesian society Beyond kinship: social and material reproduction in house societies [McKinnon, 2000 #23657]
Journal Article 1986 Hoskins, J. A. So my name shall live: stone-dragging and grave-building in Kodi, West Sumba Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Hoskins, 1986 #29530]